Trump Tells GOP Jews: You Won’t Support Me Because I Don’t Want Your Money


Donald Trump told Jewish Republicans that he didn’t expect their support in his bid for the presidency.

“You’re not gonna support me even though you know I’m the best thing that could ever happen to Israel,” Trump said Thursday at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s candidates forum. “And I’ll be that. And I know why you’re not going to support me. You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money. Isn’t it crazy?”  

Introduced as a “mensch” with “chutzpah,” Trump, currently the Republican frontrunner, touted his Jewish familial connections. His daughter Ivanka is Jewish as are his grandchildren. Trump also touted his past support from the Jewish community.

“I have so many awards from Jewish groups,” Trump said.

Trump referred several times to his savvy as a businessman and negotiator, saying he would negotiate a better Iran deal (“It’s so easy”) and calling Secretary of State John Kerry “probably the worst negotiator I’ve ever seen.” He later called the American negotiating team on Iran “stupid.”

Appealing to the audience, Trump said: “This room negotiates deals. Perhaps more than any room I’ve ever spoken to.”

“I’m a negotiator, like you folks,” he said.

Speaking at the same event, presidential hopeful Ben Carson repeatedly pronounced Hamas, the militant Palestinian political movement that rules the Gaza Strip, as hummus, the Middle Eastern food dip made from chickpeas, according to reporters at the convention.

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16 thoughts on “Trump Tells GOP Jews: You Won’t Support Me Because I Don’t Want Your Money

    1. Hi Katie,

      Gee,.. I hate to be the one that may need to clarify what Donald Duck really meant here.

      Ol’ Donald wasn’t “sticking it” to the jews,…. he was was telling them he will bend over backwards for them, and give them EVERYTHING that they want or could hope for!

      That is what he meant by, “…. you know I’m the best thing that could ever happen to Israel.”

      The reason he mentions the money, is two-fold:

      1) They WON’T have to spend any of the wealth they have stolen from around the world on his election fraud, he is going to take care of them, ABSOLUTELY FREE OF COST!

      2) They don’t need to spend any of the wealth they have stolen on any other candidate, because he is going to give these scumbag jews all they could hope for! (Nobody will be able to beat how much of America’s wealth he will make sure they get!)

      This wasn’t a slight to these maggot, parasitical jews,…. this was Donald Trump doing everything but pulling Netanyahu’s pants down and servicing him right on the spot!

      JD – US Marines – Yes people,.. step right up,… and watch a Billionaire cowtow and blow the scum, zionist jews publicly!


    1. Good to see you are still alive, been dormant for a bit there Senior?

      For a bit of encryption, I’m the dude that is still waiting for that Texas Walker episode where Norris kicks the tail rotor off the helicopter. And just to make no mistake…..Tasia(dog) SP?….dunno and don’t give a f##k. Anyways, how’s Nature been doin, and god son?

      Please feel free to keep my/our anonymousnousness’ishness to us….”friend” is all that needs to be said on this website.

      1. lol I knew ‘dirtnap’ was you.
        Tasia I get. but SP? I dont.
        The boy just turned 4 but they are back in Colo. I have not heard or spoke to Nature in a while. He got a dui for POT less than 1 month after colo legalized.

        Got a couple 80% rifle builds under my belt. Really want to make a .300blk like we talked about. I also want to make a .410/.45LC with mag well ejection mod. ANYWAYS.
        HA I knew that was you.

        1. SP= spelling

          Yeah, I wanted to get into that, no time. A buddy is going to introduce me to his friend that does this professionally, haven’t had the time to go to his warehouse yet either. Bought a Moss. 500 persuader, haven’t shot it yet for 7 months, no time…, have a mountain of shells too. Roxanne calls me every once in a while, weird. She asked for your number. Knew it was the old one but gave it to her.

          POT DUI? Jebus, that town turned into a police state. Nice thing about the cops down here is if you’re not taking an axe to someone, they just don’t care about stupid crap. It’s easy to blend in with the population and hide from them. If I get one behind me, I make the first right turn I can and act like I’m going shopping.

          Doesn’t hurt to be a cracker, ‘Saltine American’ in some neighborhoods. Cops just think you’re lost, everyone else knows you are carrying or just crazy, cuz u be the wrong color son. It’s actually pretty hard to carry down here. You can’t wear any thick clothes or shirts almost all year and there’s always a breeze which makes “printing” a weapon really easy. Good thing though, A LOT of people carry down here and the Sheriffs Office loves it. Bad things happen all the time but, it’s just like Vegas, if they put it out nationally, no one would vacation here.

          Last year a kid got shot on the other side of my warehouse (30 ft from my door). It hit both bones in his arm above the wrist, lotta blood. After that a guy was carrying and getting gas and smoke checked a ghetto punk right there after he pulled a knife on him. That station is half a block from here and I could go on. This is all less than a mile from the beach. Just like Vegas, STAY ON THE STRIP WHITEY!!! Good to see your alright bro.

  1. I wouldn’t exactly say he was sticking it to them, sounded more like groveling and pleading with the “best thing for israel” bid and the “and I’ll be that”. But isn’t it always who’s best for ISRAEL that Americans should be concerned with when it comes to the AMERICAN presidency. To be fair I’m sure in Israel they’re just as concerned about who would be best for america. No?

  2. “Trump, currently the Republican frontrunner,…”

    … is just there for show, like the rest.


  3. To tell you all the truth, there’s a shot across the bow there if you know those business circles. He’s telling them I won’t really forget this…….FRIENDO. Could be wrong but, I see a courtesy call there that should he win the POTUS the (ziopigs) will be called in due time for the transgession. As we all know, the suckled know where the future suckling will come from when the zionists are concerned and they know he will ask big favors after they so publically abondoned him when it came down to nut cuttin time….say what you will about sucking dick in current political times. To me, he’s calling them out IMHO. Ahhhh, JEW POLITICS.

  4. Stay in you’r own jack yard, an back off. Repeater that over an over again.Mind you’r own damn business and I’ll mind mine. Less you get in mine ,then I’ll get in you’rs.

  5. The events unfolding are a sad thing. More and bigger ones are bound to happen based on trends and such.
    Circle 2020 on your calendar and prepare for a big war, imho. Get God in your hearts and soul, people. Get to know nature. Walk on a mountain or on a beach. Footsteps are yours to make and treasure. Forge friendship with people regardless of pride.
    Hey, I listen to Henry and JD… There’s a small amount of time to prepare or get out of dodge still left in the cards. Hug yourselves then hug trusted friends and your community. Love oneself above all.
    There’s still time to prepare and maybe, time to stand or hide. Humans know what road they belong on.

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