Woman throws bacon and sausage at Framingham police dispatcher window

The Bay State Examiner – by Andrew

On December 26, 2014, 24-year-old Lindsey McNamara of Ashland walked into the Framingham Police Station and threw bacon and sausage at the dispatcher window, reportedly telling police that “God told [her] to feed the pigs.” We have obtained police reports as well as a surveillance video of the incident by making a public records request.

According to the police report by Officer Chris Ottaviani:

On the above date I, Officer Chris Ottaviani, was assigned to the work the front desk window at the Framingham Police Station.

Around 11:00 in the morning I observed a female, later identified as Lindsey McNamara; walk into the lobby of the police station holding a Dunkin Donuts box in her hands.

Lindsey approached the front desk of the Framingham Police Station as soon as she walked in. When she got to the window I asked her if I could help her.

At this time Lindsey opened the Dunkin Donuts box and grabbed a handful of raw meats out of it. She then stated, “Yea, I’m here to feed the pigs.” Lindsey then smeared the meat all over the front window that separates the front lobby from the dispatch area. She then reached in the box again and grabbed another handful of raw meats and smeared them on the same window.

At this time Officer Miller and I went into the lobby and told Lindsey to put her hands behind her back.

Lindsey was cooperative with police at this time. There was no struggle and she did as officer said.

Lindsey was then escorted into the booking area of the station.

I asked Lindsey why she did this. Lindsey stated, “God told me to feed the pigs.”

Lindsey was then placed into cell 18.

The raw meats and the Dunkin Donuts box were taken and logged as evidence.

Officer attempted to clean the front desk as best as possible. Building maintenance will be notified. …

Norman Miller from The Metrowest Daily News was also in the front lobby of the police station and observed Lindsey’s actions.

According to Norman Miller, who took several pictures with his cellphone, McNamara actually said, “Merry Christmas, pigs. Here’s some breakfast, piggies.”

McNamara was charged with disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property.

After a court hearing later that day, McNamara was ordered by a judge to undergo a mental health evaluation, according to The MetroWest Daily News:

[McNamara] will undergo a mental health evaluation after she went to the Framingham Police station on Friday and smeared raw bacon on the dispatch window and threw sausages. …

At Framingham District Court, [Framingham District Court Judge Douglas] Stoddart postponed McNamara’s arraignment until Feb. 9. Instead, McNamara was taken to the MetroWest Medical Center in Natick for a mental health evaluation.

After the hearing, McNamara’s parents said she was a “good girl,” and was under a lot of stress as a nursing student in Maine.

“It’s been a hard time for her,” said Regina McNamara. “This is not my daughter. She’s a good girl. I hope she gets the help she needs.”

On a related noted, the Framingham Police Department does not appear to be very good at redacting documents. One of the police reports we were given contained Lindsey McNamara’s home address, phone number, driver’s license number, social security number, and date of birth. The information had been crossed out with a black marker, but was still legible. Before scanning the documents, we were careful to remove this information out of concern for McNamara’s privacy.



8 thoughts on “Woman throws bacon and sausage at Framingham police dispatcher window

  1. “At this time Lindsey opened the Dunkin Donuts box and grabbed a handful of raw meats out of it. She then stated, “Yea, I’m here to feed the pigs.” Lindsey then smeared the meat all over the front window that separates the front lobby from the dispatch area. She then reached in the box again and grabbed another handful of raw meats and smeared them on the same window.”

    I remember this one. My comment was something along the line of she should have used a Krispy Kreme box. I don’t think the pigs like Dunkin’ Donuts. That’s why they arrested her.

    “McNamara was charged with disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property.”

    EXCUSE ME???
    How is THIS destruction of ANY kind?

    “Lindsey then smeared the meat all over the front window that separates the front lobby from the dispatch area. She then reached in the box again and grabbed another handful of raw meats and smeared them on the same window.”


    1. She maliciously destroyed delicious breakfast meats?? LOL I like the big guys comment about it smelling like Maple.

      : >)

  2. Wait! They arrested her for smearing bacon and sausage on a window at a police station? Seriously? They couldn’t just kick her out. They had to arrest her? On what charge? Feeding the pigs? OMG…..Now we can’t even smear food on the pigs window? What kind of world are we living in? I wish I could arrest someone for throwing eggs at my window. WTF?

  3. “McNamara was charged with disorderly conduct and malicious destruction of property.”

    Seriously, a simple “Please leave the premises” would have more than sufficed. But NOOOOOO…..they have to arrest her because she is such a ruthless criminal, don’t you know.


    Have they got nothing better to do?

  4. And the fat tub of lard just stands there and takes a picture, plays the “ignorance is strength” game, and goes back to filling out his paperwork. Like a scene that could come straight out of “Idiocracy”.

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