13 Natural Remedies That Can Relieve You From Rheumatoid Arthritis

Prevent Disease – by BINIT KUMAR

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic medical condition that affects joints of your feet and hands causing severe pain, swelling and in a few cases permanent disabilities. In Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the immune system of your body attacks joints that causes inflammation and destroys joints along with other organs of your body. There is natural relief.

As per the study done by Arthritis foundation, near about one and half a million people of USA are living with RA. Other findings of the study are, the disease is more common in women than men for age group of 30 to 60 years. However, there is no cutoff age for RA, and even children may get into contact of RA.   

Also, there are some correlations to autoimmune disease relating to toxicity from pharmaceuticals and vaccination, however hormonal, environmental and genetic factors are also of concern.  The disease makes many patients unmovable, but there are case studies on RA where patients have treated their own disease and they have successfully overcome RA. Here are top 13 natural foods that may have good impact to relieve you from this chronic health condition.

1. Coriander
According to a medical research conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences, the coriander powder has potential to reduce swelling and inflammation. It can also be digested as green leaves.

2. Olive Oil
Olive oil, especially raw ice-pressed, has many health benefits starting from reducing your blood cholesterol to diabetes and inflammation. It can be used as cooking oil that could not only make your dish tastier but also loads with various health benefits. The anti-inflammatory properties of olive oil relieve you from arthritis joints pain.

3. Green tea
Green tea is a wonder drink that is loaded with antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties. Along with relieving you from severe arthritis pain,green tea has many health benefits from lowering your LDL cholesterol to minimizing the risk of bladder cancer.

4. Turmeric
Turmeric is a popular herb that is frequently used in Indian dishes. It is a rich source of curcumin that can even minimize chronic inflammation at cellular levels.

5. Pineapple
The stems of pineapples are rich in a protein called bromelain. It acts as a digestive enzyme that relieves from arthritis inflammation.

6. Blueberries
Blueberries are rich in various minerals and they are considered to be thepotential sources of antioxidants. However, always go for organically grown berries because they have higher amounts of polyphenols than the non-organically grown. These polyphenols and antioxidants prevent cell damage and reduce inflammation.

7. Ginger
Ginger is a very popular herb that has anti-inflammatory properties. It acts as a blood thinner that improves flow of blood in arteries. In a study organized by researchers of japan, it was found that ginger has positive effect in curing arthritis of any type.

8. Sweet potatoes
They are rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A and these two elements can fight with RA inflammation.

9. A diet full of whole grains
Our body needs dietary fibers to eliminate unwanted fat from blood. Also, a diet rich in dietary fiber can control RA and do weight management. Buckwheat, oatmeal, barley and quinoa (although that’s a seed) are your best choices.

10. Parsley
In a research conducted by JNR (Journal of Natural Remedies) on rats, it was found that extract made of fresh leaves of parsley had reduced inflammation in their paws. Therefore, using it as a home remedy to relieve you from your arthritis pain can have positive impact.

11. Carrots
Carrots have abundance amount of Vitamin C and beta carotene. Beta-carotene and Vitamin C both have antioxidant properties that kill free radicals which are responsible for arthritis inflammation.

12. Rosemary
Rosemary has a polyphenol called rosmarinic acid which is a potent antioxidant and inflammation reliever.

13. Kale
Kale is a vegetable that is a rich source of anti-oxidants, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and beta-carotene that can reverse arthritis inflammation.


19 thoughts on “13 Natural Remedies That Can Relieve You From Rheumatoid Arthritis

  1. Again, just treating the symptoms. Where is the cure? In this day and age it is unbelievable that a cure has not been found for all these diseases.

    1. FarmerDave, I had some arthritic symptoms gradually appearing and worsening for about 10 years, and then I did a few things and I no longer have arthritic symptoms. I used to be able to predict the weather by the aches in my bones. I can no longer do so.

      To put it simply, what I did was stop drinking fluoridated/tap water and did my best to eliminate fluoride from my diet. To be quite specific, I now drink only distilled or reverse osmosis water. I do not buy bottled beverages because you don’t know where the water came from that goes into the beverage.

