Who are the top 10 Richest Presidents in Africa

Fatumas Voice

Ironically, the poorest people in Africa live in the richest countries while you will easily find the richest people living in some of the poorest countries. Some of the richest presidents inherited their wealth from colonial spoils while others just became rich through business or corruption because their grandparents were paupers.

Consequently, here is a list of the top 10 Richest Presidents in Africa 2019 with reference to Forbes Africa, People With Money magazine and CelebrityNetWorth:

Top 10 Richest Presidents in Africa 2019

  1. King Mohammed VI ($5.8 billion) – Morocco
  2. Ali Bongo Ondimba ($1 billion) – Gabon
  3. Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo ($600 million) – Equatorial Guinea
  4. Uhuru Kenyatta ($500 million) – Kenya
  5. Paul Kagame ($500 million) – Rwanda
  6. Cyril Ramaphosa ($450 million) – South Africa
  7. King Mswati III ($200 million) – Swaziland
  8. Abdel Fattah el-Sisi ($185 million) – Egypt
  9. Isaias Afwerki ($100 million) – Eritrea
  10. Idriss Déby ($50 million) – Chad

Read the rest here: https://www.fatumasvoice.org/who-are-the-top-10-richest-presidents-in-africa-2019-and-how-do-they-accumulate-wealth-in-countries-where-citizens-cant-afford-basic-needs-like-food-shelter-and-healthcare/

2 thoughts on “Who are the top 10 Richest Presidents in Africa

  1. Speaking of money…

    Might be old news to some, but I just learned that the very first US penny, though laden various illumanati symbols, had these words etched on it:


    Ha! Hope that can be reissued again, sans illumanati symbols. Here’s pic:



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