WV teacher threatened with fine for violating Michelle O’s school snack rules

Michelle Obama cookie 337x244EAG News – by Kyle Olson

WILLIAMSON, W.V. – Students and parents are rallying to the defense of a teacher who is accused of violating federal school snack rules.

The Williamson PreK-8 teacher, who was not identified, would give her students “wrapped candy” as a reward for their hard work and good behavior.  

Because the practice was an alleged violation of the federal rules championed by first lady Michelle Obama, Mingo County Schools Director of Child Nutrition Kay Maynard “placed a call to officials at the West Virginia Department of Education (WVDE) to report the incident,” the Williamson Daily News reports.

Maynard also spoke to Williamson PreK-8 principal Shannon Blackburn, telling him about the possibility of a monetary fine for the teacher.

When news spread, parents and student mobilized, collecting pennies to pay the potential fine on the teacher’s behalf.

Administrators at the WVDE decided the teacher’s violation was not a “deliberate attempt” to break Michelle Obama’s rules and said instead of fining the teacher, they required the department to “develop a corrective action plan to include training on child nutrition policies.”

By participating in the National School Lunch Program, the school district must adhere to edicts handed down from Washington, D.C.

Those rules state that food, such as “wrapped candy,” cannot be used as “a reward and it cannot be withheld as a punishment.”

Administrators with Mingo County Schools claim the federal rules were developed “to help educators encourage students to make healthy decisions.”

If they’re not strictly followed, schools can be required to return federal school lunch money, be penalized for state and federal food service programs, or make all schools in the county vulnerable to similar punishment.


5 thoughts on “WV teacher threatened with fine for violating Michelle O’s school snack rules

  1. Wow, so we really do have “nutrition police.” Would love to know what the acceptable snacks or rewards are. I’m so glad my kids are already grown and done with this nonsense.


    thats it! .. this country is F U @ K E D!

    how G, damded ridiculous does it have to get?

    1. People have to get used to being told what they are and are not permitted to do. At school, my kids were told when they were (and were not) allowed to use the bathroom. One developed a (medically) severe constipation from that tyranny. (at that point, we pulled them out to homeschool and constipation miraculously cleared up).

      I repeat, children are being trained so they can’t think for themselves, not only on Common Core, but on their basic bodily functions and what they are and are not allowed to eat.

      What a strange world…. corporations have the freedom to produce unhealthful “wrapped candy” and purveyors have freedom to sell it, but children are not allowed to eat it.

      We are all being trained to not ask for what we want (or need). To look but not touch. No, it is not for US (to use that bathroom, to eat that candy, or to think that thought).

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