They call it Post Pandemic Stress Disorder, or PPSD, but it’s really long-term side effects from the Covid vaccines, and those who dare complain will face the dire consequences of challenging the false-authority of the Chinese Communist Party (Biden) administration. Most people have no idea that forced vaccination is only the beginning of “battling” the pandemic, because psychological disorders caused by the vaccines are already being categorized as PPSD, and forced medications for that kind of anxiety and depression are next.
Clot-shot boosters and mind-numbing SSRIs regularly for all vaccinated sheeple soon
If you thought a shot or two for Covid would do the “trick” and save you, you were wrong, as there are lots of mandatory boosters on the way. If you thought Covid vaccines were the end of the “pandemic,” wrong again. It’s not about stopping a virus, it’s about controlling the populace, and doctors around the world are warning that millions of people who have been “vaccinated” for Covid are now at increased risk of heart disease, cardiac events, neurological disorders, and yes, psychological trauma.
Are you trying to keep your vaccine passport from expiring? You will soon need psychiatric medications known as SSRIs to qualify. These drugs are designed to address your state of mind and keep you from going (more) insane, even though the vaccines are the culprit of the trauma. It’s not PPSD, it’s PVBD, post-vaccine brain disorder caused by the vaccines. It’s really VAIDS – vaccine-induced auto-immune disorder/syndrome that so many people are suffering now, but it’s all covered up by MSM, the CDC and the FDA.
If you experience horrific side effects from the Covid vaccines and start telling people, the US government, mass media, social media will shut you up
No American citizen is ever allowed to blame or complain about vaccine damage. According to the US government, there is no such thing. All vaccines are always 100% safe and 100% effective at all times, according to the FDA and CDC, even though science has proven the Covid jabs are next-to-worthless against contraction and transmission of Covid-19 and its variants.
Got neurological disorders just days after getting the Fauci Flu shot? That’s all in your head, according to Big Pharma. You need psychotropic drugs for your “imaginary” problem that you have blood clots and can’t walk all of a sudden. It’s being labeled PPST. You are in need of medication for your thoughts, because obviously you can’t handle the stress of thinking about the scary variant Omicron (that’s no more dangerous than a common head cold).
Most of your stress is coming from wearing an oxygen-depriving mask all day and getting shot up with Covid vaccines that also restrict oxygen flow to the brain. This is why Big Pharma and the CDC need a scapegoat, and fast. In fact, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) and the British Medical Journal (BMJ) already published a hit piece that blames Covid vaccine injuries on “bio-psychosocial” problems in people’s heads. You can’t make this stuff up. They’re calling it Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) in order to explain away why perfectly healthy people who get the Fauci Flu shot suddenly can’t walk right, have severe muscle spasms all day, and life-changing tremors.
It’s being labeled a mental disorder, and forced psychotropic medications are next for any more Americans who have the gall to complain about vaccine damage. Get ready. You can’t put anything past the vaccine industrial complex, as they are already issuing cover stories for vaccine-induced carnage and death, and it’s only going to get more horrific by the numbers.
For reliable health news on the internet, tune to for updates on experimental vaccines (all of the Covid shots) that cause blood clots and other horrific side effects.
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