Utah Teacher Makes Astounding Political Threats in Class

Published August 17, 2021

(Multiple reports coming in: Teacher Leah Kinyon ) Hey Utah government, first day of school 8/17/21? This isn’t happening, right? Spencer Cox? Utah Legislature? Where you at? This is disgusting. This is why we raise our voices in Utah. Thank you to the student who filmed this. You’re a hero.

13 thoughts on “Utah Teacher Makes Astounding Political Threats in Class

  1. Time for her to be removed !

    Political threats yes
    But the undermining of ALL of these kids parents is appalling
    If my kid came home with this on his phone and I heard that
    I think I’d be taking my kid out of that school

    But , I never had to worry about that , because me and my wonderful wife homeschooled ours
    And it’s amazing how awake our child ( now young adult ) is

    1. maybe she’s the reason for school false flag shootings?
      going around telling these kids that their parents are stupid , is very dangerous
      and it leads some kids to become a problem for their parents … and the rest of us

      i would put what she did right up there with child endangerment and indoctrination , brain washing .. and here it is , right in so many peoples faces, Im thinking 5 years behind bars might be fitting for her , as some would see this as manipulating children

      time for cameras in classrooms? , and live for the public to watch at any time .. we see how that exposed the criminal cops

    2. You know why this miserable c-nt is standing up there boldly taking like she has a pair hanging between her legs? Because these kids’ parents allow it.
      I would walk up to her and say, “You”re faggot loving pig, now what are you going to do about it?” And if she wanted to get in my face, I’d put my f-king fist through hers.
      The parents of these children are cowards and these little communist morons probably are smarter than their parents. You’d have to be a dumb mother f-ker to expose your kid to a sloppy hog bitch like this.

      1. Absolutely

        And one of the main reasons my wife and I chose not to have our child in their care ( brainwashing) 8 hours a day 5 days a week

        We had our parting shot to the school administrators
        And it was epic
        We both walked out our heads held high

  2. OMG!! A KAREN MONSTER!! Could be this is the original KAREN!! A mutant variety of protoplasm? What is this thing!!? Maybe the secret love-child of Ellen DeGeneres and Boy George?


  3. Hahahaha! Wow! Telling kids their parents are dumb. That takes the taco. She’s about as clueless as Biden. A true Commie. That woman needs to be fired ASAP!

  4. Amen Henry. It is about time for these self righteous ideological pieces of shit to start sticking to teaching kids biology, science and math. By the way 30k of of traitor refugees are set to invade my state of Wi . To eventually be housed in surrounding communities. The whole county in which Ft. Mccoy is based is only 40k

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