      I also worked hard to eliminate toxins from my environment (soaps, shampoos, lotions, scents, cleaning supplies) because those are all absorbed through the skin, and I now go more natural. I switched from antiperspirant deodorant to simple baking soda.

      I identified sources of aluminum (cooking pans) and no longer use those.

      I have halted processed foods and non-organic foods.

      In other words, I have done a lot to clean up my diet. However, I suspect switching to distilled water has had the greatest impact on eliminating my arthritic symptoms.

      Interestingly, psychologists now have a name for my healthy lifestyle “disorder”: orthorexia nervosa. 😉

      1. Wow, I love a good success story. I’ve seen quite a few people simply give up instead of doing what you did. I did the same as you. I even eat straight off the farm now. The only thing we buy at the store anymore is dog food. Cutting out Gluten made the biggest change for me, then Pau D Arco, Raw Organic food and just lately I’ve done a course of RSO (Marijuana concentrate), my liver swelling went down (whatever was causing that) and I passed a bunch of gall stones:) I’ve never been in better shape.

        1. They want to cut my gall bladder out because of gall stones. I’m a little hesitant given that I don’t trust they have my best interests in mind.

          1. I had the same reaction when they wanted to cut out my Thyroid, then my Uterus… NO!
            They can break up your gallstones with ultrasound.

          2. Yeah, I got some things to think about, I’m not sure at this point what I’ll do.

          3. Millard, there are ways to pass those gall stones naturally. You might want to try those first, before you elect to have surgery. Doctors will not tell you this….. surgeons are trained to cut, not to heal.

          4. I didn’t even know I had gall stones, the RSO just brought them out but I can say I didn’t do a flush and they are exactly what the people doing the flush describe. I would imagine the flush would work. I’m giving it another week and trying it because I only passed a hundred or so but I read I could have thousands.

    1. Hi Paul, I’m arthritic and grumpy 😉 Also insomniac as you can tell from the time of the post. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions. I’ve been taking Pau D Arco for about a year, no results yet. I wish I could go raw food, but with ill fitting dentures not a chance. (we raise our own beef,lamb and chicken so raw meat is good) I’m going to try the Marijuana route next even though I’m in a state that denies it. Keep posting Paul, and thanks.

      1. I was a celiac as well and I hear that’s a joint killer, getting off Gluten made a huge difference. I do eat right off the farm, but not exactly raw, I call it raw bt what I mean if free of processing. Raw goats milk, regular probiotics, dirty eggs, fresh meat and bread, the works, all from local farms. My arthritis was from injuries and finding the Pau D Arco was a complete fluke. The woman brought it home and started making it for me and next thing I knew I could walk again. Now it’s 7 years later and I go over the fence rather than walk around. We get it from mountain rose herbs. If your in CO I can hook you up with high quality organic RSO. I know elimination is key, Edgar Cayce said what comes out is more important than what goes in. I know with the RSO you need to drink lots of water to flush out all the stuff breaking down. I just dumped a whole bunch of Gall stones down the toilet and swelling I had for years in that area went down. Plus the sleep is amazing:)

        1. Thanks Chris for your kind offer but I’m right next to Washington State and a dear friend has offered to get me some high quality CBD. I can hardly wait. The Pac d’ Orco I have been taking for the past year is in the tincture form. I just ordered 5 pounds of the loose bark to make tea. Hope it works.

          1. Very cool, I never used anything but the bark myself. I’m a little disappointed it’s not working for you like I would have thought. It’s my go to herb and I get a little defensive about it because it worked so well for me.

  2. All that stuffs a joke compared to the king…30 days of Pau D Arco tea taken 3 times a day will BLOW OUT all of the crystals that cause the pain. This stuff will turn back the clock on joints. I can’t stress it enough. I thought I was done with lots of injuries (broken neck, broken heels, torn ligaments, etc..) old age and general abuse but the Pau and the RSO have me thinking about going out and getting a new career. I retired 5 years ago I was spent but now could easily work another 20 and clown on it. Pau D Arco.

