Voting is Futile!

NC Renegades – by Wes Rhinier

David published this short but sweet article yesterday about Voting, and right out the gate the first comment stated that we needed to continue to vote. I just don’t understand anyone still preaching that we have to vote. Telling me that we need to keep using avenues available to us to fight TPTB even though it is futile is maddening. Listen to yourselves for a moment. Why would you continue to participate and give legitimacy to a corrupt system? All you are a doing by voting is making yourself feel good by saying “hey at least I tried.” It keeps you complacent. It keeps you saying “we’ll get them next time.” 

I’m tired of being told that I must continue to vote for evil. If voting mattered do you really think these evil people who stole our Republic from us would allow us to vote? It still amazes me to see written and spoken word to the effects of voting, needing a third party and so forth. I for one have been done voting for lesser of two evils. I have no intentions of voting ever again. The only vote that matters now comes out the barrel of a gun.


I’ve tried working within the system. I’ve tried all your suggestions. You have no idea how corrupt this government is, right down to the local level. Sure there may be bright spots here and there, but they are few and far between. Evil is winning, and we are doing nothing but voting at it and hoping for the best.

So what if Republicans take back the House? So what if the Republicans take back the Senate? What difference will it make? It’s sad that the vast majority on our side are still putting faith in just one more “most important election of our lifetime.” Voting is being used to justify inaction plain and simple. Those who advocate for voting in a rigged system are delusional and afraid of the real action that is needed to restore Liberty!

Let’s quit trying to delay the inevitable by continuing to vote. We all know what needs to be done. It’s time to man up. TPTB have destroyed our Republic. Therefore there is no reason for us to continue to follow the “Law”, for it is dead. We are free to fight these tyrants. We just need the courage to act!


NC Renegades

4 thoughts on “Voting is Futile!

  1. ‘Those who advocate for voting in a rigged system are delusional and afraid of the real action that is needed to restore Liberty!’

    Nothing changes until people come out of their fear

  2. “If voting mattered do you really think these evil people who stole our Republic from us would allow us to vote?”

    “Voting is being used to justify inaction plain and simple.“

    Two perfect quotes.

  3. “The next time any of you walk or ‘crawl’ into a secret voting booth, behind dark curtains, alone and without being driven by force, consider that you are just voluntarily choosing a master selected for you, and in that process, you have become a slave to the state.”
    — Gary Barnette

    To “slave to the state” I’ll just add ENEMY of FREEDOM and THE BILL OF RIGHTS.


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