American Billionaires Who Offshore American Jobs And Offshore American Money – Get Out Of America, You’re Not Wanted Here

The American billionaires who think that they are somehow important to America should re-think, hard. You keep billions of American dollars in offshore banks, hire traitors to America while off-shoring your business, gravely hurting Americans and you think you’re wanted here?

I have news for you American traitors, it’s time you pack your bags and get the hell out! American Nationals have been decimated by your greed and consider you nothing more than enemy pond scum. 

You think we are going to sit here and starve to death with no roof, medical or a happy life while you jack asses play around in your 90 meter yachts, on the phone with your scum bag Jew banker deciding how many more millions you want for next week’s playtime?

It’s time you get your asses the hell out of America and do your treason elsewhere; you’ve hurt American Nationals as it’s now become murder.

Pack and get out! Millions of Americans are now living in pain with nothing, not even a safe place to live, living in the street, so you treasonous bastards can just sit and watch while ordering your next meal by your personal chef?

For decades you have stolen from us, then you have off-shored your loot, off-shored your business and at the same time you want to live freely on American soil without consequence?

Return the stolen resources and repay the American Nationals every dime you have stolen, and permanently leave American soil with your family members, every damn one of them.

Either you do that, or you’re going to be dealt with by way of consequence of treason against America and its people.

American Nationals have the Bill of Rights and common law on our side by way of ratified law, you have broken every article that was in place to protect us from your treason, now it’s time to account.

Repay the rightful amount due, and get the hell off American soil. If not, suffer the consequences. American Nationals are strong by the tens of millions, we have had enough.

7 thoughts on “American Billionaires Who Offshore American Jobs And Offshore American Money – Get Out Of America, You’re Not Wanted Here

  1. The beautiful thing about our Bill of Rights is that it is simple and straight to the point. No long drawn out gobble de gook like in the admirality, taking hundreds of pages to read while confusing with intended loop holes giving billionaires all kinds of outs. American Nationals have quick solutions designed to get the job done.

    I hope and pray, this strong message is understood loud and clear, we have had enough. When it comes down to living in the streets like an animal, changes will be made.


    1. American Billionaires Who Offshore American Jobs And Offshore American Money – Get Out Of America, You’re Not Wanted Here. I HAD RATHER SEE THE SHIT DANCE……

      1. “Repay the rightful amount due, and get the hell off American soil. If not, suffer the consequences. American Nationals are strong by the tens of millions, we have had enough”

        Every dime or the rope

  2. Does anyone here remember OPIC (OVERSEAS PRIVATE INVESTMENT CORPORATION) ?? see>> This is a FEDERAL GOV’T AGENCY that pays BILLIONAIRES to relocate and OFFSHORE AMERICAN JOBS to foreign countries.

    “The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) is the United States government’s development finance institution. It mobilizes private capital to help solve critical development challenges and, in doing so, advances the foreign policy of the United States and national security objectives.” source-wikipedia

    So we have a traitor government, deliberately destroying AMERICAN JOBS by enticing CORPORATE BILLIONARES to OFFSHORE their WEALTH and relocate factories to destabalize and ruin any chances for LIFE, LIBERTY and HAPPINESS.

    I believe OPIC is a CIA operation to create the NWO. Ultimately, to divide and conquer American Nationals.


    1. I believe OPEC is a CIA operation to create the NWO. Ultimately, to divide and conquer American Nationals.WITH HELP FROM THE MOSSAD………..

  3. Hey Mark, really powerful warning – not an empty threat, but made with the promise of we-the-people taking care of business and setting things right.

    No punches pulled, this serves as a model for other journalists. They need to get this specific, this sharp, this aggressive. Too many wimps dancin’ ’round the necessary and urgent plan that American Nationals have put into place to finally get justice.

    It’s all right here:

    “I have news for you American traitors, it’s time you pack your bags and get the hell out!”

    You have laid out the template that must be put in place now.

    “Pack and get out!”

    “Pack and get out!”

    “Pack and get out!”

    From this piece forward we shall see which journalists are truly on our side. Thank you, Mark!!


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