Why I’m burning my last bridge with Obama

Published on Mar 13, 2014 by Carey Wedler

Join me as I wreck my last artifact of support for the war criminal-in-chief!! *I figured out the fraud a while back, but recently found this shirt in my closet 🙂

5 thoughts on “Why I’m burning my last bridge with Obama

  1. I wonder how popular these videos would be if this girl didn’t have the stratospheric sexual capital of simply being blessed as an attractive woman between 15-30 (thus attracting a legion of male orbiters who don’t REALLY care what she has to say) along with the zero-merit status of being Adam Kokesh’s girlfriend.

    Do we really need a valley-girl equivalent of Abby Martin in the works?

    1. you make a good point, Mr Cumberdale, and I have to confess that I only started the video because she’s gorgeous.

      But I only watched half of it because she’s a bubble-head.

      But another way to look at it is that her beauty is a tool for our side, and it could be bringing a lot of guys to that wake-up point in their lives. Ever notice how gun, beer, and car advertisements always have pretty girls in them? She might be giving us more help than we know.

      1. Point taken Jolly Roger. She’s a bubble-head indeed.

        Compare her to Josie Outlaw who is more average looking but adds far more intellectual flair and valid research to her videos.

        Less attractive women (and men all-around) have to work so much harder for their fan base.

    2. Would you appreciate her more if she was fat, ugly, and talked like Barbara Jordan? Whether she is a lean steak or a lumpy pork rind… her words are food for thought in the minds of youth.

  2. Myy Fellow Patriots:

    AHHhhhhhh,… another self-inflicted faux liberal decided to do just a little bit of research and POOF!!!! – She woke up pretty darn fast and hard!

    She still has a long way to go to understanding the mechanations BEHIND the air-apparent fruad called the US Fed Gov’t,… but she has taken the first and most citical step to extracting herself from the matrix.

    As noted in the above comments, her attractiveness in and of itself seemed to be an point of contention.

    The simple fact is,…. if she is very attractive and sexy,…. GREAT!!!!,… so much the better!!!

    In the end, when trying to get a message out,…. if sex appeal helps,… then use it when possible! This is something ALL advertisers understand,… this is something gov’ts understand,…. this is something the NWO understands,… that is why it is important to use some of their own basic techniques against them, which in this case is,… sex (or sexyness…) sells!

    Never be afraid to use methods or techniques that will work in our favor,… as long as we do not debase ourselves in the process.

    JD – US Marines – If one hot looking girl can wake up like this, or get the message across (and she does get a perfectly legitimate message across),… then GREAT,… lets get a few more hundred like her!


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