Why Would High-Fructose Corn Syrup Make You Hungry?

Orig.src.Susanne.Posel.Daily.News- high.fructose.corn.syrup.obesity.hungry.stupid_occupycorporatismOccupy Corporatism – by Susanne Possel

Researchers at the Keck School of Medicine (KSM) at the University of Southern California (USC) presented a study at the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ACN) showing that fructose, a component of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) can make you feel hungry even after you have eaten, increasing the likelihood of overeating.

The researchers found “fructose ingestion produces smaller increases in circulating satiety hormones than glucose ingestion. Further, administration of fructose directly into the brain provokes feeding in rodents, whereas glucose administered this way promotes satiety, or the feeling of being full.”  

Twenty-four men and women participated in the study and were “asked to drink either a beverage sweetened with glucose or one sweetened with fructose.”

While monitored by a functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner (fMRI), volunteers were asked how hungry they were and the reward center of their brains were tracked.

The conclusions of this experiment showed:

  • Participants who drank the fructose drink experienced a greater degree of hunger when looking at pictures of food then those who drank glucose
  • The fructose drink provoked a greater response in the “reward” center, which was interpreted to mean the participants had a greater desire to eat

In a similar study conducted by Princeton University, rats who were given HFCS displayed excessive weight gain even when their caloric intake was not elevated. Simply consuming HFCS caused the rats to become obese.

The rats gained weight around their abdomen, which directly affected a rise in circulating blood fats (triglycerides).

Because of the bad press HFCS has received over recent years, the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) tried to change the name of the product to corn syrup to fool the public into thinking this was a new and less dangerous sweetener.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) rejected the CRA’s request that HFSC be referred to as corn sugar on nutrition labels. In a letter addressed to Audrae Erickson, president of the CRA, the reason the FDA gave was that their definition of sugar is a solid, dried and crystalized “food” – not syrup.

Erickson retorted that since HFCS is not a sugar, it must be confined to the “added sugar’ portion of the nutritional label and this exposure would make the substance’s presence obvious.

To coincide with their proposal to the FDA, the CRA launched a propaganda campaign to fool the public into thinking this renaming of the dangerous substance somehow gave it nutritional value. The CRA ‘s aim was for consumers to see corn sugar in the same way as they perceive granulated sugar.

Two years ago, researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) discovered that HFCS dramatically effects the brain’s ability to cognitively function; i.e. it makes you stupid .

Based on further research into the brains of the rats tested, scientists found that HFCS was actually blocking the rat’s ability to regulate insulin, effecting how their brain cells stored sugar for future use as energy stores. This problem was found within the brain’s areas for processing thoughts.

HFCS negatively affects the brain’s ability to recall information.


2 thoughts on “Why Would High-Fructose Corn Syrup Make You Hungry?

  1. This is another OUTRAGEOUS example of how our government conspires with Big Agri to poison our food to dumb down the masses……….it’s right up there with us being poisoned by fluoride added to the drinking water and aspartame – which was actually developed as a bioweapon being added to so-called diet foods where not only does it increase weight gain it pokes holes in the brain. Not to mention GMOs and the effort to kill us through pesticide poisoning.
    Why does the government insist on poisoning the masses to dumb us down? Well, once again we are talking about a crime syndicate that is stealing our money and all of our freedoms – what if we the people rose up against them – that is their biggest fear and so this is their scheme to dumb us down, destroy our health and depopulate through death by diet. And it doesn’t hurt that our resulting illness provide their buddies in the Big Pharma and Medical Industrial Complex with 100xs of billions of dollars.
    People must revolt, get them in their pocketbooks – refuse to buy this crap they are pushing as food and buy local, organic and NO PROCESSED foods, money talks when it comes to these psychopaths killing us through death by diet. Get on their websites – any big food company and tell them what you think about this. They tried to rename Aspartame Neotame to try and fool the dumb downed public. Don’t be fooled – they mean to kill you and death by diet is a huge success for them.

  2. The primary study cited here leaps to unsubstantiated conclusions – and irresponsibly so. Credible scientific study shows High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) is virtually identical in structure to table sugar. Both are comprised of the same two simple sugars, glucose and fructose, and are processed by the body in essentially the same way. In addition, The American Medical Association has concluded HFCS is not a unique risk factor for obesity. Bottom line: sugars are sugars and should be consumed in moderation, just as with all calories. Demonizing a particular product or ingredient is counterproductive and only takes the focus away from the truly important message: balancing all calories with physical activity is key to a healthy life. Sugar-sweetened beverages, including low- and no-calorie options, can certainly be a part of this balance. – American Beverage Association

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