The Swiss painter Miriam Cahn caused outraged when she exposed paintings depicting graphic abuse in a Paris museum. While people were horrified by these “works of art”, Emmanuel Macron and the entire media establishment have been praising and defending her. Let’s look at the “art” elite stooges are so vehemently defending.
Warning: This article contains disturbing paintings.
I had to preface this article with a warning because it will contain horrific paintings depicting various forms of abuse. And many of these paintings clearly include children. These paintings are not on display in some obscure, underground location, they’re on display at the Palais de Tokyo, a “prestigious” contemporary art center in Paris.
One of these paintings (titled Fuck Abstraction!) is so vile that it caused outrage in France. Six major associations – led by the Association de Juristes Pour L’Enfance (Lawyers for Childhood) – sought the removal of this painting on the grounds that French law forbids the exhibition of pornographic representations of minors. The courts ruled against the associations.
Then, an elderly man threw some paint at this painting to protest against it. Following this event, Emmanuel Macron himself took to Twitter to defend this painting.
Why is Miriam Cahn’s Art Depicting Child Abuse Exposed in Museums? And Why is Macron Defending Her?
The Swiss painter Miriam Cahn caused outraged when she exposed paintings depicting graphic abuse in a Paris museum. While people were horrified by these “works of art”, Emmanuel Macron and the entire media establishment have been praising and defending her. Let’s look at the “art” elite stooges are so vehemently defending.

Warning: This article contains disturbing paintings.
I had to preface this article with a warning because it will contain horrific paintings depicting various forms of abuse. And many of these paintings clearly include children. These paintings are not on display in some obscure, underground location, they’re on display at the Palais de Tokyo, a “prestigious” contemporary art center in Paris.
One of these paintings (titled Fuck Abstraction!) is so vile that it caused outrage in France. Six major associations – led by the Association de Juristes Pour L’Enfance (Lawyers for Childhood) – sought the removal of this painting on the grounds that French law forbids the exhibition of pornographic representations of minors. The courts ruled against the associations.
Then, an elderly man threw some paint at this painting to protest against it. Following this event, Emmanuel Macron himself took to Twitter to defend this painting.

Macron’s tweet says “Attacking a work of art is attacking our values”.
Here’s the painting that Macron absolutely had to defend.

Fuck Abstraction! depicts a child with bound hands forced to give fellatio to an adult man.
As you can see, this sickening painting graphically depicts a child being raped. This is the painting that the President of France – and many other officials – vehemently defended.
It’s bizarre: The only time these people say “free speech” is to defend pedophilic movies such as Cuties, school library books containing pornographic material, or “art” that literally depicts a pedophile raping a child. In other words, while these people are for the censoring of anything that goes against their agendas, they turn into champions of free speech when people push back against their insane obsession with normalizing pedophilia.
Those who defend Fuck Abstraction! came up with an excuse to appear noble: The painting is said to depict war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine.
This sounds like utter BS to me. There’s absolutely nothing about this painting that refers to Russia, Ukraine, war, or anything related. Paintings do not require a tweet to explain their meaning. The meaning is conveyed by what exists within the painting. And what millions of people are seeing is a sick and deeply disturbed “artist” who took the time to paint child rape in the most graphic way possible.
Furthermore, the “iT’s aBouT uKraIne” excuse doesn’t explain another important fact: Miriam Cahn painted hundreds of horrific paintings, way before the Ukraine war.
Here’s the dark truth about this situation: Paintings by Miriam Cahn depict the occult elite’s obsession with control, torture and the systematic abuse of children. Her style of painting is eerily similar to artists such as Kim Noble (a victim of Monarch mind control) which also depict horrific abuse in a distinctive style that’s childish yet deeply disturbing.
Here’s a look at Miriam Cahn’s body of work.
Warning: This article contains disturbing paintings.
I had to preface this article with a warning because it will contain horrific paintings depicting various forms of abuse. And many of these paintings clearly include children. These paintings are not on display in some obscure, underground location, they’re on display at the Palais de Tokyo, a “prestigious” contemporary art center in Paris.
One of these paintings (titled Fuck Abstraction!) is so vile that it caused outrage in France. Six major associations – led by the Association de Juristes Pour L’Enfance (Lawyers for Childhood) – sought the removal of this painting on the grounds that French law forbids the exhibition of pornographic representations of minors. The courts ruled against the associations.
Then, an elderly man threw some paint at this painting to protest against it. Following this event, Emmanuel Macron himself took to Twitter to defend this painting.

Macron’s tweet says “Attacking a work of art is attacking our values”.
Here’s the painting that Macron absolutely had to defend.

