ABC News

FBI Director James Comey said today that the agency is not recommending any charges be pressed against Hillary Clinton as a result of the investigation into her use of a private email server while serving as secretary of state.

“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said.   Continue reading “FBI Recommends No Charges Should Be Filed Against Hillary Clinton”

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Antonius Aquinas

It has been theoretically demonstrated and seen in general practice that a monetary system of 100% metallic money devoid of central banking checks monetary inflation, prevents a general rise in the price level, and eliminates the dreaded business cycle while making all sorts of monetary mischief nearly impossible.  A gold standard is not only economically superior to any paper money scheme, but is morally just, which is why it is hated by the politically well-connected, academics, politicians, and the rest of the Establishment.   Continue reading “The Gold Standard: Friend of the Middle Class”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It is well known that the FBI still does not have roughly 30,000 emails that Hillary Clinton deleted from her private server due to Clinton categorizing them as personal and not work related. We have also reported that Russia may be in possession of those emails, and according to Judge Andrew Napolitano, there is a debate going on in the Kremlin about whether or not to release them.   Continue reading “Senator Admits The FBI Is “About To Ask Putin For His Copies Of Hillary’s Emails””

Fox News

A Connecticut father and son are headed for a court showdown with the Federal Aviation Administration over whether the agency can force them to disclose information about drones shown in two YouTube videos firing a gun and deploying a flame thrower in their backyard.

Austin Haughwout, 19, of Clinton, and his father, Bret Haughwout, are refusing to comply with subpoenas issued by the U.S. attorney’s office on behalf of the FAA, saying the subpoenas violate their constitutional right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures and questioning the agency’s authority to regulate recreational drones.   Continue reading “Dad, son fight FAA over gun-firing, flame-throwing drones”


NEW YORK (AP) — Authorities say an off-duty New York City police officer fatally shot a man after being attacked during a road rage incident.

It happened early Monday morning in Brooklyn.

Police said the officer was driving his personal vehicle in the East New York neighborhood when he was involved in a traffic dispute with a 37-year-old man in another car.   Continue reading “Off-duty NYC cop fatally shoots man after traffic dispute”

Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – The Bank of Israel bought “hundreds of millions” of dollars of foreign currency on Monday, dealers said, after the shekel (ILS=) continued to strengthen for a fifth straight session.

One dealer at an Israeli bank said the central bank started buying at a dollar-shekel rate of around 3.84. The exchange rate, which quickly moved to 3.85, had weakened to 3.90 on June 27 in the wake of the Brexit vote.    Continue reading “Bank of Israel buying ‘hundreds of millions’ of dollars: sources”

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Fox News

The long-awaited House committee report on the 2012 Benghazi attacks revealed a striking irony: In the end, the forces that came to evacuate State Department and CIA officers that night were not fellow Americans, but a secret unit of former military officers from the Qaddafi regime that Washington – and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton – had helped overthrow.    Continue reading “Americans at Benghazi post were rescued by Qaddafi officer militia, report reveals”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

An armed grandma who confronted three suspects in her home said, “I decided that it’s either them or me.”

The incident occurred Tuesday afternoon in Boynton Beach, Florida.

According to CBS 12, a suspect began “banging” on the grandma’s door and ringing her doorbell around 12:45 pm. Through the peephole she saw the suspect leave and return with “a T-shirt over his head” and she noticed he was “putting on gloves.”   Continue reading “Armed Grandma Who Foiled Invasion: ‘I Decided That It’s Either Them or Me’”


The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives, under mounting pressure to advance gun-control legislation, will vote next week on a measure to keep guns out of the hands of people on government terrorism watch lists.

Republican and gun lobby sources said the legislation, due to be introduced as part of a terrorism package, was likely to be a National Rifle Association-backed bill brought by Representative Lee Zeldin of New York as the companion to a Senate Republican measure from Senator John Cornyn of Texas.   Continue reading “House of Representatives reignites gun-control debate with planned vote”

ABC News

Authorities say a man they wanted to talk to about shots that were fired at an apartment in North Carolina has been killed after pointing a gun at police officers.

