10 Everyday Items That Double as Survival Weapons

Sent to us by the author, Dan F. Sullivan

When they hear the words “survival weapons”, a lot of people think machetes, swords and other crazy things. The fact of the matter is, you don’t need to look like a Game of Thrones character in order to defend yourself without a firearm. In what follows I’m going to give you a quick list of items (some of them probably sitting in your room right now) that can double as survival weapons.  

Let’s start with…

#1. Your keys

I’m putting keys at the top of the list because we always have them with us when we’re away (another way of saying this is that they’re part of our everyday carry kit). They’re the one thing everyone has as part of their everyday carry kit (EDC) even though most don’t even realize it.

To use them effectively, simply extend your index finger along one of your keys and just stick it in your attacker’s eye. The key is gonna go right in while your finger is going to flex and remain outside the bad guy’s eye socket.

#2. A mug

Who would have thought that your favorite mug could save your life one day? The sturdy ceramic construction is going to be just as powerful as a baseball bat. You just need to hit the guy in a vulnerable body part, such as his face, the ear, groin or chest.

#3. Change

Change is not only useful in an urban survival situation when you could access valuable resources from vending machines but you can also use it to throw it in your attacker’s eyes. Even better, you can wrap change inside in a bandana or a handkerchief to cause even more damage.

#4. Cordage

A phone charger, floss or any kind of cordage can be used to choke your assailant or, at the very least, to tie one of his hands or legs. You just need to look around your house or office and figure out what your options are so you don’t have to think when it happens.

#5. A cup of hot liquid

Hot coffee, tea or even soup can all be very effective if you throw them in the bad guy’s face.

#6. A pen or a pencil

Not just pens and pencils but any similarly-shaped object can be very in stopping an attacker. An umbrella is another excellent example, particularly if you have a classic one with a pointy end.

#7. Kitchen utensils

Pots, pans, glasses – any of these can be thrown at your attacker… even that big hardcover cookbook you like so much.

#8. Sharp objects

There are more sharp (not pointy!) objects around you than you think. Scissors, pieces of glass, knives, letter openers, cutters… you name it. The trick is to know where they are so you can quickly get to them if need be. If you’re a lady, it’s a good idea to have at least one of them in your purse should you ever be attacked in a dark alley one night.

#9. Clothing and blankets

Your jacket or a simple towel thrown at your attacker to blind him just enough to escape.

And speaking of making someone (temporarily) go blind…

#10. Dirt

Who would have thought that throwing dust or dirt in someone’s eyes is even an option? When nothing else is available, simply look down and see if you can make your attacker weep.

Final word

Some of the online articles on self-defense tell you to use your imagination when you’re face to face with the bad guy. To me, that doesn’t sound like a good idea because, in the heat of the moment, the last thing you’re going to be is creative. A lot of people get the so-called tunnel vision which makes it very hard to think outside the box. Sure, when you’re desperate, you might come up with an ingenious idea on how to escape your attacker but do you really want to count on creativity when your life’s on the line.

It’s much better to do your homework now, when you’re safe, to avoid freezing or simply not knowing what to do. Look around you and notice some of the things mentioned in this article and see yourself with your mind’s eye using them.

5 thoughts on “10 Everyday Items That Double as Survival Weapons

  1. Having a firearm on your person, 24/7, is essential to survival. Except no substitute. Hand to hand combat is for those who screwed up and were not aware of their surroundings. Survival= shooting firstest, longest, lastest.

  2. Liberal hogwash, I see he forgot playing dead..or crying fire which are also favorites of liberal types..The problem is Dan, a majority of those who will be attacking you, are armed and use groups. The will to fight is great, but without the tools to do so, your done. That said I would love to watch a liberal battle it out against a group of armed thugs with some change, and his keys…

  3. If i am going to attack ‘you’,
    im going to drop you fast as possible and move on. So swing your keys and throw dirt because by the time you know you are being attacked by me, your bleeding from the head and having a hard time breathing.

    Chances are i will never attack you. So you got that going for you… which is nice.

  4. Maybe in the fifties this would have worked. However in todays world if your not carrying a bazooka under your coat you are looking at either a long stay in the hospital or a dirt nap. Be prepared, pack.

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