Vice President of China Arrives in US to Arrange Further Job Transfers

The propagandists are busy trying to portray China as insignificant in reference to an economic and/or military threat to the United States, this in salute to the arrival of China’s Vice-President, Xi Jinping, who will be China’s President this time next year.  I think the average citizen would be shocked and amazed at how much influence the People’s Republic of China has over our so called mainstream media.

The remake of the 1984 movie Red Dawn was scheduled to be released here in the United States in November, 2010, but the Chinese government said “No.”  The original Red Dawn portrayed a scenario wherein the Russians attacked the United States.  The body of movie was centered on Nicaraguan troops, allied to the Russians that occupied a town in Colorado.

The new version portrayed a Chinese invasion, spearheaded in Seattle, Washington.  Evidently the film was a little too realistic in portraying modern events that led up to and facilitated the invasion.  So the remake was remade again, this time putting forth the ridiculous scenario of a US invasion by North Korea.  And even at that the movie has still not been released as each projected release date is pushed further and further into the future.

We should all be wondering what books are being kept off of the US market because they portray China in a bad light.

One propaganda piece I saw in the mainstream was a pathetic attempt to minimize the takeover of our industry by the Chinese.  Again the propagandists used those numbers they so love to manipulate, saying the average yearly salary of a Chinese worker is only $5,900 per year, whereas the average salary in the United States is $40,000 per year.

Well let’s just look at these numbers.  China has a population of 1.3 billion people with a workforce of 500 million.  The United States has a population of 300 million with 140 million people working.  Okay, take 500 million times $5,900 and you get $2.95 trillion.  Now let’s take 140 million times $40,000 and you get $5.6 trillion.

The Chinese are planning on expanding their workforce by about 25% in the next year.  That is 125 million more jobs that are going to be created in China in the next year.  China has the fastest growing middle class on the planet and as fast as their middle class is growing, ours is shrinking. China’s GDP grew 8.4% last year.  The United States’ GDP grew only 1.2%.  Are you starting to get the picture?

The corporate elite intend to move 125 million more of our jobs overseas.  That should just about wipe us out.  And don’t say it can’t happen because it is happening.  Every day tens of thousands more of our jobs are being moved to China and billions of dollars more of our raw resources are being sent to China to be manufactured.

And why?  Because the average wage of a worker in the United States is $40,000 per year and a Chinaman will work for $5,900 per year and aside from the 125 million who will go to work next year, there is 500 million more of them itching to take an American’s job.  A better question would be, that considering the fact that we are doing nothing to stop them, why shouldn’t they?

I’m going to go puke now.

God bless this Republic, death to the international corporate mafia, we shall prevail.

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