Australian police: “Police will be the source of truth, and not social media and misinformation.” This is the kind of statement I’d expect from the CCP, or North Korea. When did Australia become so brazenly authoritarian?

3 thoughts on “Australian police: “Police will be the source of truth, and not social media and misinformation.” This is the kind of statement I’d expect from the CCP, or North Korea. When did Australia become so brazenly authoritarian?

  1. they became brazenly authoritarian right after they disarmed their population … another reason why we should be hanging anyone or any agency that infringes upon that right immediately after the first act of infringement , send the message of what unalienable means … and we’d all be fools to believe it can never happen here , because they haven’t stopped trying to steal that right ever since it was penned

  2. Sounds shockingly similar to what Jacinda Ardern was saying in New Zealand during the scamdemic. She said we (the government) will be your “only” source of truth! She also said that we (the government) will have our quote “enforcers” (the police) out there making sure people comply with the rules.

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