Walmart sets emergency leave policy for 1.4M hourly workers

ABC News St. Louis

NEW YORK (AP) — Walmart is launching an emergency leave policy for its 1.4 million hourly U.S. workers that includes allowing its employees to not be penalized for taking time off if they feel uncomfortable working because of fear of the spreading new virus.

The nation’s largest private employer also said Tuesday that hourly workers who work in a store, club, office or distribution center will receive up to two weeks pay if they’re required to quarantine by the government or by the retailer. Workers who have a confirmed case of the new virus will also receive two weeks of pay. If they are not able to return to work after that time, additional pay may be provided for up to 26 weeks for both full-time and part-time hourly workers. 

The policy, which covers both Walmart and Sam’s Club workers no matter when they were hired, including part-time employees, comes as companies are wrestling with how to support the workforce in these fluid times.

For most people, the new coronavirus causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever and cough. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia.

The vast majority of people recover from the new virus. According to the World Health Organization, people with mild illness recover in about two weeks, while those with more severe illness may take three to six weeks to recover. In mainland China, where the virus first exploded, more than 80,000 people have been diagnosed and more than 58,000 have so far recovered.

Walmart’s senior vice president of U.S. benefits Adam Stavisky told The Associated Press that this new policy is a ‘’recognition”‘ of these “unprecedented and uncharted times.”

“We are looking to provide some additional support so they can better weather these times,”‘ he said. He added they will continue to monitor the situation and adjust the policy as needed.

Before the spreading new virus, Walmart Inc. allowed full-time hourly associate to carry over up to 80 hours of paid time off each year, and a part-time hourly associate could carry over up to 48 hours of paid time off.

3 thoughts on “Walmart sets emergency leave policy for 1.4M hourly workers

  1. “if they’re required to quarantine by the government or by the retailer.”
    Neither one of you private mafia entities is going to require sh*t from me. Just like your receipt checker had to put his tail between his legs when he dealt with me and actually the last several times I’ve been there there was NO corporate guard. I suppose enough of us just told you what to do with your gestapo b.s.

    1. “Show us yvour papers, or you vill be detained!”
      “Oh, you have some ‘un-bagged’ items so we need to verify that you bought them.”
      “Really? You actually think someone is going to pay for all this and then run back to the back of the store and steal some water cases?”
      “We are just doing what we are told.”
      “You can tell you boss to stop this crap right now. Matter of fact, if or when you see me again, don’t even look my way because I’m not going to stop. When did this just become Nazi Germany?”

      Just ignore the wanna-be little Nazi’s and walk out.
      You paid for your goods, you’re on video, what else?

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