Usurper Obama Claims Illegal Aliens Are As American As He Is – We Already Knew That

050-hussein-angry-940Universal Free Press – by Rick Wells

On Wednesday, Hussein Obama invited some of his fellow illegal aliens over to the White House to appear as props for his push to “legitimize” his flood of illegal aliens into the American workplace and open society.

In his comments the communist operative said, “Because of the executive actions that we took with respect to DREAM Act [not legislation and not an Act] kids and because of the executive actions that I announced late last year with respect to many of their parents, what I’ve heard is lives transformed.”  

Obama continued, “I don’t think there’s anybody in America (he didn’t say citizens) who mmmp mmmp [Manchurian circuit board heard malfunctioning] had a chance to talk to these six young people or the young DREAMers all across the country, who wouldn’t find it in their heart to say, ‘these kids are American just like us and they belong here and we want to do right by them.'”

That’s a pretty loaded-up couple of sentences there, but aside from what actually does mimic a science fiction portrayal of a cyborg  malfunction, Obama also conflates the status of citizen with just anyone who is in America, a distinction he can’t just wipe away. Wait a minute, that’s what his executive actions are doing, so maybe he can.

He says “these kids are American just like us,” which for him individually and the six invited guests, means they are using false documents to obtain benefits or employment, including a fraudulent Social Security number, college and birth records. That doesn’t make them Americans, that makes them criminals.

Obama says he wants to do what’s right by them, but that would involve a one-way trip back to where they came from the current law. Finding something in your heart doesn’t make something legal.  Many terrorist or violent criminals are motivated by what they feel in their hearts as well. That doesn’t magically transform their actions into acceptable free expressions of human rights.

Obama says that so often the immigration debate is a matter of “abstractions” and that we don’t think of the consequences of our positions. He’s right that the consequences of his lawlessness will be increased unemployment for citizens, lower wages and higher taxes, but it’s doubtful he hasn’t considered that aspect. He’s intent on destroying America and our financial insolvency is a critical component in that effort.

The great deceiver then comments as to some fabricated reasons why he “wanted to hear from these young people today,” saying it is because “it’s a constant reminder to me of why this is important.” Somebody grab the official White House shovels; they’re going to need more than one. This is important to Obama as a sales tool for his communist agenda and programs. If anyone in that room is listening to someone else, it the prop-kids listening to Obama tell them how wonderful he is. That’s how he rolls.

He then attempts to vilify Congress for passing bills that require him to obey the existing laws, in such a manner as to imply that they are writing new laws rather than merely addressing the illegalities coming from the oval office outlaw and attempting to rein in an out of control executive branch.

Obama says he thinks forcing him to obey the law is wrong and that most Americas would agree if they only had a chance to meet the illegals who benefit from his criminality. Obama knows that the polls indicate precisely the opposite, but he always lies, it’s nothing new.

His “logic” is not unlike a bank robber who built himself a mansion with his illicit proceeds showing off his “wonderful family” including his wife who was attracted by his wealth and his children who have become excellent swimmers thanks to having their own pool. We’d be wrong to take all of that away from such nice people.

Many criminals are quite likable once you get to know them, are we shifting to the new, likability standard for prosecution of lawbreakers? Does it apply to all crime or just to crimes that Obama personally approves of and which he is also most probably guilty of committing himself?

Rick Wells is a conservative writer who recognizes that our nation, our Constitution and our traditions are under a full scale assault from multiple threats. Please “Like” him on Facebook, “Follow” him on Twitter or visit

5 thoughts on “Usurper Obama Claims Illegal Aliens Are As American As He Is – We Already Knew That

  1. Well, if “undocumented immigrants” don’t need to obey US law, why should the rest of us? Or are only legal Americans expected to?

  2. “Obama continued, “I don’t think there’s anybody in America (he didn’t say citizens) who mmmp mmmp [Manchurian circuit board heard malfunctioning] had a chance to talk to these six young people or the young DREAMers all across the country, who wouldn’t find it in their heart to say, ‘these kids are American just like us and they belong here and we want to do right by them.’”

    Seriously, d#ckwad???

    How the hell are we expected to be able to ‘talk’ to them when the invaders can’t even speak English?


    1. And “How the hell are we expected to be able to ‘talk’ to them” if we immediately contract diseases from them from the moment we come in physical contact with them?

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