All U.S. Presidents & Eligibility: Grandfather Clause, Natural Born Citizen Clause, or Seated by Fraud

Scribd – by protectourliberty

16 Feb 2009: List of all U.S. Presidents – Eligibility under the original citizens Grandfather Clause (GFC) or Natural Born Citizen (NBC) clause or seated despite constitutional ineligibility and fraud by the candidate and lack of in-depth vetting of early life documents by the media and Congress. By: CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret). Last updated 2 Nov 2013.  

For more information on the Obama constitutional eligibility issue see:

Eligibility under U.S. Constitution Article II Section 1Original Citizenship Grandfather Clause (GFC)or Natural Born Citizenship Clause (NBC) or were they Fraudsand Unconstitutionally and Illegally Seated as Presidentby: CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret), Lehigh Valley PA USAOriginally Compiled: 16 Feb 2009 — Last Updated 2 Jan 2014 
Note: For Natural Born Citizenship (NBC) clause status per natural law and the law of nations and relevant U.S.Supreme Court rulings such as Venus (1814), Minor v Happersett (1875), and Perkins v Elg (1939); it is not wherethe parents were born that is controlling but whether or not the both parents were Citizens of the United States(via birth or naturalization) at the time of the birth of their child in the USA.Both parents must be U.S. Citizenswhen their child is born in the USA for that child to be a “natural born Citizen” of the USA. It is important to notethat until recent times foreign born women gained naturalized status upon marrying a U.S. Citizen husband orupon the naturalization of the husband under the legal concept of citizenship fusion in a marriage. TheCitizenship of the wife was always legally fused to that of her husband until more recent times.
George WASHINGTON – covered by Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) –
 was born on 22 Feb 1732 in VA.2.
John ADAMS – covered by Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) –
 was born on 30 Oct 1735 in MA.3.
Thomas JEFFERSON – covered by Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) –
 was born on 13 Apr 1743 in VA.4.
James MADISON – covered by Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) –
 was born on 16 Mar 1751 in VA.5.
James MONROE – covered by Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) –
 was born in 1758 in VA.6.
John Quincy ADAMS – covered by Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC)
 – was born in 1767 in MA.7.
Andrew JACKSON – covered by Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) –
 was born in 1767 in Carolinas.8.
Martin VAN BUREN – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1782 in NY. This was the firstPresident qualified under the NBC clause. He was born in the USA to two Citizen parents. His parentswere original Citizens who gained their citizenship by adhering to the Revolution in 1776.9.
William Henry HARRISON – covered by Article II Grandfather Clause (GFC) –
 was born in 1773 in VA.10.
John TYLER – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born
 – was born in 1790 in VA.11.
James K. POLK – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1795 in NC.12.
Zachary TAYLOR – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1784 in VA.13.
Millard FILLMORE – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1800 in NY.14.
Franklin PIERCE – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1804 in NY.15.
James BUCHANAN – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1791 in PA. His father JamesSr. was foreign born (Irish) who came to Pennsylvania in 1783. His parents married circa 1788, By thetime James Jr. was born in 1791 his father had already become a large land owner and a naturalized Citizenof the Sovereign Commonwealth of PA via the process outlined in the PA 1776 Constitution. He was alarge land owner and to own land in PA one had to “naturalize” under the process set forth in the PA 1776Constitution, i.e., take the Oath of Allegiance and live in the state for one year. In James Sr.’s case he wasliving in PA for 8 years prior to James Jr. being born. Thus James Sr. was a Citizen of the United States by being a Citizen of one of the original 13 colonies. Having a foreign born parent is OK if the foreign born parent has become a naturalized Citizen of the U.S. prior to the child being born.
Abraham LINCOLN – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1809 in KY.17.
Andrew JOHNSON – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1808 in NC.
Seated due toassassination of President Lincoln.
Ulysses S. GRANT – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1822 in OH.19.
Rutherford B. HAYES – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1822 in OH.20.
James GARFIELD – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1831 in OH.21.
Chester A. ARTHUR – Not an NBC or original Citizen . He was NOT an Article II NBC since he was born before father’snaturalization. Seated due to assassination of President Garfield. But based on the facts uncoveredin later history, he was unconstitutionally seated due to the falsified nativity story and fraud byChester Arthur which was not fully discovered and proven until long after his death. He burned allhis early family records to cover up his lies and fraud.
He was born circa1829, allegedly in VT.22.
Grover CLEVELAND – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1837 in NJ.23.
Benjamin HARRISON – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1833 in OH.24.
Grover CLEVELAND – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1837 in NJ.25.
William MCKINLEY – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1843 in OH.26.
Theodore ROOSEVELT – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when born
 – was born in 1858 in NY.
Seated due toassassination of President McKinley.
William Howard TAFT – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1857 in OH.28.
Woodrow WILSON – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1856 in VA. His mother wasforeign born U.S. Citizen, English, but when he was born she had become a naturalized Citizen of theUnited States prior to his birth due to her marriage to Woodrow’s father, a U.S. Citizen. Having a foreign born parent is OK if the foreign born parent has become a naturalized Citizen of the U.S. prior to the child being born.29.
