A Little Help, Please

We are running a little short this month, so to those who have not stepped up recently and who can afford to do so, we could use your support.

Thank you in advance, we do appreciate it.

Or you can mail donations to Henry Shivley, P.O. Box 964, Chiloquin, Oregon, 97624

15 thoughts on “A Little Help, Please

  1. Common folks. If we all gave 5 it would be twice or more than the dozen or two who give more than that now.
    Friday for me.
    Also thinking about some hand held ham radios for the action. Maybe split up a 4 pack.

  2. even after i sent you your smut money last week.. you’re still short!?? what’s the world coming to!?? i guess smut doesn’t go as far as used to! check your paypal, make sure you get it.. sending now. 740pm my time.

    1. It is the Christmas season, Morris. Our people being true patriots to say the least are at the bottom of the earning pile. We could have let the bills start falling a month behind as we have in the past during this time of year and ended up borrowing money from our children to stop the shut offs.
      According to the Rembrandt lawsuit that was attempted to be filed against us, because of the size of the site, there has to be ten other people helping us run the site, hence Laura and I do the work of eleven people.
      If the Trenches were not here, there would be no defenders of our Bill of Rights and the push we have caused from the bottom up is unquestionable. If everybody who has benefited from the Trenches would just step up with a few dollars at one time, we would be financed for years. But believe it or not, a lot of people will not help us because they are just plain afraid. They want to know the truth, but to be associated with the truth and especially to support the truth, automatically makes them an enemy with the corporate empire.
      It has always been our numbers verses the wealth that has been stolen from us.
      The Trenches site, for its size in content and the length of time it has been up, should be making $10,000 per month just on the advertising. But when your enemies are the jews who control the monetary system that the businesses rely upon and the black ball is dropped, you get what we have here.
      We had good business supporters in the beginning, but when we refused to back off of Obama we were removed from Google News. When we refused to back away from the jews, they took out our advertisers. How do I know this? Because more than a few of our advertisers, who were not dealers in filth and had good legitimate businesses, liked and respected us enough to tell us the truth, knowing that we would not publish their emails and cause them any trouble.
      So yeah, there is no money in the truth, but there is something better. It is called liberty.
      We were sent an email from Chicago before we were pulled from Google News, telling us that they were going to shut us down because of our opposition to Barry Soetoro and our refusal to quit telling the truth about his communist agenda.
      Laura and I work 80 to 90 hours a week and we do not make between us one minimum wage for one person for the hours we put in. The only reason the Trenches still stands is because the Trenchers will not let it fall. Make no mistake, once the Trenches became a popular site, we were made the offers to come around to the conservative corporate view, and had we done so, we would be quite well off now. It is the sacrifice we make because it is something that has to be done to secure the future of our grandchildren and that is why people help us, because the Bill of Rights must be defended or we are enslaved and there is no future for anyone but the ruling class corporate elite.
      We thank you for stepping up, but I assure you it is needed. You can ask the people that have been here to our home. We do not wash down our caviar with champagne; we just struggle to get by and to keep the Trenches on the net until the United States Corporation is forced to openly remove it as an act of blatant treason, which they will, as sure as we are at war as I am writing this.
      Like I said in the beginning, we are the defenders of the Bill of Rights and will defend it to the death of either ourselves or our enemies, because we will not be subjects to an international corporate empire.
      So thank you for stepping up again, and I will let you know right now that we will be asking again when the need arises, and as always it will be up to the people who read the Trenches as to whether it is there to read or not. As long as we do everything we can with the little we get, when the time comes to fight and we fill our final obligations, we will live or die with a clear conscience.
      And for those who have not stepped up by the hundreds of thousands to back us, well I am sure they will take the status of the Sunshine Patriot. They will jump fast to proclaim their part in the victory but in their hearts and souls they will die knowing that when the Bill of Rights was in the gravest danger, they were too cowardly to associate themselves with that Bill of Rights with the simplest effort possible, just to donate to help.
      A lot of people exclaim their big balls and how they are going to kill the communists sitting around with their buddies with a couple of thousand dollars of guns and ammunition and web gear, but they fear to send a donation because they fear having to use all that pretty shiny equipment. A person could get killed doing that, you know.
      The time is coming soon when some of the people claiming to be a part of this cause are going to show us how fast they are going to run the other way with all that expensive gear and that expensive rifle that they do not have the balls to use. I mean, let’s face it, if you are too afraid to announce yourself and declare that you will fight, kill, and die for that Bill of Rights through a donation because you are afraid of the list you might be put on, you are a coward and you are not going to fight anyway.
      But it doesn’t matter, there is a plenty of us poor sons of bitches who don’t have thousands of dollars of equipment, just our rifles, shotguns, pistols, and ammunition. But we have the key component that wins every war, balls and determination.
      Thanks for being one of those who is not afraid to step up and help. Understand that the vast majority who will physically fight this war are among that hundred million dispossessed, disenfranchised, and made civilly dead by the so called derivative bubble. They don’t have the big money but do what they can to support us and they understand that this war, like every war since the beginning of war, will be fought by the poor.
      Thanks again for the help. 🙂

        1. Mary .. that’s exactly what i did the first time. Exactly. i even wrote him a note saying so, so he wouldn’t be fearful of opening a package from someone he didn’t know yet. it’s super easy via the donate button but if Henry would rather me mail it, I’d do it in a heartbeat. from fema4 to Oregon, i think it was 5 days before he acknowledged receipt. when you need money, 5 days is forever! I’ll send him as much as i can as often as i can and by god any way he wants it! and i hope y’all know i was joking, being a smartass.. about already running through a hunerd dollars! it damn sure don’t go as far as it used to. take care.

          1. Dear morris, my reply was not directed at you…it was intended for those that use ‘fear’ as an excuse not to donate….I never judge anyone’s donation amount….it is none of my business….I do what I can when I can…thank you for your support

  3. I, am Frederick Lee.

    ……………I, am Frederick Lee.

    +++I, am Frederick Lee.

    ———————-I, am Frederick Lee.

    ~~~~I, am Frederick Lee.

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I, am Frederick Lee.


    AM FREDERICK LEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    1. Yes, you are.
      There are just enough Frederick Lees out there and every one of them should be appreciated by those who are not Frederick Lee. 🙂

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