What REALLY Caused the Coup Against the Egyptian President

Washington’s Blog

Egypt’s Support for Intervention in Syria Was the Straw that Broke the Camel’s Back

The protests in Egypt against president Mohammed Morsi were – according to the BBC – the largest in history.  

The Egyptian military threw Morsi out in a coup today.


Irish Times reports:

Army concern about the way President Mohamed Morsi was governing Egypt reached tipping point when the head of state attended a rally packed with hardline fellow Islamists calling for holy war in Syria, military sources have said.


Mr Morsi himself called for foreign intervention in Syria against Mr Assad,leading to a veiled rebuke from the army, which issued an apparently bland but sharp-edged statement the next day stressing that its only role was guarding Egypt’s borders.


“The armed forces were very alarmed by the Syrian conference at a time the state was going through a major political crisis,” said one officer, whose comments reflected remarks made privately by other army staff. He was speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not permitted to talk to the media.


For the army, the Syria rally had crossed “a national security red line” by encouraging Egyptians to fight abroad, risking creating a new generation of jihadists, said Yasser El-Shimy, analyst with the International Crisis Group.

At the heart of the military’s concern is the history of militant Islam in Egypt, homeland of al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri. The military source condemned recent remarks made by “retired terrorists” allied to Mr Morsi, who has deepened his ties with the once-armed group al-Gamaa al-Islamiya.

Obama had recently sent American troops to prop up Mursi, and the protesters were furious at the U.S. for backing Islamic radicals.

(The U.S. backed Egypt’s previous dictator, as well).

Support of Western intervention in Syria was also one of the main causes of the recent enormous protests in Turkey … which came close to toppling the Turkish leadership.

Indeed, the American government has been providing arms, money and logistical support to Al Qaeda inSyriaLibya, MaliBosnia and other countries – and related Muslim terrorists in ChechnyaIran, andmany other countries.  So moderate Arabs all over the Middle East and North Africa are becoming furious at U.S. interventionist policies.

Note:  The coup is a set-back for the U.S. , because Egypt – unlike Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Iran – isn’t on the 20-year-old list of countries targeted for regime change.


5 thoughts on “What REALLY Caused the Coup Against the Egyptian President

  1. Deary, deary me, its all going wrong for the hawks…

    These people, these puppetmasters that want to control the planet and yet they cannot control a tiny country like Iraq or Aghanistan, they want to “smash” Iran and Syria but both those countries would make Iraq look like a walk in the park compared to the hurt the US would receive in those lands, they cannot organise a piss up in a brewery, they cannot balance the books, manage their own economies or govern the people in their lands but tell us their “leadership” is the only way forward.

    What gets me is time and again, people believe the US government that the horseshit sandwich tastes nice, time and again people find out the hard way that its taste is the same its always been.

  2. Well, Lew Rockwell is claiming that the Egyptian protests were organized by the CIA, and since Rockwell is a CIA asset himself, that tells me that the protests must be real. Whether the military serves the people or just sells out to the CIA is another matter, but the sentiment on the street is real in Egypt.

  3. I would say this is outstanding news.

    I would, if I could be 100% certain it’s not just another piece of their game plan.

    You just never know for sure with these %&#$%@^&%$% (censored)

  4. Enjoying the comments., esp. the one about Lew Rockwell. Ha ha.
    The C.I.A. is certainly doing its best to steer things in a certain direction, (by sticking their own leaders at the head of the movement); but they’re certainly not capable of bringing millions of people into the streets: this is an organic, people-driven grassroots protest; but you’re right “NWO-Hater”, it’s hard to tell exactly what’s going on, when there’s so many levels of deception.
    Here’s the way I see it:
    Two years ago the army stepped in to stop the revolution from going any further than Mubarak’s resignation. (If you’ll recall that U.S.-puppet-in-waiting, Muhamed El baradei, practically DEMANDED the army intervene). They said they were going to “protect the revolution,” but instead they cleared the square and arrested 12,000 activists, (torturing and disappearing many). There was insufficient time for the grassroots to organize for elections, and so the Muslim Brotherhood, (the best organized of the mass-movement groups) won. (The Brotherhood was started by British intelligence and its leadership remains thoroughly infiltrated by NATO intelligence… who use the “Islamists” to keep the grassroots divided).
    Now the U.S.-Egyptian Elite can no longer use the Brotherhood, (thoroughly-discredited, after they did everything their NATO/IMF/SCAF bosses told them to) to keep the people down, so the military (SCAF) steps in to try and install the stooge bureaucrats and technocrats they wanted two years ago, who will paint a veneer of “democracy” to keep the prison bars in place.

    Read the establishment news reports and see how many times they mention that bastards name, (again, Mohamed ElBaradei) as “opposition leader.” National Salvation Front is a front for NATO/IMF interests.
    He’s a leader of nothing. He’s a paid parasite attaching himself to the real movement to give his ilk legitimacy.
    I don’t think Morsi’s words on Syria had anything to do with the military coup. He was just doing what he was told to do, (by America) as he has done all year. The army is just making themselves look good in the eyes of the people, (the size of the movement driving their words) just as Obama’s trying to make himself sound like a human-being by saying he’s concerned about “the coup.” (Clue: funding will continue).

    But I’m concerned,
    now that they’ve arrested and broken up the Brotherhood’s leadership, the most organized section of the mass movement is no longer there. (At the grassroots-community level, the Brotherhood was doing a lot of good things, had some credibility and ability to mobilize against the cops).
    In other words, the people may be more-vulnerable to manipulation… intimidation, etc.

    I pray for the millions of Egyptians who just want to work and live and love in peace. I hope they have enough faith in themselves not to be fooled by the army again. (The Army commanders virtually own the economy, and are the real ground-zero for the disease called oppression in Egypt).

  5. Total disagree–this killed him :Egyptian President Morsi Calling Jews “Descendants of Apes and Pigs” USA wanted him out.
    Talk like this–no time deadman!

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