ADL Threatens Steam For Not Censoring Gamers’ Speech, Pressures Companies to Sever Ties

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

In a newly released report, the Anti-Defamation League defamed Valve Corporation’s Steam as a platform full of violent “extremists” and pushed for gaming companies to sever ties because they’re not doing enough to censor their users and suppress free speech.

Steam is one of the few gaming companies which has historically mostly defended free speech and avoided heavy-handed censorship.

The ADL, which has become the leading pro-censorship organization in America under CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, has been targeting Steam for over a month with not-so-subtle threats to try and get them to cave on free speech and just last week published a report claiming Steam is a “platform” full of “extremists” where white supremacists “can openly express … calls for violence.”

Steam’s official rules specifically forbid threatening and abusive speech as well as speech which “otherwise violate[s] the legal rights” of others.

Read the rest here:

One thought on “ADL Threatens Steam For Not Censoring Gamers’ Speech, Pressures Companies to Sever Ties

  1. I wonder why they’re always pictured like an octopus wrapping it’s tentacles around the globe?/s

    “Hate speech” is identified by them as such because it’s true and people would rightfully hate them if they knew the truth about how much THEY hate US.

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