Amazing determination from a Jordanian truck driver attempting to deliver Aid to Gaza. Look at the extent an Israeli will go to, in order to stop food being delivered to starving children. Zionism is worse than Nazism.

One thought on “Amazing determination from a Jordanian truck driver attempting to deliver Aid to Gaza. Look at the extent an Israeli will go to, in order to stop food being delivered to starving children. Zionism is worse than Nazism.

  1. “Zionism is worse than Nazism.” Facepalm… they just can’t help themselves. EVERYTHING is ALWAYS compared to “thuh naaaaahhhhhhtzeeeeeeees” with these people. Will they still be comparing things to the “nazis” in a thousand years? 2 thousand? 50 thousand? It’s boring. It’s old. It’s ineffective. Etc, etc, etc, etc, etc… And as I keep replying to everyone who uses the word “the only ‘nazis’ that ever existed are the AshkeNAZIS!”.

    I just thought of a great standup comedy joke (I generally hate standup comedy) –

    Q. How do you tell if someone is a jew or a complete dumbass?

    A. They can’t tell you anything about the state of the world today without using the word “nazi” at least once.

    There, got that off my chest (again) 😉

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