Harden G. HARDING – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1865 in OH.30.
Calvin COOLIDGE – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1872 in VT.31.
Herbert HOOVER – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1874 in IA. His mother was aforeign born U.S. Citizen, a Canadian, but when he was born she had become a naturalized Citizen of theUnited States prior to his birth due to her marriage to Herbert’s father, a U.S. Citizen. Having a foreign born parent is OK if the foreign born parent has become a naturalized Citizen of the U.S. prior to the child being born.32.
Franklin D. ROOSEVELT – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1882 in NY.33.
Harry S. TRUMAN – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1884 in MO.34.
Dwight D. EISENHOWER – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1890 in TX.35.
John F. KENNEDY – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1917 in MA.36.
Lyndon B. JOHNSON – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when born –
 was born in 1908 in TX.
Seated due to theassassination of President Kennedy.
Richard M. NIXON – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1913 in CA.38.
Gerald R. FORD – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1913 in NE.39.
James CARTER – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1924 in GA.
Ronald REAGAN – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1911 in IL.41.
George H. W. BUSH – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born
 – was born in 1924 in MA.42.
William J. CLINTON – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1946 in AR.43.
George W. BUSH – Article II (NBC) both parents Citizens when he was born –
 was born in 1946 in CT.44.
(Putative President)
Barack Hussein OBAMA – Not a natural born Citizen (NBC). His father was a foreign national andBritish Subject and was NOT a U.S. Citizen. Obama was seated due to FRAUD about his nativitystory and the progressive domination and corruption in the main-stream media of the legal andconstitutional meaning of NBC and due to the willful complicity and neglect of Congress. Obama’sfather was a foreign national. His father was never a U.S. Citizen nor was Obama’s father even animmigrant to the USA or even a permanent resident in the USA. His father was only sojourning inthe USA attending college, first in HI and then later at Harvard University in Massachusetts, andwas deported back to Kenya at the request of Harvard University due to his unseemly activitiesthere.
Obama was born in 1961.Obama himself claimed he was born in Kenya for many years in hisvarious editions of his pre-2007 book agent’s biographies for him. After 2007 Obama claims he was bornin HI buthis birth registration there most likely was falsified by the maternal grandmother (to get her newgrandson much desired and coveted U.S. Citizenship) since no official hospital record of his birth has been produced . A PDF version of an alleged long-form birth certificate has been posted online by Obama but ithas been proved to be acomputer manufactured forgery by AZ Sheriff Arpaio and his Lead InvestigatorMike Zullo. They have also proved thatObama’s alleged draft registration card is a forgery too. The lawsin HI were very lax in regards to registration of births. There is no independent evidence of Obama being born in HI. No pre-natal records and no post-natal records for his mother being in HI during the alleged birth month in 1961 have been found. No name of an attending physician, mid-wife, or paramedic called tothe scene of a speculated home birth report exists. No independent witnesses to the claimed birth in Hawaiihave ever been named or surfaced. No post-natal care records exist in Hawaii for the care of Obama’smother or the child . In fact, there is no record at all for his mother even being in Hawaii in August 1961,the alleged month of Obama’s alleged birth in Hawaii. No records exist of her being in HI for the 6 months prior to the alleged birth date. As to the much touted two newspaper announcements, false registration of a birth at home in HI with no witnesses would have generated the vital record in HI and also would haveautomatically generated the two newspaper ads. Those ads were placed automatically by the state as aresult of ALL birth registrations – real or falsified! And to further contradict the Hawaiian birth nativitystory of Obama, there are many accounts by Obama’s paternal family in Kenya, Kenyan governmentofficials, and Kenyan and African newspapers — that Obama really was born in the hospital in Mombasa,Kenya. And again, prior to 2007 Obama himself touted to the world that he was born in Kenya asexemplified by the book agent’s biography published and re-edited over many years as Obama’s careerunfolded but always saying he was born in Kenya, up until 2007 when he decided to run for President andthe massive scrubbing, forging, and re-creation of his life history and records began. No other President inhistory has had so many accounts attesting to his being foreign born and/or can provide NOcontemporaneous birth witnesses or independent evidence to corroborate their subsequent claim to U.S. birth. There is a disinformation technique called “The Big Lie”.Obama is “The Big Lie”! 45.
TO BE DETERMINED – Must be an Article II (NBC). Both parents must be a U.S. Citizen (born or naturalized) whentheir child was born in the USA and said child must at the time of the election be a least 35 years ofage and have been a resident of the USA for at least 14 years.

3 thoughts on “All U.S. Presidents & Eligibility: Grandfather Clause, Natural Born Citizen Clause, or Seated by Fraud

  1. They’ll ALL be hung as traitors (or foreign ‘spies’, if they’re not legitimate Americans), regardless.

  2. Ok, so when is Bo Bo going to be arrested? Lots of blather for the past 8 years and still nothing! He ain’t going to be removed. The next selected POTUS will give Bo Bo a pardon, and all of Bo Bo’s bull shit remains.

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