US Medical Worker Exposed to Ebola Overseas Heads to Omaha

ABC News

An American health care worker who experienced high-risk exposure to theEbola virus while working in Sierra Leone is being transported to a Nebraska hospital for observation.

The Nebraska Medical Center says the patient should arrive in Omaha around 2 p.m. CST Sunday.  

Dr. Phil Smith, who leads the hospital’s specialized biocontainment unit, says the patient “is not ill and is not contagious.” He added that “all appropriate precautions” will be taken.

The new patient will be observed for any signs of Ebola throughout the virus’ 21-day incubation period.

Three patients with Ebola have been treated at the Omaha hospital ? two recovered, one died.

The World Health Organization says more than 8,000 have died from the Ebola outbreak in West Africa that began about a year ago.

4 thoughts on “US Medical Worker Exposed to Ebola Overseas Heads to Omaha

  1. How many cities has the Gov sent the ebola people to for treatment so far?

    Not logical to always send them to one facility. Nope, not by Gov procedures.

  2. OMG! It’s EBOLA!! Run! RUN!

    Why aren’t people running? How come this isn’t in the headlines? Why is the MSM not making a big deal about this? Where are all the hazmat people? Where is the heightened alert? Where are the Ebola kits and vaccines?

    All I hear are F**KING CRICKETS CHIRPING!!!!!!!!!!

    AHHHHHHH!!!!! I’m going crazy.


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