A Cold Corona

As a testament to the general stupidity of humans, 32% of beer drinkers said that because of the corona virus, they would not drink a Corona beer. Maybe we’re only talking about the stupidity of beer drinkers, but “corona” means crown, and although a brewer may think his particular brew is a crowning achievement in the world of suds, the family of corona viruses are so named because of protein spikes that give the viruses the appearance of a crown. It’s these protein spikes that latch onto the healthy cells of a human victim, at which point the replication process begins, and eventually allows to virus to overwhelm the human immune system.

I think we all understand that this novel (new) corona virus is a genetically engineered biological weapon, and while it is possible that is was accidentally released into the pubic via lax laboratory procedures as has been claimed, the timing of its release into the public suggests that a political motive, or several of them, may be the real reason(s) we’re being infected by it now. 

I’ve been telling people for years that they’re going to suffer an economic collapse, a world war, and a pandemic all at the same time, because these were the ingredients in the misery-making recipe that was unleashed on the global population in 1917, and none of these events were an accident. Well the pandemic is here, the economy is collapsing, and we see every effort to start world war three being enacted in various parts of the world.

As far as the pandemic is concerned, it was released into the public for the purpose of killing as many people as possible without anyone being able to point a finger at a culprit, but I think we all know that the usual suspects are responsible for this.

The important thing to remember is that it is a weapon, designed to kill, so its presence shouldn’t be taken lightly. I’m suspicious of people who claim that it’s no worse than the flu, or that only Chinese people will be infected, or only old people will be killed, because none of these claims are true. It’s not always easy to determine if erroneous statements are made out of ignorance or malice so I’m hesitant to make accusations, but whatever the case, this virus isn’t something that should be ignored, or dismissed as a “hoax”. Remember that this was released for the purpose of killing a lot of people, so there will be those that insist you shouldn’t worry at all about it, and go about your business as you normally would, and they’ll be saying these things because they want you to die.

Since there is an endless tide of disinformation surrounding this virus, I’d like to suggest that we ignore all claims, and only rely on math and logic to assess the severity of this problem, because numbers and logic don’t lie.

If we accept that at least 80,000 people have been infected with this in Wuhan since December, it must either be highly contagious, or had been released there to infect a lot of people at once, or it would not have spread so rapidly to so many people.

China has effectively shut down its economy to combat this virus, and it’s not logical to assume they would go to that end to participate in a hoax of any kind, so we should rule out any “hoax” claims immediately. The “hoax” proponents may be among the people who want you dead.

Wuhan, China, where this pandemic began, has a population of more than eleven million people, and this virus was released during a celebration that attracts travelers from across China, and I suspect this was done to increase the spread of the virus to all the places that the traveling celebrators call home. Wuhan itself is a hub of China’s manufacturing and business enterprises, and that insures that traveling businessmen would be transporting the virus, too. It would be difficult to find a better place and time to release this if you wanted it to spread around the planet.

The virus itself has a twenty-four day incubation period, during which time an infectious carrier feels and looks healthy, but is spreading this virus to others with every cough and sneeze, and because it’s a lower-lung infection, it can even be spread by simply breathing on someone.

When someone is admitted to a hospital and tests positive for corona virus he’s no longer a problem because he’s quarantined. It’s the three weeks before someone is diagnosed that makes them a danger, because they look and feel healthy, and have no reason to go to a hospital, but they’re spreading the corona virus all over the place, and a lot of other people are catching it.

Since we have confirmed cases in various places in America, it’s safe to assume that these cases were only confirmed because symptoms appeared, meaning that the victim already spent three weeks spreading this virus wherever he’s been. All of the people he’s transmitted the virus to are now transmitting it to others, and they’ll share it with many more people before any of them arrive in a hospital.

If Wuhan, China went from one case to 80,000 in the span of a couple months, we should expect to see hundreds of thousands of cases here in America a month from now, and a “third wave” of even more victims a month after that. If hundreds of people in Wuhan were infected when this was released, we’ll see fewer cases here, but still a lot more than most people presently expect.

The fact of the matter is that we can’t know how many people in America are infected until the incubation period passes, and they start showing symptoms. After we have that number, we can expect the number of victims to grow exponentially, because it’s very easy for one person to infect ten others if they’re not taking precautions to prevent contagion.