Fuck Abstraction! depicts a child with bound hands forced to give fellatio to an adult man.
As you can see, this sickening painting graphically depicts a child being raped. This is the painting that the President of France – and many other officials – vehemently defended.
It’s bizarre: The only time these people say “free speech” is to defend pedophilic movies such as Cuties, school library books containing pornographic material, or “art” that literally depicts a pedophile raping a child. In other words, while these people are for the censoring of anything that goes against their agendas, they turn into champions of free speech when people push back against their insane obsession with normalizing pedophilia.
Those who defend Fuck Abstraction! came up with an excuse to appear noble: The painting is said to depict war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine.
This sounds like utter BS to me. There’s absolutely nothing about this painting that refers to Russia, Ukraine, war, or anything related. Paintings do not require a tweet to explain their meaning. The meaning is conveyed by what exists within the painting. And what millions of people are seeing is a sick and deeply disturbed “artist” who took the time to paint child rape in the most graphic way possible.
Furthermore, the “iT’s aBouT uKraIne” excuse doesn’t explain another important fact: Miriam Cahn painted hundreds of horrific paintings, way before the Ukraine war.
Here’s the dark truth about this situation: Paintings by Miriam Cahn depict the occult elite’s obsession with control, torture and the systematic abuse of children. Her style of painting is eerily similar to artists such as Kim Noble (a victim of Monarch mind control) which also depict horrific abuse in a distinctive style that’s childish yet deeply disturbing.
Here’s a look at Miriam Cahn’s body of work.
Miriam Cahn

This person has some sick, sick thoughts.
Miriam Cahn is a Swiss painter who is described as a “feminist who likes to fight.” Her paintings are said to incorporate “feminism, child-endangering themes, and female rituals featuring violent and shocking representations of sexual organs”. Yes, the official description of her work includes the word “child endangerment”. Despite this fact, Cahn’s paintings have been praised for decades and exposed all over the world.
Going through Cahn’s body of work is like entering the mind of a sick and sadistic person who takes pleasure in watching people suffer. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact message behind each of these paintings. However, there are some clear recurrent themes. And they’re horrific.
An adult holds what a baby that appears lifeless. There’s red (implying blood) around the hand and the waist of the figure. What the hell happened?
This painting depicts a person holding a (possibly dead) baby in the air. And, for some reason, the person’s thumb appears to be right on the baby’s genitals.
This disturbing painting depicts a person being violently raped. Macron thinks that this mess is “our values”.
A naked adult holds a child who appears afraid.
A man shoves his arm up inside a woman … up to his elbow. This is yet another painting depicting abuse/torture. The demonic faces on the characters imply that they’re out of it / possessed / dissociated.
This drawing appears to depict gang rape. If a regular person drew this, they’d immediately be ordered to see a psychiatrist.
Yet another “painting” depicting the sexual abuse of a much smaller person (possibly a minor).
Two adults have sex right next to a naked child who is holding his/her genitals. Are they pedos grooming a child?
A naked man drags by force a child holding a teddy bear-type thing. Cahn (and the elite in general) are obsessed with “loss of children’s innocence” theme.
Two naked adults force a child (who appears scared) to march with them. The adult on the left appears to be playing with his genitals. The figure on the right is holding a baby who appears lifeless.
Cahn made numerous paintings depicting people with their hands in the air – as if they were captive, restrained, and tortured.
Cahn paintings are reminiscent of those by Biljana Djurdjevic which often depict children that are bound as if they were about to be abused. As seen in my Pizzagate article, occult elite psychos (i.e. John Podesta) collect these paintings and hang them in their homes.
I could post many, many other disturbing Miriam Cahn paintings that depict abuse or dead bodies. A trip through her gallery is the stuff of nightmares.
Warning: This article contains disturbing paintings.
I had to preface this article with a warning because it will contain horrific paintings depicting various forms of abuse. And many of these paintings clearly include children. These paintings are not on display in some obscure, underground location, they’re on display at the Palais de Tokyo, a “prestigious” contemporary art center in Paris.
One of these paintings (titled Fuck Abstraction!) is so vile that it caused outrage in France. Six major associations – led by the Association de Juristes Pour L’Enfance (Lawyers for Childhood) – sought the removal of this painting on the grounds that French law forbids the exhibition of pornographic representations of minors. The courts ruled against the associations.
Then, an elderly man threw some paint at this painting to protest against it. Following this event, Emmanuel Macron himself took to Twitter to defend this painting.

Macron’s tweet says “Attacking a work of art is attacking our values”.
Here’s the painting that Macron absolutely had to defend.

Fuck Abstraction! depicts a child with bound hands forced to give fellatio to an adult man.
As you can see, this sickening painting graphically depicts a child being raped. This is the painting that the President of France – and many other officials – vehemently defended.
It’s bizarre: The only time these people say “free speech” is to defend pedophilic movies such as Cuties, school library books containing pornographic material, or “art” that literally depicts a pedophile raping a child. In other words, while these people are for the censoring of anything that goes against their agendas, they turn into champions of free speech when people push back against their insane obsession with normalizing pedophilia.
Those who defend Fuck Abstraction! came up with an excuse to appear noble: The painting is said to depict war crimes committed by Russia in Ukraine.
This sounds like utter BS to me. There’s absolutely nothing about this painting that refers to Russia, Ukraine, war, or anything related. Paintings do not require a tweet to explain their meaning. The meaning is conveyed by what exists within the painting. And what millions of people are seeing is a sick and deeply disturbed “artist” who took the time to paint child rape in the most graphic way possible.
Furthermore, the “iT’s aBouT uKraIne” excuse doesn’t explain another important fact: Miriam Cahn painted hundreds of horrific paintings, way before the Ukraine war.
Here’s the dark truth about this situation: Paintings by Miriam Cahn depict the occult elite’s obsession with control, torture and the systematic abuse of children. Her style of painting is eerily similar to artists such as Kim Noble (a victim of Monarch mind control) which also depict horrific abuse in a distinctive style that’s childish yet deeply disturbing.
Here’s a look at Miriam Cahn’s body of work.
Miriam Cahn

