ABC News

A traffic stop on a downtown Philadelphia highway turned violent Tuesday when a suspect got back into his car and fled, rear-ended a school bus and then shot and wounded a trooper, state police said.

Two suspects were taken into custody, and the trooper was hospitalized in stable condition, state police spokeswoman Maria Finn said. The trooper was shot in the shoulder.   Continue reading “Philly Traffic Stop Turns Violent; Trooper Shot in Shoulder”


Immigration Minister John McCallum will release details today of the Liberal government’s plan to resettle 25,000 refugees across the country. Some information has already been leaked, but there are still outstanding questions about how the plan will unfold.   Continue reading “Canada’s Syrian refugee plan: What we know and don’t know”

ABC News – by Jordyn Phelps

Donald Trump would “absolutely” bring back waterboarding as an accepted form of interrogation, he said today on ABC’s “This Week.”

Trump characterized waterboarding as a form of “strong interrogation” that is “peanuts” when compared to tactics used by ISIS against its hostages.   Continue reading “Donald Trump Says He Would Bring Back Waterboarding”


Republican presidential contenders split Sunday on a proposal to ban individuals on a terror watch list from buying guns, with front-runner Donald Trump backing the measure and Ben Carson opposing it.

The measure is being pushed by Democrats in the wake of the Paris attacks. It’s similar to a bill that George W. Bush’s Justice Department supported, but that never won approval due to opposition from gun rights groups.   Continue reading “Republicans split on guns for terror watch list members”

ABC News

Hundreds of emergency responders simulated a subway terror attack on Sunday, days before one of the city’s biggest public events: the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

The long-planned drill at a Manhattan station got a last-minute update in the wake of the deadly attacks in Paris. Officials added an “attacker” wearing a suicide vest.   Continue reading “NYC Emergency Responders Go Through Active Shooter Drill”

Bundy Ranch – by Ammon Bundy

Friday I received a phone call from Dwight Hammond (74). He said that he was very afraid for his life and for mine as well. He informed me that federal agents contacted his attorney. They told Dwight’s attorney that if Dwight and Susie did not end all communication with Ammon Bundy, that they “would detain the Hammond’s early for federal prison and that they would transfer pain to the Hammond family”. He further said, that he believed “they would bring misery to the whole family”.   Continue reading “Hammonds Physically Threatened by Federal Agents for Speaking Out‏”

Weather Channel

Winter Storm Bella will continue to bring the first, not to mention locally heavy, accumulating snow of the season for some in the Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Saturday after dumping up to 18 inches of snow in the Missouri Valley Friday.   Continue reading “Winter Storm Bella Dumps Up to 18 Inches of Snow in South Dakota; First Snow of Season For Chicago, Milwaukee, Detroit”

Sent to us by Tracer.

Just wanted to give you an update on the census worker nonsense I’m dealing with.

Two days ago I needed paperclips so I loaded up the American Bulldog and Boxer and off we went. As I was pulling up to park, one car over and to the left of me was a silver car that was backed in with a female inside. I thought it looked familiar so I looked down at the plates and noticed they were the plates of the dreaded census worker! I proceeded into the store and got my paperclips and looked for a no trespassing sign, (they didn’t have any).   Continue reading “Census Worker Harassment Update”

USA Today – by Erin Kelly

WASHINGTON — The House passed a bill Thursday to halt the admission of Syrian refugees into the U.S. until they undergo the toughest vetting process ever developed for people fleeing a war-torn nation.

The legislation, passed by a vote of 289-137, was rushed through in response to last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris. One of the terrorists is believed to have entered Europe through Greece with a group of Syrian refugees, sparking calls by congressional leaders to “pause” the flow of refugees into the U.S. from Syria and Iraq.   Continue reading “House passes bill to bar Syrian refugees from U.S. without more vetting”

Huston Chronicle – by Cindy George

A federal judge presiding over the Sandra Bland civil lawsuit has given the City of Prairie View, which is not a defendant in the case, seven weeks to turn over records.

