College students, here’s a bit of advice. Get your parents to finance your education. You really don’t want to spend the next 20 years in debt to pay for nonsense like this:
Female Arizona State University students can receive extra credit for defying social norms and refusing to shave for 10 weeks during the semester.
Women and Gender Studies Professor Breanne Fahs, encourages her female students to cease shaving their underarms and legs during the semester and document their experiences in a journal.
Lest anyone think this is sexist against men,
Men are also allowed to receive extra credit, as long as they shave their bodies from the neck down.
Actually, it is sexist against men. Professor Fahs explains the purpose of the assignment by sneering,
“Male students tend to adopt the attitude of, ‘I’m a man; I can do what I want.’”
As the Director of the Center for Feminist Research on Gender and Sexuality Group at ASU, Fahs has been very active in women’s issues.
Presenting them with repulsive armpit hair will fix those male chauvinists but good.
Participant and student Jaqueline Gonzalez said the experience allowed her to start on a path of activism.
Nowadays, what else is a liberal education for? It’s not as if the shrinking percentage of students who already know how to read and write when they enter college are learning anything much unless they study hard sciences.
On second thought, students, don’t waste your parents’ hard-earned money. Take out the loan. Then you can just neglect to pay it back. Obama has nationalized the student loan industry so as to guarantee that taxpayers are ultimately responsible for the sophomoric leftwing brainwashing that passes for education these days.

“Obama has nationalized the student loan industry so as to guarantee that taxpayers are ultimately responsible for the sophomoric leftwing brainwashing that passes for education these days.”
ENOUGH with the “left wing, right wing” bullsh#t!!! Call a spade a spade, PLEASE. 😡
COMMUNIST brainwashing!!!
“Surprise: Breanne Fahs looks like a feminist.”
She also looks like a brain-dead, moon-faced cow.
Somewhere, there’s a .40 cal., or a FEMA bed (very temporary) with her name on it.
Freakin’ communist toad.
As if armpit hair were the most important topic as cabal world control is 90% in place. Sheesh.
Here’s a bit of advice: Instead of concentrating on growing armpit hair, work on developing a discerning brain.
I agree with all three comments. Other than that, the fact that someone wrote a story on this truly shows the level of stupidity in our country.
“Breanne Fahs looks like a feminist”
No, she looks like the face I’m going to be seeing in my nightmares tonight!
I can’t believe this is what passes for news these days. And if this is what you can earn college credits for, no wonder we are churning out brain dead beeotches into society. Bet she will vote Hitlery/Mooch Bamaman too. Pfft
Only posted to show the dismal depths of ludicrous that things have come to, Deb.
Yea, I’m speechless on it all.