Yuval Noah Harari, speaking at the WEF: "Control of data might enable human elites to do something even more radical than just build digital dictatorships."
"By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to re-engineer the future of life itself."
"If indeed we succeed in… pic.twitter.com/T6jFd95Ebm
— Wide Awake Media (@wideawake_media) February 17, 2025
Harari is a transhumanist, as well as an Israeli Jew (is he a Talmudic one? Hmmmm….). The Talmud states only Jews are human while gentiles (goyim) are animals (his “hackable animals” garbage), while transhumanists already believe they are gods (since they can live forever being AI chipped, etc.). Which is why he believes his kind (the synagogue of Satan) thinks they are “gods.”
Natural Selection will never give way to Artificial Selection, even if you call it “Intelligent Design.” You’ll always be overridden, Yuval. You’ve no idea of the scope of earth’s innate intelligence. It likely sees robots/AI as a seasonal mosquito with a two-week life-span, soon to turn to dust and surrender to the soil.