A Prairie View police officer transported Bland from the site of a July 10 traffic stop to the Waller County jail, where the 28-year-old was found dead in her cell three days later. An autopsy by the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences ruled the death a suicide by hanging.   Continue reading “Federal judge orders Sandra Bland documents to be produced”

White House Office of the Press Secretary

We, the Leaders of Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, United States, and Vietnam, met today to mark the conclusion of negotiations on the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement. We congratulate our Ministers and negotiating teams, after more than five years of negotiations, on delivering a result that achieves the goal set out in 2011 of a comprehensive, balanced, and transformational regional agreement – one that spans the Pacific, touches three continents, and unites 800 million people.       Continue reading “Trans-Pacific Partnership Leaders Statement”

While Chinese troops are training in Washington State.

USA Today – by Thomas Maresca

MANILA — President Obama turned up the heat again on China’s growing assertiveness in the South China Sea on Wednesday as world leaders gathered here for the start of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit meeting.

Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Philippine President Benigno Aquino III, Obama said they discussed how to address China’s provocations in disputed areas of the sea, including its creation of new islands and construction of lighthouses, ports, military facilities and airstrips.   Continue reading “Obama turns up heat again on China’s assertiveness in South China Sea”

The Weather Channel – by Sean Breslin

At least three people are dead and more than 1 million lost power Tuesday as powerful winds raked the Pacific Northwest and parts of the interior Northwest.

Winds were clocked as high as 119 mph in the mountains of Washington state while urban centers were buffeted by winds strong enough to cause extensive damage to trees and buildings, knocking out power to hundreds of thousands of people in the Seattle and Spokane areas.   Continue reading “Three Dead, 1 Million Lose Power in Destructive Northwest Windstorm”

ABC 7 – by David Kepler

Speaking at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, the Democratic governor said efforts to reduce the threat of terrorism must be balanced with America’s standing as a beacon for liberty and tolerance. He said the federal government has vowed to screen the refugees for links to terrorism.   Continue reading “Gov. Cuomo, Mayor De Blasio Declare Support for Accepting Syrian Refugees; De Blasio Slams Gov. Christie”


A friendly game between the German and Dutch national teams in Hannover has been cancelled, German media report, citing police sources. The stadium is being evacuated.

The match was cancelled due to “security reasons,” police told AFP.

The evacuation of the stadium is underway. Spectators that had already taken their places in the stands have been asked to leave the stadium via loudspeakers.   Continue reading “Germany-Netherlands football match in Hannover cancelled, stadium evacuated”


At a glance: Governors in more than two dozen states have spoken out against the Obama administration allowing additional Syrian refugees to be resettled in their states at this time. They are:

Continue reading “More Than Half Of U.S. Governors Say Syrian Refugees Not Welcome Now”

The Hill

Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush on Monday called for the U.S. to restore the National Security Agency’s (NSA) collection of information on Americans’ phone calls in the wake of last week’s deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.

“I think we need to restore the metadata program, which was part of the Patriot Act,” the former Florida governor said during an appearance on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”   Continue reading “Jeb Bush calls for restoration of NSA surveillance program”

Yahoo News

Beirut (AFP) – Lebanon has arrested 11 people, mostly Syrians, over last week’s Beirut bombings that killed 44 people, an attack whose original target was a hospital, officials said on Sunday.

“The detained include seven Syrians and two Lebanese, one of them a (would-be) suicide bomber and the other a trafficker who smuggled them across the border from Syria,” Interior Minister Nuhad Mashnuq told a news conference.   Continue reading “Lebanon arrests 11 over Beirut bombings”

ABC News

Washington College in Maryland is reporting a campus gun threat and suspending classes temporarily.

The school in Chestertown on the state’s Eastern Shore is urging people on campus to shelter in place Monday morning and is warning faculty and staff not to report to work.   Continue reading “Washington College Says It’s Closing Campus for Gun Threat”