Amazon & Microsoft use appliances and toys to spy on families worldwide


Say goodbye to privacy and hello to Big Brother, soon every home appliance you purchase will spy on us. The list of home appliances that use Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home, Samsung’s ‘SmartThings hub‘ and Amazon’s Fire TV is growing at a disturbing pace.

Private companies are using our refrigerator, dishwasheroven, toasterwater heater, air conditioner, ceiling fan, washer and dryer, electrical outlets, light bulbs and lamps to spy on us inside our homes.
(LG’s ‘Instaview‘ refrigerators have Alexa installed in them.)  

General Electric (GE) and Alexa, think consumers will find it amusing that Amazon will control every appliance in our homes.

“Integrating our connected appliances with Alexa will help make consumers’ lives easier, more productive and a little more fun” Liz VerSchure, vice president responsible for GE Appliances connected strategy said.

GE’s ‘Monogram’ appliances come installed with “Geneva” which means they allow Alexa to control your appliances. Don’t forget GE just unveiled it’s spying hairbrush, which is sure to become a staple in every household.

Motor vehicles equipped with Alexa

Ford’s ‘Sync3‘  infotainment system uses Alexa in all their new cars, trucks and crossovers. It’s only a matter of time before every new vehicle comes equipped with Alexa.

Facial recognition TV’s

(click here to find out more about Panasonic’s facial recognition TV)
Soon every appliance will spy on you

“We’re excited to work with GE Appliances to bring hands-free voice control to major appliances like refrigerators, ranges, dishwashers and more for the first time,” said Charlie Kindel, Director, Amazon Alexa Smart Home. “One of our goals with Alexa is to enable voice control on every device within the home, and this collaboration gets us one step closer to achieving that. We can’t wait for our Alexa customers to try it out.”

What they’re really saying is, they can’t wait to spy on households across the country.

Amazon and Google surveillance

According to an article in Gizomdo, the FBI can neither confirm nor deny wiretapping Amazon Echo.

Matt Novak said, “I filed a Freedom of Information request with the FBI asking if the agency had ever wiretapped an Amazon Echo. This week I got a response: “We can neither confirm nor deny…”

Last year, I warned everyone that ‘Google Home’ was spying on everyone and last month police in Arkansas asked Amazon for all the information ‘Echo’ captured to help solve a murder.

 NSA Microsoft to teach kids “good manners” while recording everything

Mattel’s ‘Aristotle‘ (Amazon’s ‘Echo’ for kids) records everything it hears – including questions from children and forwards it to the developers.

“Aristotle delivers more enhanced AI capabilities that enable it to do more specialized functions autonomously, including helping sooth a crying baby, purchase diapers or find online deals, reinforce good manners in kids, and even help kids learn a foreign language.”

What parent wouldn’t want the NSA Microsoft teaching their kids “good manners”?

Microsoft and the NSA spy on babies and children

Aristotle uses Microsoft Cognitive Services – and soon Cortana Intelligence – for custom built AI with baby-centric features. It also includes search capabilities tied to parenting questions around baby and child care, powered by Bing.” 

“Aristotle was specifically designed to grow up with a child and therefore provide and perform skills and functions based on their changing needs.”

Four years ago, the UK Guardian revealed that Microsoft was collaborating with the NSA. (click here & here to learn more.)

Mattel uses kids toys to spy on families worldwide

“Mattel is taking advantage of some of the newest and most exciting technologies from Qualcomm Technologies, like deep learning, voice recognition, audio, display camera and connectivity, to bring the benefits of the IoT to the home,” said Raj Talluri, senior vice president, Qualcomm Technologies, Inc.  (Mattel operates in 40 countries and sells products to more than 150 nations.)

What Qualcomm is really saying is, DHS is using Mattel toys to spy on families worldwide!
(A Google search of Qualcomm Technologies and Homeland Security returned over 2.3 million hits.)

Things have gotten so bad, even TV remotes are spying on us.

XFINITY’s new voice activated TV remote listens to everyone and their home security package allows you to open doors, turn on lights and activate your thermostat via your smartphone. If you can use your smartphone to see what’s happening in your home, don’t you think Comcast can too?

Even trash cans are spying on us

Simplehuman has designed a voice activated, Wi-Fi connected trash can. Why make a voice activated trash can, that can spy on everyone? What happened to the Bill of Rights?

This is the world DHS, the NSA and private corporations want. A world where everyone’s home is being spied on and NOTHING is secret.

10 thoughts on “Amazon & Microsoft use appliances and toys to spy on families worldwide

  1. The fact that these things exist doesn’t mean people have to buy them. No one with a brain would ever knowingly bring bugs into his own home.

    We should all spread the word:

    * If a device can connect to the Web and it isn’t your phone or computer, then don’t buy it. That means anything with a WiFi, Bluetooth, or other wireless connection.

    * If for some reason you MUST have it, then physically disable the wireless connection or take other precautions.

    * Do not have sensitive conversations within microphone range of ANY electronic device, even if it isn’t known to have a microphone.

    * Cover the damn web camera on your computer when you’re not using it. Even better, never use it at all. Same with the selfie camera on your smartphone. Do you really need those things? Black electrical tape works well.

  2. “Don’t forget GE just unveiled it’s spying hairbrush, which is sure to become a staple in every household.”

    I don’t think so. I think most people will see these devices as “creepy”, and not want them in their house. They’re foretelling the coming of these spying devices in “everything” because they want you to acquiesce to their inevitable presence, but if they’re avoided by consumers, they’ll stop making them.

    I’m going to check any appliance I buy for spy tools, and I’m leaving it in the store if they’re present. I think that since most people know about this now, they’ll probably do the same thing. This “internet of things” is going to fizzle out soon enough, because no one wants this in their home.

    1. Yeah, I have definitely noticed people on other sites expressing similar sentiments.

      Big companies are undoubtedly receiving government incentives to develop and push this crap on consumers, but many consumers don’t want it. Those who do want it need to be informed of the dangers.

      1. Hard to differentiate between the government and the big companies these days. (which I believe defines fascism)

    2. Yet most everyone has one of the biggest spy tools right in their own pocket.. the cell phone

      yes people are dumb enough to buy this shit .. and i wont feel one bit sorry for them when the NSA comes calling

      hell , i bet our smart phones are listening every hour of every day

      1. Cell phones and laptops are huge security risks for sure. No one should ever have a private conversation within earshot of these.

        I don’t know if it’s technically feasible for everyone’s cell phones to be listening all the time, as there may be bandwidth limitations over the cell tower networks. (That’s probably one reason behind the push for 5G networks.) But it’s been known for at least a decade that some individuals have had their cell phones used as bugs.

        When it comes to electronics that are capable of network connectivity, it’s prudent to always assume the worst. Paranoia about these things is no longer unreasonable.

        Personally, I leave my cell phone at home as much as possible. When I take it on the road and don’t need to receive calls, I turn it off and put it in a (tested) Faraday bag so it can’t send or receive signals.

    3. This Christmas, Amazon raked in the lion’s share of all online sales, blowing away real-world competition by leaps and bounds. And the company’s number one bestseller? The Amazon Echo and Echo Dot.

      There’s a reason Bilderberg Group attendee Jeff Bezos’ cute little voice-activated gizmos have been priced so extremely cheaply… to get them into as many houses as possible as quickly as possible. No one has been able to explain to me how these aren’t creepy big brother spy devices to get sheeple no matter how obvious the Orwellian nightmare warning signs are.

      1. I never cease to be amazed that people actually buy those things. I wouldn’t buy one if it came with a free blowjob from a Victoria’s Secret model.



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