Want to See Your NSA or FBI File? Here’s How…

NSA-Logo2-600x350The Daily Sheeple – by David Harris Gershon, The Daily Kos

Have you ever Tweeted a politically subversive message, attended a protest, or signed an oppositional petition? If so, you may have a dedicated file on you kept by the FBI and/or the NSA.

With a simple Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, any U.S. citizen can obtain one’s NSA or FBI file, if such a file exists.  

It simply takes a few minutes to fill out the requisite forms and mail them to the appropriate address. An independent site – www.getmyfbifile – will, free of charge, generate the necessary forms for you already filled out.

Of course, you can also do this directly through the NSA or FBI if you are worried about providing personal information to an independent site.

While an appropriate level of cynicism may be warranted concerning the level of transparency one should expect from such a request – should your file be substantial – it is the law that your complete file be provided to you upon request.

Demand that the law be followed, for it is your right as a citizen to know this information.

My request is going in the mail today.

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by David Harris Gershon of The Daily Kos.

– See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/want-to-see-your-nsa-or-fbi-file-heres-how_062013#sthash.nF3fegeD.dpuf

3 thoughts on “Want to See Your NSA or FBI File? Here’s How…

    1. True!…..who really cares anyway???….. the fbi, just like the irs is a foreign registered corporation of the cayman islands. it is NOT a govt entity, but a private foreign gestapo force for the united nations and interpol. the 3-letter alphabet companies should be really more concerned with our “lists” that THEY might be on.

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