Asheville Police said in a statement that 35-year-old Jai Williams led officers on a short chase Saturday evening before stopping and refusing commands to drop the gun.   Continue reading “Police Shoot and Kill Man After Chase in North Carolina”


Hillary Clinton met with the FBI for three and a half hours Saturday as part of the investigation into her use of a private email server while leading the State Department, her campaign said.

“Secretary Clinton gave a voluntary interview this morning about her email arrangements while she was secretary,” Clinton spokesman Nick Merrill said in a statement. “She is pleased to have had the opportunity to assist the Department of Justice in bringing this review to a conclusion.”

Clinton told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd Saturday evening that the interview was something “I had been eager to do.”   Continue reading “Clinton questioned by FBI as part of email probe”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid the clamor a year ago to release 28 still-secret pages of a congressional inquiry into the Sept. 11 attacks, the government quietly declassified a little-known report listing more than three dozen people who piqued the interest of investigators probing possible Saudi connections to the hijackers.

The document, known as “File 17,” offers clues to what might be in the missing pages of the bipartisan report about 9/11.   Continue reading “File 17 is glimpse into still-secret 28 pages about 9/11”


Jordan Schwartz, owner of the Ohana Surf Shop, said he wanted to cry when he saw the green slime — a toxic algae bloom — covering his swath of Stuart Beach on Florida’s east coast.

“Animals are in distress, some are dying, the smell is horrible,” he told CNN on Friday. “You have to wear a mask in the marina and the river. It’s heartbreaking and there is no end in sight.”   Continue reading “Toxic algae bloom blankets Florida beaches, prompts state of emergency”

Breitbart – by Caroline May

More than 925,000 illegal immigrants with final orders of removal remain in the United States, most living in communities and towns across the country in defiance of their deportation orders, according to a new report released Friday — the one-year anniversary of the murder of Kathryn Steinle.

Department of Homeland Security information provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee and obtained by Center for Immigration Studies director of policy Jessica Vaughan reveals that as of July 4, 2015 there were 925,193 illegal immigrants with final orders of deportation in the U.S., nearly 20 percent (or 179,040) of whom have at least one criminal conviction.   Continue reading “Report: More than 925,000 Illegals With Final Deportation Orders Remain in the U.S.”

Breitbart – by Jeff Poor

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” network host Jeanine Pirro, a former county court and district attorney for Westchester County, NY, downplayed the possibility of presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton being indicted for her use of a private email server while secretary of state.

She said if Clinton were indicted, President Barack Obama would be a witness in a criminal case, which would create a “constitutional crisis.”   Continue reading “Judge Jeanine: No Hillary Indictment Because First Witness as Defendant Would Be Obama”

The Hill – by Jordan Fabian

President Obama on Thursday signed a massive rescue package to address Puerto Rico’s debt crisis — just one day before the island must make a $2 billion payment.

“It’s not going to be in and of itself sufficient to solve all the problems that Puerto Rico faces,” Obama told reporters in the Oval Office. “But it is an important first step on the path of creating more stability, better services and better prosperity overall.”   Continue reading “Obama signs Puerto Rico debt bill”

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American Thinker – by Digby Jones

In the 2005 film Lord of War, Nicholas Cage portrays a prominent Ukrainian-American gun-runner by the name of Yuri Orlov, who makes immense profits peddling helicopter rockets, grenades, and AK-47s following the collapse of the former Soviet Union.

At one stage in the movie, his wife attempts to coax him into diversifying into a more legitimate (and moral) business operation.  She feels appropriately guilty that they live such an extravagant lifestyle as a result of her husband’s business dealing in the tools of destruction.   Continue reading “Can we become wealthy by honest means in the 2010s?”