One thought on ““Unlawful crossings topped 10,000 per day this week, the highest levels ever.”

  1. My assessment is this is nothing more than”ORDO AB CHAO” or Order Out of Chaos all broght to you by the New World Order, AGENDA 2030 & your Illegitimate Criminal Gooberment SINdicate Corp. Inc. They will use these foreign national invaders to fill their 15 minute cities & roll out their digital dollar system in order to pay them. They will then use these foreign national invaders to replace what they consider to be an overpaid workforce with slave labor. This will also be used to refill an ever increasing tax loss income for them as well as the loss of voter confidence & turnout for future rigged elections of the false paradigm narrative known as demonrat & republican parties. Its quite possible these foreign national invaders will be given Federal & State Gooberment jobs & be used to enforce their illegitimate Rules, Phony Bills & Laws on we the people the Sovereigns of this country. The only thing we can do to Fight this Criminal Tyranny is to use our Bill of Rights which is the Supreme, Superior, & Absolute Highest Law of this Land Ratified by We the People Dec. 15 1791 so Feel FREE to Act Accordingly.

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