TSA: Travelers Must Take Food, Books Out Of Carry On Bags In Escalated Security Measures

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Yes, strip down and submit to sexual body searches. But hey, this nation is so concerned about safety that they bring in records of refuges from middle eastern nations soaked in war, terrorism and death. We are so concerned about safety we invite illegal immigrants to our nation and provide them with free healthcare and living assistance. We are so concerned about our safety we even have sanctuary cities to protect these illegals and keep them safe. But you Mr. and Mrs. America, you have become serfs in your own nation. We cannot say we were not warned this would happen.

“The stranger that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low,” (Deuteronomy 28:43).

Federal airport security officials have begun asking travelers to take books and food out of their carry-on luggage, prompting some fliers to complain about a further invasion of the limited privacy they have left at checkpoints.

Transportation Security Administration officials say they are taking the steps on a test basis at a handful of airports nationally mainly because carry-on bags are getting so stuffed that screening agents at x-ray machines are have a hard time seeing what’s in the bags.

Some everyday items, including books and magazines, can look similar to explosives when going through the X-ray machine, federal security officials said. Screeners may “fan” through books to see if anything is hidden, TSA official Carrie Harmon said, but Harmon said screeners are not checking to see what people are reading.

Source: TSA tells travelers to take food, books out of carry-on bags | The Sacramento Bee

World Events and the Bible

7 thoughts on “TSA: Travelers Must Take Food, Books Out Of Carry On Bags In Escalated Security Measures

  1. Couldn’t have said it better, Brandon.

    If we all use this simple logic that was laid out in this post, this nation would be rounding up those that are implementing these policies and their enforcers of them.

  2. open borders?
    allowing unknown individuals into our country ?
    shipping in countless “refugees” ?
    Terrorist abound ?

    This Indian think they speak with forked tongue

  3. *** But hey, this nation is so concerned about safety that they bring in records of refuges from middle eastern nations soaked in war, terrorism and death. ***

    It should be pointed out that the US government is responsible for a great deal of that war, terrorism, and death, if not most of it.

    The process basically works like this:

    Step 1. The US bombs and invades Muslim countries, supports their puppet dictators, and generally spread misery and death in support of Israeli hegemony and the greed of the MIC.

    Step 2. The US opens its own borders to the inevitable refugees, some of whom are very angry about what was done to their own lands.

    Step 3. Terrorism inevitably occurs and is used to justify more of Step 1, as well as a more intrusive police state.

    Anyway, I’ve pretty much had my fill of airport security. It might be time to start taking the bus or driving, even if it’s over huge distances.

  4. “Some everyday items, including books and magazines, can look similar to explosives when going through the X-ray machine,…”

    Or Pop-Tart guns.


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