    1. Pau d’Arco Precautions, Side Effects, and Contraindications
      Pau d’Arco might increase the risk of bleeding during as well as after a surgical procedure, and may decrease blood clotting speed. Due to this, do not use this herb for a minimum period of two weeks prior to having surgery. Talk with a doctor for more information, and tell him if you have been taking Pau d’Arco at all, even if it was prior to the two-week period before the scheduled procedure. Additionally, ask him for details about when you can resume taking it after the surgery, if you intend to do so.

      Pre-existing conditions:
      Pau d’Arco has the potential to raise the risk of bleeding in people who have bleeding disorders. An example of such a condition is hemophilia. If such a condition affects you, talk with your doctor before you begin using Pau d’Arco.

      Pau d’Arco, when a person uses it internally, has the potential to strengthen the blood-thinning effects that are seen in certain medications known as anticoagulants. This may lead to significantly high levels of bleeding, as well as other medical issues. Contact a medical professional prior to using this herb and such a medication at the same or nearby time periods. Aspirin, enoxaparin, warfarin, and dalteparin are four such examples, but do not take them as being the only possibilities.

      Other interactions:
      Using Pau d’Arco may lead to interactions with some medications. Speak with a qualified individual — such as a physician — before you use it in conjunction with any medicine, whether it be prescription or over-the-counter. Morever, this herb may create interactions with other herbs or supplements. Therefore, please also talk with a professional before you use it along with such things.

      Dosage and overdose:
      In terms of tea, up to one liter per day is acceptable. In the case of tea bags, this means four, as each bag is used with 8 fl. oz. of water, which is roughly a quarter of a liter. Of course, if you use less water per bag, such as 6 oz., then don’t take more bags per day, but still four. Taking excessive amounts of Pau d’Arco may cause the patient to experience nausea and possibly to vomit. It may also lead to significant amounts of bleeding. If such an issue occurs, look for medical assistance right away.

      Duration of use:
      Drink up to the aforementioned one liter daily for as long as six weeks, then take a four-week hiatus prior to resuming another six-week course of Pau d’Arco treatment. For non-tea forms, please seek further details from another source.

      Side effects:
      Pau d’Arco, even when taken in its normal dosage, may cause certain side effects. These can include things such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and diarrhea. If any of these side effects or other issues show up while taking the herb, then discontinue using Pau d’Arco and talk with your doctor.

      Pregnancy and lactation:
      In studies on pregnant rats, it led to birth defects and death of the babies. If you are pregnant, may become pregnant, or are breast-feeding, do not use Pau d’Arco.

      Pediatric usage:
      As there are no known scientific reports on the use of Pau d’Arco in pediatrics. This herb is not especially recommended for children. Talk with a pediatrician before giving it to children.

      1. My personal testimony is that it saved my life. Strong herbs like Pau should ALWAYS be taken with great intention and respect. Marijuana will GET YOU HIGH and Pau D Arco is just as strong in a healing way. It’s no joke for sure but it will beat your arthritis in 30 days just like it did mine. Thanks for your warning paul, now can you tell us about your personal experience because I would never recommend or condemn anything I never tried, that would make me a know it all. Do you have a link to all of your cut and paste?
        To address your and your cut and pasting concerns:
        “These can include things such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and diarrhea”.
        This is what happens with an extremely potent detox. You feel sick as your very cells are being purged of the toxins.
        Pau D Arco is a srtrong herb…stronger than the bull**it medication your taking now so stop taking everything, you won’t need it anymore anyways unless you were dumb enough to let a doctor remove some important organ. Pau will fix you up otherwise. To say it’s a cure all is to not give it enough credit. It completely eliminated my arthritis, it detoxed my lungs and relieved my internal distress. The Taheebo tree is the tree of life and I don’t need a cut and paste job to warn me about it. I would expect people to do more research than a comment section on a post anyways.

        1. Hey Chris.. no offense. Some may not be as knowledgeable as you, thus the copy and past aspect. I don’t claim to be an expert by any means, just cautious to a fault. In fact i am interested in the pau d after your recommendation. I have had O.A. for 30 years.

          also I don’t do white coats or pharmaceuticals.

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