This person has some sick, sick thoughts.
Miriam Cahn is a Swiss painter who is described as a “feminist who likes to fight.” Her paintings are said to incorporate “feminism, child-endangering themes, and female rituals featuring violent and shocking representations of sexual organs”. Yes, the official description of her work includes the word “child endangerment”. Despite this fact, Cahn’s paintings have been praised for decades and exposed all over the world.
Going through Cahn’s body of work is like entering the mind of a sick and sadistic person who takes pleasure in watching people suffer. It is difficult to pinpoint the exact message behind each of these paintings. However, there are some clear recurrent themes. And they’re horrific.

An adult holds what a baby that appears lifeless. There’s red (implying blood) around the hand and the waist of the figure. What the hell happened?

This painting depicts a person holding a (possibly dead) baby in the air. And, for some reason, the person’s thumb appears to be right on the baby’s genitals.

This disturbing painting depicts a person being violently raped. Macron thinks that this mess is “our values”.

A naked adult holds a child who appears afraid.

A man shoves his arm up inside a woman … up to his elbow. This is yet another painting depicting abuse/torture. The demonic faces on the characters imply that they’re out of it / possessed / dissociated.

This drawing appears to depict gang rape. If a regular person drew this, they’d immediately be ordered to see a psychiatrist.

Yet another “painting” depicting the sexual abuse of a much smaller person (possibly a minor).

Two adults have sex right next to a naked child who is holding his/her genitals. Are they pedos grooming a child?

A naked man drags by force a child holding a teddy bear-type thing. Cahn (and the elite in general) are obsessed with “loss of children’s innocence” theme.

Two naked adults force a child (who appears scared) to march with them. The adult on the left appears to be playing with his genitals. The figure on the right is holding a baby who appears lifeless.

Cahn made numerous paintings depicting people with their hands in the air – as if they were captive, restrained, and tortured.

Cahn paintings are reminiscent of those by Biljana Djurdjevic which often depict children that are bound as if they were about to be abused. As seen in my Pizzagate article, occult elite psychos (i.e. John Podesta) collect these paintings and hang them in their homes.

I could post many, many other disturbing Miriam Cahn paintings that depict abuse or dead bodies. A trip through her gallery is the stuff of nightmares.
In Conclusion
At this point, some of you might be thinking “What the hell is wrong with VC for making me look at these paintings?”. Well, I’m sorry about that and I sincerely hope that none of us will ever have to look at these things ever again. However, those are not obscure paintings made by a lonely deranged individual. They were made by Miriam Cahn, one of the most renowned painters in the world today. Her works were exposed in the Palais de Tokyo – one of Europe’s most important museums. Furthermore, when one of her paintings was vandalized, Emmanuel Macron himself flew to its rescue and defended it – even saying that it was “part of our culture”. As a reminder, the painting he defended depicted a small child being raped.
When Macron said that this painting was “part of our culture”, he did not mean OUR culture. He meant the occult elite’s sick, sadistic culture that celebrates the systematic abuse of children. It is the culture of those who take part in elite pedo rings and subject slaves to trauma-based mind control. Not only did the elite create an entire art “movement” focused on its insanities, but it is also attempting to normalize it to the masses by putting them on display in “reputable” places.
This painting by LenaTunström depicts people being violently dismembered. The male figure even has his penis cut off. This painting was on display inside the European Parliament.
Throughout history, works of art put on display in museums have reflected the values and the soul of the culture that generated them. What do the paintings seen above say about our culture?
But this is not OUR culture, it is THEIR culture. And, through the power of propaganda, they are attempting to make this OUR culture. To silence those who oppose them, the elite engages in its new favorite tactic: The “far-rightization” of those who question them. Indeed, in the past weeks, countless news articles from France and around the world associated those who opposed paintings depicting child rape with the “far right”.
However, when the powers that be silence the people, the people speak through other means.
“Fuck Abstraction!” spray painted by an elderly man in May 2023.
Considering Vigilant Citizen is now “pay-to-play” (and their “3 free subscription articles per month” is nonsense–I haven’t been able to access ANY articles since January! The site keeps claiming I have outdone my 3 free articles per month, and when I actually tried a paid subscription my credit card company notified me the payment didn’t go through and it was a scam from a California company–VC is in Quebec!)…
Anyway, thanks for posting this–for free!