A Warning to the Gun Owners of the World

Published on Jun 12, 2012

“States should work toward the introduction of appropriate national legislation, administrative regulations and licensing requirements that define conditions under which firearms can be acquired, used and traded by private persons. In particular, they should consider the prohibition of unrestricted trade and private ownership of small arms and light weapons.” — The United Nations’ Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms, August 19, 1999

12 thoughts on “A Warning to the Gun Owners of the World

  1. “Our biggest enemy has been ourselves… and apathy.”

    NAILED IT!!!


  2. And looking back at Canada:

    “States should work toward the introduction of appropriate national legislation, administrative regulations and licensing requirements that define conditions under which firearms can be acquired, used and traded by private persons. In particular, they should consider the prohibition of unrestricted trade and private ownership of small arms and light weapons.” — The United Nations’ Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Small Arms, August 19, 1999

    IS The USA Next? Gun Control in Canada:



    1. Saw both videos. Screw the NRA which has become seemingly worthless. My advice? Don’t tell anyone you own a gun, hide them if one can, never register, and never buy from a “licensed” firearm dealer that has the gun sale on record. That Canadian rancher is correct–bury the thing is you can. “When guns are outlawed, only outlaws (and the lawless govt.) will have guns.”

      1. Yup , so agree

        also ..dont forget the food for the tool

        no ammunition , no freedom

        there will be guns all over the place ..ammunition could become the hard part

      2. DL, this point of yours…

        “Don’t tell anyone you own a gun,”

        …got me wondering if that could be playin’ into their hands. I mean, if we want to encourage everyone to be armed, why would we want to hide the fact that we own a gun? I’m not talking about being frivolous about it or bragging/showing-off; I’m talking about being responsible and acting proudly of our right to self-defend. Maybe it’s just about not showing your whole hand which would make you vulnerable to thieves and cops? And I’m referring to every-day conversations with every-day people, nothing to do with registering.

        And I’m thinking of all those vids of brave guys encouraging everyone to get armed, goin’ on about the multiple weapons and ammo they rightfully own, are we to leave them out there by themselves? Do we not share some of the burden of educating the masses to arm up? Look at Henry with, “Practice, practice, practice. Shoot, shoot, SHOOT.”

        This just kept stirring in me. Maybe I’m seeing it incorrectly so I decided to toss it out there. Maybe it’s like a lot of other things where you feel it out and decide who to tell what. I jus’ thought that maybe the more people who openly claim gun-ownership, the better it is for the cause.


      3. I ain’t never seen nobody killed by a gun buried in the ground.
        We are not Britains and we are not Australians. And the government did not take their guns, they f-king handed them over. At least one in that video admitted it.
        Our message to these mother f-kers is simple, every goddamn one of us has a gun and it ain’t for sport shooting or hunting, it is for the enforcement of our law.
        The only excuse for burying a gun is burying one because you don’t have enough arms to shoot it and you need to stash it to pick up later.
        We do not cower from these mother f-kers, we let them know every time they come at us with a gun thinking themselves with authority that is in violation of our law, we will fight them to the death, ours and/or theirs, every f-king time and every f-king one of us. We will never hand over our weaponry to the international corporate zionist mafia that thinks we can be pushed one inch.
        The Brits didn’t have to lose their guns and the Australians didn’t have to lose their guns, they are now helpless against armed dictatorships because they failed to use their guns to preserve their freedom.

        1. Thank you, Henry. I remember you saying you keep a few rifles by the door. That made complete sense to me.

          If you’re dying of thirst, you want the water where you can reach it.



  3. An Oldie but goodie….as you can see now, where all the peaceful protesting got them.

    We don’t march, we don’t protest, we aren’t Australians or Brits, we have balls and the will to use them, we are Americans, you will have to come get them, and frankly many, many of us have been wondering why it is taking you so long to try one of these confiscation schemes here in our lands?

    Oh, we hear the rhetoric, we see your propaganda, but that is for a very small minority of ignorant pablum eating prols…. Lets get it on… Make your (Unlawful) laws, send out your enforcers and see how many guns you bring back…!

    The test of the metal is in the very action of doing it.

    1. grabbing guns for a paycheck might not be so worth while when there is a good chance you’ll end up in a bodybag. It works both ways.

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