I’m not suggesting that anyone panic, but I am definitely insisting that everyone start taking sensible measure to protect themselves form infection, and not dismiss this as a hoax, or something that can’t hurt them. As it looks right now, people with healthy immune systems will be able to recover from a corona virus infection, but since there is no way of knowing at this point in time how many people are carrying this virus, you have no way of knowing how many times you may be infected with it. You may recover nicely from one infection, but the second or third time you inhale the wrong air, the corona virus might be more of a challenge to overcome.

And yes, only about two percent of the people infected have died, but that doesn’t mean an infected person has a ninety-eight percent chance of survival because as long as this is circulating through the population, the chance of reinfection always exists, and as I already stated, the second or third infection may be what does you in. And as a reminder, the Spanish flu also had a two percent mortality rate, and it was successful at killing off fifty million people.

It’s important to remember that this month is critical, because only after it’s over will we know how many people can be expected to be infected. Right now we have no reliable way of knowing, so it’s only wise to exercise caution by staying home as much as possible, and limiting your contact with other people as much as you can.

Based on how quickly this has spread in China, I think we’re looking at a serous problem here, and we’re all going to know someone who dies from this, but please, tell a liberal that it’s nothing to worry about. — Jolly Roger

18 thoughts on “A Cold Corona

  1. “I’ve been telling people for years that they’re going to suffer an economic collapse, a world war, and a pandemic all at the same time”
    Would have been much better to be telling them to get off their arse and wipe these mfers off the planet.

    “As far as the pandemic is concerned, it was released into the public for the purpose of killing as many people as possible”
    Then we should be in the streets right now dealing with these murderers!!

    “so it’s only wise to exercise caution by staying home as much as possible, and limiting your contact with other people as much as you can.”
    Personally, I’m not self guaranteeing.

    What I see is mammon, lots of mammon swapping hands just about as quickly as they swap spit.

    Jolly, wasn’t it you that was positive and predicted Hillary Clinton was going to be the next corporate CEO as well?

    1. Excellent points, Katie. I just do not understand how ANYONE can take a position of certainty on this virus monster. I am still in a time of listening to all perspectives. Lisening, watching, waiting. And while I wait, I’m readying, preparing, in all the ways we’ve discussed here at The Trenches over the years. God bless and protect us all!!


  2. Well
    I’m down here in Lima Peru
    Drinking Corona Beer with family

    And I feel fine
    Cheers !

    Heh more for me

        1. I’ve seen truck loads upon truck loads of the stuff
          Semi loads
          I’m sure there will be plenty to go around

  3. Be careful….and remember, people are constantly infecting themselves will all kinds of illness by rubbing their eyes, picking their nose, digging crud out of their ears, and prying spinach from between their teeth. Simply keeping your hands (which are covered in all kinds of crap) away from your head goes far to avoid infection.

    If this thing infected 80,000 people in 2 months from one carrier, we’re in for a S%&t storm, but we really don’t know anything for sure until we see how many people are in the second wave of victims (a month from now)

    1. “Be careful….and remember, people are constantly infecting themselves will all kinds of illness by rubbing their eyes, picking their nose, digging crud out of their ears, and prying spinach from between their teeth. Simply keeping your hands (which are covered in all kinds of crap) away from your head goes far to avoid infection….”

      Exactly what my paramedic hubby told me! When I rub my face I usually use a tissue, plus I clorox the sinks and spigot handles, and wash my hands lots of times, so often they get do danged dry. Thanks.

          1. yw DL and speaking of coconut oil, if you ever have a fungal infection of the skin developing mix some coconut oil with oil of oregano (at least 70% carvacrol) and apply to affected area twice per day

  4. “but please, tell a liberal that it’s nothing to worry about.”

    There are no liberals, brother, just like there are no conservatives, no left, no right, no Republican, no Democrat. There is just our law and those who are breaking it. We talk about being on the same page. Do the liberals and conservatives have their own pages? Is the liberal you are talking about Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders?
    Do you call yourself a conservative or an American national?
    You know I’m not going to stand for this liberal/conservative bullshit, so you throw it in on the last line. What f-king page are you on, buddy, the conservative or the American national? Because your conservatives don’t exist. All that exists is the law and as previously mentioned, it has no political leaning as it is for the liberty of the individual to do and live as he or she pleases as long as they are not violating another’s right in doing so. It is absolute law and cannot be interpreted liberally or conservatively, just as the fact that it is. And if someone tries to attorn those facts to suit their own agenda, that double edge sword is going to come back the other way and slice them in two and they will only be half conservative or half liberal.

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