“Trooper Of The Year” Good Cop Sexually Assaults a 4-Yr-Old Girl Multiple Times, “Cries” When He Is Sentenced

officer demersFilming Cops

MAINE — Officer Andrew Demers worked as a police officer for 26 years with the Maine State Police.

He was a so-called good cop. Police supporters trusted him.

He received the “Trooper of the Year” award twice.

He was one of the most highly “decorated” police officers in Maine’s history.  He was a model of what faithful police wives have in mind when they say “Yeah but some cops are GOOD!”  

This “good cop” has been sentenced to prison for only four years — and may get out sooner because of his statist privilege — for sexually assaulting an innocent child.

The child was only 4-yrs-old.

Now that he’s been caught, Officer Demers began “crying” as he pleaded guilty in a courthouse to molesting the 4-yr-old child.

We wonder, did he ever shed one tear as he molested this poor child over and over again?

Officer Demers will pay just $5,000 to the child, a tiny fraction of what he made as a police officer, funded by American taxpayers.

Some might question whether Demers feels any remorse for what he did to this helpless child, given that part of his defense case used the excuse that his actions were “out of character” and were caused by all of his stress working as a police officer.

As if he’s the victim.

“Crimes like this come from a dark place within a person that are often buried deep within and unknown,” the judge said.

Everybody referred to him as a "good cop" -- and he was molesting a 4-yr-old girl.Despite pleading guilty to sexually assaulting the child, the courthouse was packed with police supporters, police wives, and statists who kept defending him by referring to his “exemplary” behavior as an officer.

The child’s parents, however, sat silently on the other side of the courthouse, mourning over what this monster did to their little daughter.

At first Officer Demers was facing 30 years in prison for gross sexual assault. But his attorney was able to get that charge dismissed.

After that the parents wanted a sentence of at least eight years — at least something! — but even that sentence was again reduced. In all Officer Demers will spend only four years in prison.

Officer Demers admitted to sexually assaulting the child multiple times.

“He took my little girl’s innocence,” the child’s mother stated.

Demers’ defense attorney claimed that Officer Demers was already punished because his reputation was ruined and because he brought heartache to his family.

“Officer Demers is, by every single account, the last person that anyone ever expected would be involved in an offense like this and this alone speaks volumes about who he is, as he has lived his life in a way that is the farthest cry from behavior at issue here than one can imagine,” his attorney wrote.

There are also very real, significant concerns about Andy’s safety while incarcerated in the custody of the Department of Corrections,” he added.

The attorney requested that Demers be allowed to serve a lesser sentence in the county jail instead of prison.

The judge rejected that request.

Officer Demers at one point pulled a handkerchief from his suit to “wipe tears” from his eyes in front of the court room.

As he walked out of the courthouse, a reporter tried to ask him a question but he would not answer. 

Officer Demers decided to plead guilty as part of an offer between the attorneys. Originally Officer Demers was going to receive a Class A felony charge of gross sexual assault, for which he would face up to 30 years in prison. By pleading guilty, that charge was dismissed.

Officer Demers will be released soon, but the child’s trauma and anguish caused by this “good cop’s” sexual assault could last a lifetime.

What else did this “good cop” do that we don’t know about? How many fathers, mothers, and children did he lock in cages for smoking a harmless plant? How many people did he beat? How much money did he steal from hardworking Americans in order to generate revenue for the State in the form of “traffic tickets”? How many times was he silent as his “brothers in blue” abused and harassed citizens? Did he rape any other children that we haven’t found out about?



15 thoughts on ““Trooper Of The Year” Good Cop Sexually Assaults a 4-Yr-Old Girl Multiple Times, “Cries” When He Is Sentenced

  1. I just love how the police use all the “past good” an officer did when he or she is on trial for a crime they committed, yet any citizen’s past is totally irrelevant no matter how much “good” they did in the past. I hope this pedophile gets to share a cell with a guy named “Bubba” who is constantly driven by raging testosterone!

  2. He is crying because he knows what they do to cops and child molesters in prison. 4 years? At least his chances of getting out alive are as low as possible.

  3. My Fellow Americans:

    This article is correct: This IS an example of a “good” cop.

    Now,… imagine the truth about the rest of them..

    Any questions?,… no?,… good.

    JD -US Marines – You gotta LOVE how all the other cops and their commie families came to give SUPPORT for his debachary and perversion,… what does this tell you about them.


    1. My son-in-law was active in BACA. Courtroom full of cops 1st day, none by4th day of testimony. Got rid of one here that likes 16 & 17 yr. olds. Sheriff hires him. Go figger.

  4. “A cop is a cop is a cop.” Chemical castration should be mandatory for a kiddie diddler. He molests a 4 year old and he’s the victim? If that were my daughter, the authorities would not have been called. Business would have been taken care of.

    1. I can’t believe that he’s surrounded by supporters. Is this normal? Rockspiders are the lowest of the low and even their own families disown them here.
      I so hope he gets what he deserves in gaol.

  5. Don’t be fooled. Just because one manipulates themselves into a well-decorated position, or does good deeds all the time, does not make them good spiritually.

    Their intent is the basis by which we should judge the character. It’s all about the “intention” of the individual.

    How long did it take him to build a career around his (lustful?) desires rather than his intention to serve the public?

    Psychopaths always produce insincere tears when they get caught in order to play on the sympathy of others.

    Wife beaters will exhibit the same behavior … with the tears.
    . . .

    1. “In 2003, Demers became the most decorated officer in state police history and was named a ‘Legendary Trooper,’ according to a report in the Sun Journal.
      Yet he came under fire in the 1970s when it was alleged that he turned a blind eye to allegations of abuse against several boys by the founder of the Cole Farms Restaurant in Gray, who was a friend.
      Restaurateur Warren Cole was charged with sexually molesting a boy from 1986 1987. He was jailed in 1992.”

  6. First rule. State Police (Blue Lodge BUDS) can do no wrong. Even though he should be in a level 2 or level 3 facility he will probably be held in a level 1 Unsecure. That way they can minimize his exposure to any of the more motivated prisoners. Buy more ammo. Liberty1775

  7. If that were my daughter, he and his entire family would be Freined.

    This scourge of criminals with badges will not end until WE end it.

    These criminal predators with badges never pay for their crimes personally. That has to change. Until they are held personally responsible for their atrocities, the PTB will continue to molest and rape us as they see fit.

    Doing this to a member of my family would be a bad idea. Justice WILL be served and it will be without mercy…just as the perpetrator had none.

  8. while they’re busy impressing everyone with “i’m a great guy look at all I do for others” this is the exact reason they’re doing it to pull the wool over everyone’s eyes. its standard practice for pedos. government approved. creating more victims/criminals for the prison industrial complex. its a win win.

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