War Made Easy – How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death

Please keep in mind this movie was before the new “Dictator and Thief” Nothing has changed.

Published on Sep 4, 2012 by Dokumentarci Neta

War Made Easy – How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death

One thought on “War Made Easy – How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us To Death

  1. Today, I need to double my anger management exercises. . .

    NJ considering bill that would ban many rifles

    I keep reading these gun ban bills, and can’t help but wonder at what point the oath breaking from our scumbag officials is going to start a mini-civil war, and it further makes me wonder at what point, the people stop listening to these “Treason Salesmen” and instead track them down and off them as the domestic terrorists they ARE.

    Or alternatively how much longer until people watch their friends, family or neighbors get rolled up as a felon with 10 years for these unconstitutional laws. I mean if these domestic terrorist gun grabbers want to make felons of weapons owners, at some point “it IS a civil war” and there’s no longer any point of wasting time listening, but instead jump over the counter and go for it right then with these f#@king creeps. I am surprised it hasn’t happened already, but perhaps people haven’t lost enough to the banksters and thugs just yet to risk it all. And what with their greentarded agenda 21 neighbors who don’t know what the Constitution and Bill of Rights is. Either that or they are straight up little gun free nazis.

    I pray somehow a fast track nullification of these laws and force local media to print / broadcast that all these unconstitutional laws are nullified–before the killing, life ruining, felon creating civil war bullshit starts.

    I think, deeply searching myself, I start fighting the moment a family member is harmed. I think that’s my red line, I doubt I could contain myself anymore and instead I will go hunting. This limit finally fleshed out of me-by putting my soul in the shoe of the NJ American. I got one life, I’m good with God, so if that switch (by these f#@king oath breakers) gets flipped so be it-here it comes my dark side.

    The other thing here is there’s no feedback. These delphi treason salesmen come in with their three piece suits and fancy charts and crap, and face down entire townhall with their treason, lies and venom. Then split them up, so the corporate thieves can feed while the public can cook in the (screw your followup/resolution pressure cooker) Why the audience doesn’t just bum rush these f@kwads and tar and feather them. — because that means it is a civil war and that’s why people don’t just do it yet. Also Tar and Feathers isn’t a bad Idea. At least no blood is spilled.

    These official got us by the balls. I for one am sick of it. No doubt most of these gunbanners also SPY and EXPLOIT databases. Like Feinstein and company.

    It’s hard not to get emotionally caught up at this point. Which I also recognize is a dangerous path. No one wants to be a martyr, or example, but the treason these oath breakers are spewing now leave things in a dangerous state.

    But hey, I am just a stupid “dummy” with a keyboard.

    I leave ya all with a thought..
    Corporate media and these oath breakers call me many things. They call me an extremist, they call me TERRORIST. I got a question for you, if you keep calling me a “legal on paper” felon, terrorist, extremist, how long until I actually behave like that to survive your ass? What if I flip after being pushed, to the dark side and find I enjoy offing people? I dont’ think I would, but you never know until you try it, and I wouldn’t really want to try it until I have no other choice.

    Having no other choice means all debate is too late, the damage is done. I would much rather see these oath breakers spend the rest of their life in Ft Leavenworth. Even if it means expanding the jail there.

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