Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Exactly two months ago we reported that as Europe’s biggest refugees crisis since World War II was getting worse with each passing day, suddenly Europe was flooded with reports of “ISIS Terrorists” posing as refugees.

What we said we disturbingly prophetic when looking at the immediate consequences of Europe’s “infiltration” by the CIA-crated fighters meant to overthrow Assad’s regime, also known as ISIS. Specifically, we said “focus on the propaganda, [which] is in full crisis mode: A recent article in the UK Express Daily claimed that IS “smuggled thousands of covert jihadists into Europe.” It cited a January BuzzFeed interview with an IS operative who said the militants have already sent some 4,000 fighters into Europe under guise of refugees.   Continue reading “Passport Found Next To Paris Suicide Bomber Belongs To Syrian “Political Refugee” Who Entered Greece”

Activist Post – by Brandon Turbeville

As France finds itself in the grips of martial law and its first mandatory curfew since it was occupied by the Nazis in 1944, there exists a number of questionable details surrounding the recent terrorist attacks in Paris.

Only hours after the first shots were fired, stories and reports are beginning to change and contradict one another. Considering the history of the French government, French Intelligence agencies and the Anglo-American/NATO Intelligence apparatus, particularly the recent events surrounding the Charlie Hebdo attacks that were exposed as false flags, one would be justified in wondering whether or not these recent attacks in Paris were of the same variety.   Continue reading “9 Reasons To Question The Paris Terror Attacks”

Huffington Post – Reuters

French President Francois Hollande said a state of emergency would be declared across France and national borders shut following a spate of attacks in Paris on Friday evening in which he said dozens were killed and several wounded.

“It is horror,” Hollande said in a brief statement on television, adding that a cabinet meeting had been called.    Continue reading “France’s Hollande Orders Borders Closed, Paris Under First Mandatory Curfew Since 1944”

Breitbart – by Oliver Lane

UPDATE 13/11/15: After gaining a million and a half views in less than five days, the Open Gates video was taken down by YouTube following a copyright infringement. Although the rights company involved in the claim has been named in allegedly spurious claims in the past, there is no reason to suggest that is the case with this video. This article now links to a video mirror on Dutch website Dumpert.

The original article follows.   Continue reading “Watch: The Anti-Migrant Video Going Viral Across Europe”

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True Activist – by Sophie McAdam

Suspicions that the CIA covered up JFK‘s murder have finally been confirmed, according to an explosive Politico report out this week.  Fifty-two years after the President’s death, declassified documents show that the CIA were in communication with alleged assassin Lee Harvey Oswald before JFK’s murder in 1963, and they were monitoring his mail since 1959.   Continue reading “Finally, The CIA Admits Covering Up JFK Assassination”

By Eustace Mullins

In 1950, Senator Pat McCarran said to me, “If the American people ever find out what the Jews are doing to them, they won’t leave a Jew alive from coast to coast.” An official of the American Jewish Congress said “We must never lose sight of the fact that the only thing preventing pogroms in the United States today is our watchful control over the channels of communication.” And in 1977 a Jewish columnist wrote, “We have been overthrown by the television show Roots, as many whites have been inculcated with feelings of shame, fear and guilt by this revelation of black history. This should warn us that we are sitting on a powder keg, if unfriendly elements should be allowed the chance to present the Jews in an unfavourable light on television. The success of Roots must reinforce our determination to deny native fascist elements any and all opportunities to use the media to spread their poison to impressionable Americans.”   Continue reading “Boycott – The Jewish Weapon”

Thanks to Enemy of the State.

Yahoo News

NORTH SALEM, N.Y. (AP) — The 83-year-old wife of a millionaire McDonald’s franchisee found dead in the couple’s New York hilltop estate died of blunt force trauma, police said Tuesday.

A caretaker at the 300-acre manor found Lois Colley’s body in the laundry room of the couple’s home in North Salem, authorities said. The Journal News reported that investigators believe Colley, a socialite know to mingle among New York’s most powerful families, died sometime between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. Monday.   Continue reading “Police: Millionaire’s wife, 83, died of blunt force trauma”

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Veterans Today – by Preston James

Note: This is a long article and bold print can be read to give a quick summary. Anyone interested in more can read more.

