8 thoughts on “Zelensky gives Nancy Pelosi a Ukrainian flag and a big kiss on the cheek

  1. What a deceptive and superficial lying ceremony this is, masking the horror they are orchestrating and perpetuating.. And oh the timing of this communistic war escalation… it plays like a Black Mass, a macabre anti-Christmas dark blood ritual, there to bring the world into obedient despair. It takes everything in us to rise above their program, their desecration of life. They are the Makers of All-Things-Ugly who delight in the death-drama, and they use every excuse to kill and every ploy to subdue all forms of objection. They cancel love, prevent human connection, halt genuine cooperation. It’s a down, down, down trip where hearts can’t rise and minds are made to be so much less than they are. Such are the fruits of supremacy wars. But there are other fruits, fruits where free people rise, intent on taking back all that’s been stolen from them. People with no agenda than to thrive and let others do the same, people unwilling to compromise their freedom and therefore ready to fight any obstacle to it. I hear some kind of battle-cry: You cannot own us. YOU CANNOT OWN US!!


  2. Isn’t that special!!! Correct Galen! They will never own us!!! DEATH TO ALL WHO THREATEN to Kill us and or violate our rights!!! Treason of the highest kind is being commited and will be deadly for you Mutha fukas…

  3. galen, the best word I can think of to describe what you have articulated, although somewhat dark, with the light of hope written in ALLCAPS at the finish, is “exquisite.”

    I would love to be able to imagine what it would be like if the women of the Trenches stood together face to face across from Nancy Pelosi at her trial, reciting what you just wrote, just before carrying out the sentence for her crimes. Same for the men, across from the others whose names we need not mention…

    1. Thank you. And yes, it is a dark time and I choose not to surrender my Christmas/Solstice as the earth’s light increases and offers more day. This season that has been drowned in commercialism has beneath all that, an openness of heart where people seem to see each other more clearly and give to each other more freely. It’s a phenomenon I see each year. And I want it to happen for us, especially for children. That’s the pagan in me, I guess. The believer in me makes it much more. I will do what I can to defy the dark. It is a great brightness to know one is fighting for freedom, even if there are many tables to turn over. Merry Christmas, Diana.


      1. You’re welcome, galen. In remembrance of my mom, for Christmas, I am making a lemon cheesecake from the recipe she wrote by hand, that goes all the way back to my early childhood. As I grind up the cracker crumbs, I listen to Article V, “Bill of Rights Common Law Explained”. I think about my new family here, who loves the care-free days of Christmas we all grew up with. I think about how each and every one of us is becoming the human embodiment and vice-versa, of the written law that binds us together as a unified force of individuals who know the power and the flavour of a great recipe. From lemon cheesecake to the 10 Articles of the Bill of Rights articulated in such a powerful way, by a ferocious descendant of the men and women who bled, suffered and died so that we could share our best words, recipes and freedom with eachother in our struggle to make sure we never ever lose any of it to those who are scheming and conniving to steal it from us. The cake is in the oven now. Merry Christmas to you as well, galen.

        P.S. It’s funny how, just as the part where he talks about the piss test comes up, that’s when I was squeezing the juice out of the lemon!

        1. Re freedom, “…in our struggle to make sure we never ever lose any of it…”

          We have already lost so much of it. Our own fault. I’ve often thought the 50’s cast some kind of Comfort Spell, and on from there over the decades, we moved into an obsession with self, and with accumulating this, that, and everything. Now here we are, needing to fight with everything in us to wrestle back our rights, which, for some, includes redefining our values. The superficial stew of selfish stupidity is about to be flushed down the toilet. In its place, a hearty meal of true liberty. Good luck with the cheesecake.


          1. galen, <3 Your words here bring to mind a documentary I saw when I first started waking up, approx. 8 years ago titled, "Century of Self". Edward Bernays, nephew of Sigmund Freud, designed a propaganda campaign to turn women into smokers and the People into consumers, to keep them docile and amused between the end of WWII and the current wars going on now. It has always been war against the People, for the Corporation, in one shape or form, or another. I must have been speaking for the ones who never fell for all the consumerism and preserved the Bill of Rights for themselves, their children and for those willing to wake up and fight along side them, to keep it.

            Your thoughts are wonderfully crafted into words I really love to read. Bon apetit! 🙂

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