World’s largest air tanker on the sidelines as AZ fires burn

Published on Jun 28, 2017 by azfamily powered by 3TV & CBS5AZ

It’s the largest firefighting air tanker in the world and it’s stationed in southern Arizona. But the Boeing 747-400 jumbo jet won’t be fighting the fires now burning near Prescott.

7 thoughts on “World’s largest air tanker on the sidelines as AZ fires burn

  1. My (this) post is not about firefighters, for the most part all of them do a very good job, it is about firefighter management.

    usfs is not interested in putting out fires. They let half of CO burn to the ground because they refused help from the local community. A fire started here and the Cripple Creek and Victor Mining CO sent 2 D10 bulldozers on trailers to the fire and offered help for free. They told the usfs they could cut a fire break around the fire in no time. The usfs refused and sent them away because they had contracts they didn’t want to break. That fire ended up traveling over 70 miles in one day and burned over 130,000 acres. The usfs will try to protect structures, but the forest can burn as far as they are concerned. And who really wants to go back in live in a charcoal grill? Over 10 years of regrowth and for acres and acres all there is is grass where it used to be a forest.

    An interesting tidbit. At the time the fire started the entire public was banned from the forest. A forest ranger started it on purpose. She called it into the forest service office in Pueblo. If she had called 911 instead and the local fire department responded, there would have been a very good chance of getting the fire out.

    Moral to this story. If the locals had control of the fire from the beginning it more than likely would not have ended up burning 130,000 acres. But because the feds got involved, they let it burn.

    1. ^^ this is true. The upper echelon are some of the most incompetent overpaid and overal pathetic indivuals you can imagine. I know this from the fire service, the rank and file members are usaually great people, once you get to departmental chiefs, and then county and state officials. It all goes down hill.

  2. Mexashit types really are saying
    Black Forest Green Wallet

    That fire is good news for some one the feds are making
    this good news a realty for them

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