What Are You Holding On To?

Tell me what actual benefit you receive from living the “normal” lifestyle –  a 2 hour commute to work each day, spending 8 hours in a corporate cubicle that removes your individuality and creativity,  to receive a paycheck from which the government has taken its huge and undeserved bite leaving almost enough to cover your bills and expenses –  just so that you can live in the kind of house and drive the kind of car that your friends and relatives think you should live in and be driving.

We all must admit that for some strange reason that we don’t really understand, we feel a profound sense of accomplishment when we get approved for a mortgage, get a new credit card, or get the “big promotion” at work. There is a scene in the movie Brazil, (a version of 1984), in which Michael Palin lifts his mask as he is about to begin torturing Jonathan Pryce and says glibly, “Confess quick – you don’t want to ruin your credit rating!”   We strive, we sacrifice health, family, and well-being for the opportunity to be a better slave.

The undisputed truth is that you have been conditioned to need your pain.  But when you come right down to it, all the aforementioned conditions involve your  humble, pleading, acquiescent and compliant servitude.  Huxley said that the ideal circumstance would be for the slave to be contented with his slavery (paraphrased) – and here you are.

I understand that there are those of you who truly love the system and would hate to see it go.  It’s not my intention to say you are wrong in your pursuit of happiness.  But if you find that you are not fulfilled by spending money you make from being employed by working in a cubicle (or any job you hate), then, really, what are you hanging onto – and why?

The system to which you are clinging is about to betray you.  One legal precedent the federal government uses to impose income taxes upon an individual is the concept known as “implied benefit”.  What this means is that even though you may have never used any of the plethora of benefits the local, state and federal governments offer you, they are there for you should you need it.  And whether you use them or not, there is the implied benefit that you could do so.  That concept is about to come crashing down on your head.   You need only look at hurricane Sandy (not to mention Katrina) to see what chaos it caused.  How many thousands of people are still suffering without power (because non-union workers are being turned away) and still without shelter, food or water (because the FEMA office is “closed due to weather”).  Where’s your implied benefit now???

Many people have chosen to leave the system behind and try to achieve the self-sufficient lifestyle.   Even amongst them, there are “varying levels of commitment”.   It seems that those called “preppers”  anticipate the need to be prepared for unforeseen catastrophes – war, earthquakes, bad weather, economic collapse, pole shift, planet X, et al – in the belief that somehow at the end of the tunnel everything will return to the way it was back in the 1950s, in an idyllic, red-white-and-blue America.

Personally, we are getting ready to shut everything down very soon, so I won’t mince words – in our opinion, there is virtually no hope for civilization as we know it today to recover from a total collapse in the span of a few years.  A few generations would be more like it.

A survivalist is preparing now to be self-sufficient as a permanent lifestyle, whereas a preppper tries to buy enough supplies to carry him or her over the hump, most of whom we have spoken with assuming 6 to 24 months will do it.  We don’t have to go back as far as Egypt and Typhon 3500 years ago to see how long it takes to recover from a collapse.  There is plenty of history to show us, including a thousand year period after the fall of the Roman Empire (commonly known as the Dark Ages) before the Renaissance came along and people were ready to learn new habits (like hygiene, reading and science).  Look up the collapse of the Argentine Peso in 1999 – still in chaos 13 years later with no real relief in sight.  So, in our view, if in the recent past we can document what a complete collapse looks like, then the belief that any American collapse scenario would involve getting back to “normal” any time soon after it, is not based on solid ground.

We strongly suggest, whether you are considering being a prepper, a survivalist or not sure what you want at this point, that at an absolute minimum you begin as a dedicated prepper.  Good preppers always have storage foods, supplies, a bug out bag and such.  That is a good place for anyone to start.  But look beyond that for your survival.  Social Security payments, welfare, food stamps, disability entitlements, pensions, etc., etc., can be swept out from under you in the blink of an eye, and you will find that you have been holding on to thin air, like that from which our current monetary system itself is created.

The only things you can truly hang on to are your own abilities, your own intuition, your own physical labor and enough self-love to know that you deserve to live a fulfilling, comfortable and secure life of your own choosing without harm to anyone else.  If you think that not everyone can do that, you’re right.  Only those who choose to do so, can.


Dan and Sheila are the authors of Surviving Survivalism – How to Avoid Survivalism Culture Shock and hosts of the free podcast, Still Surviving with Dan and Sheila, both available at  http://survivingsurvivalism.com.    For information about their survival community, or for other questions, they can be reached at surviving@lavabit.com .

2 thoughts on “What Are You Holding On To?

    It nails down exactly what I’ve been trying to show and tell folks for a while.
    Seems like any survival/prepper site you visit promotes a a “PLAN” based off the assumption that soon,….oh say 30 days to 6 months , the Govt./Nation/System will be taken back and “Rule of Law” and the Constitution will be re-implemented.
    Patriot groups and the Militias are the main culprits for this line of thinking.
    According to these groups there will be a Battle for control…it may be a war of attrition or it may be one big bang like Yorktown…but their belief is that WE THE PEOPLE will win the day and somehow,..magically I assume,..the LAW will be reestablished and the Govt. and businesses will be operated and conducted by good and honest “patriot minded true americans” And all this will take place within a year or at the most 3……MAN THAT IS DELUSIONAL!

    Reality is,..this nation will fall to its knees and be broken…..millions will perish,….probably most of us here reading this site. Life will not return to normal….for several generations most “survivors” will know of nothing but WAR , Starvation and disease.

    Down here in S.C.,…the “good ole boy south” folks believe that we will victoriously stomp the Govt. and the beast and the Nation will be free and prosperous. And then life can return to normal……hells-bells we tried that shit 150 years ago and it didnt work then….nor will it work now.

    I hear people talking Constitution…..blah blah blah….add nauseam here. Dont misunderstand me…..I believe in our Federal Republic and Constitutional govt.. But lets deal with reality a bit…
    The Constitution is a seriously flawed document…..!!
    The flaws contained in it are the reason our nation is in the shape its in today
    The flaws are not mere accidents either…..things were put in and allowed by a Wealthy Elite class even back then.
    Our Constitution is the product of a severe compromise,…a compromised that was destined to do just what it has done..
    Our Anti-federalist fore-fathers fought tooth and nail for a more perfect document……but lost in the end. Many Founders from the Southern regions were opposed to the “norther” federalist vision of the document. from the start our nation was split and at odds between the wealthy ruling and the common working man…our nation also was never meant to be a solid iron clad union of one entity…it was to be a “confederation of states” loosely joined for the common good and the common defense of such.

    Sorry for getting of topic but im leading up to the point here……when all hell breaks loose……..this nation will split 8 or 10 opposite ways…there wont be any reconciliation…states will fight each other….regions will re-form into new republics and common law will be gone…….each region will have its own tin-horn ditator and Law will be established by the barrel of a gun…..
    This re-forming will last many years…possibly several generation. If we survive it,..if our enemies across the oceans dont pick us apart one by one…what we will be left with may be a big smoldering hole and complete devestation of the land. Its human nature…

    Prep,..yes! most definitely..but prepare yourself for an entirely new exsistance…we wont be returning to the good old 1880s or such…we may end up in a brutal society much like the 800’s or 900’s ad.

    Sorry for being so long winded there..

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