Slowly but surely more and more Pentagon officials and their subordinates are beginning to wake up and understand that they have been seduced to fight foreign wars of aggression for the World’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate.  Continue reading “Divided Loyalties inside the Pentagon”

World Beyond War – by David Swanson

November 11 is Armistice Day / Remembrance Day. Events are being organized everywhere byVeterans For Peace, World Beyond War,Campaign Nonviolence,Stop the War Coalition, and others.

Ninety-seven years ago, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, fighting ceased in the “war to end all wars.” People went on killing and dying right up until the pre-designated moment, impacting nothing other than our understanding of the stupidity of war.   Continue reading “Armistice Day 97 Years On”

Waco Tribune – by Tommy Witherspoon

A McLennan County grand jury, working a marathon nine-hour session to consider evidence in the May 17 Twin Peaks shootout, returned 106 indictments Tuesday charging bikers allegedly involved in the melee with engaging in organized criminal activity.

McLennan County District Attorney Abel Reyna said the grand jury will return to consider charges against the other 80 bikers arrested on identical charges following the incident in which nine bikers were killed and 20 were wounded.   Continue reading “Grand jury indicts 106 bikers in connection with Twin Peaks shootout”

Courthouse News Service – by Tim Ryan

WASHINGTON (CN) – The federal judge who first ruled the government’s collection of cellphone metadata unconstitutional again blocked the National Security Agency program Monday.

The decision comes nearly three months after the D.C. Circuit reversed U.S. District Judge Richard Leon’s original injunction on the grounds that none of the plaintiffs in the case, including conservative legal activist Larry Klayman, could prove their data had been collected.   Continue reading “Injunction Reinstated Against NSA Spying”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama’s executive action to shield millions of undocumented immigrants from deportation suffered a legal setback on Monday with an appeal to the Supreme Court now the administration’s only option.

The 2-1 decision by the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans to uphold a May injunction deals a blow to Obama’s plan, opposed by Republicans and challenged by 26 states.   Continue reading “Obama’s immigration action blocked again; Supreme Court only option left”

ABC News – by Jake Pearson, AP

Three people were shot, one fatally, in midtown Manhattan near Penn Station early Monday morning, police said. No suspects were immediately arrested.

The shooting happened at about 6 a.m. near the entrance of a subway station at 35th Street and Eighth Avenue, a block north of Penn Station, one of the nation’s busiest transit hubs.   Continue reading “NYC Officials: 3 People Shot, 1 Fatally, Near Penn Station”


WATERTOWN, Wis. (AP) — A Canadian Pacific Railway train carrying crude oil derailed Sunday and prompted some evacuations in Wisconsin, the second day in a row a freight train derailed in the state.

The eastbound CP train derailed about 2 p.m. in Watertown, in the southeastern part of the state. The railroad said at least 10 cars derailed, and some were leaking.

No fires or injuries were reported. CP was sending teams to the site.   Continue reading “2nd train derails in Wisconsin in 2 days, spills crude oil”

Reuters – by Megan Rowling

Without the right policies to keep the poor safe from extreme weather and rising seas, climate change could drive over 100 million more people into poverty by 2030, the World Bank said on Sunday.

In a report, the bank said ending poverty – one of 17 new U.N. goals adopted in September – would be impossible if global warming and its effects on the poor were not accounted for in development efforts.   Continue reading “World Bank warns climate change could add 100 mln poor by 2030”

Patch – by Ryan Bonner

A 9-year-old girl died after she was attacked by a pit bull in the backyard of a Long Island home Sunday morning.

According to Nassau Police, a 911 call came in at 10:30 a.m. reporting the dog attack at a home on Holland Avenue in Elmont. When two Fifth Precinct officers entered the backyard, they observed a male pit bull attacking the young girl, police said.   Continue reading “9-Year-Old Girl Killed in Pit Bull Attack on Long Island”