Washington Post – by Abby Phillip

John Jairo Velasquez has been tied to the murders of at least 3,000 people. He has admitted to killing at least 250 as the head of drug lord Pablo Escobar’s terror squad. Among the people he had a hand in killing: His girlfriend, a presidential candidate and all of the passengers and crew on a commercial jetliner.

Now, the notorious Medellin cartel killer is essentially free — out on parole and under police protection.   Continue reading “Pablo Escobar’s top assassin, ‘Popeye,’ is out of jail and under police protection”

CBS Sacremento

DAVIS (CBS13) — The Davis City Council has told the police department it must get rid of a military vehicle it received in the next 60 days.

The controversy over the mine-resistant, ambush protected vehicle attracted a large crowd on Tuesday that was largely against it.

The council adopted the resolution to come up with a plan to get rid of the vehicle. A petition is circulating asking the council to press the police to either get rid of or destroy the vehicle.   Continue reading “Davis City Council Tells Police To Have Plan For Getting Rid Of MRAP Military Vehicle In Next 60 Days”

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The Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Online gamer “Kootra” was well into his first person shooter roll with friends when he began hearing disturbing sounds coming from inside the building.

“Uh oh, this isn’t good, they’re clearing rooms. What in the world? I think we’re getting swatted.” Kootra aka Jordan Mathewson said just prior to several heavily armed SWAT agents busting down his door and throwing him to the ground.   Continue reading “Hair Trigger Police State: Gamer SWATTED While Streaming Live Online”

Ukraine_Cham(44)640.jpgFox News

A leader of pro-Russian separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine has reportedly admitted that thousands of Russians have been fighting alongside his troops.

The BBC report that Alexander Zakharchenko told Russian television that he estimated that between 3,000 and 4,000 Russians had joined the ranks, and claimed that they were either former Russian service members or current military personnel on leave. However, he also insisted that any Russians who went to flight did so voluntarily and not on orders from superiors in Moscow.    Continue reading “Ukraine rebel leader reportedly admits thousands of Russians fighting with separatists”

Bloomberg – by Michael Riley and Jordan Robertson

Russian hackers attacked JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) and at least four other banks this month in a coordinated assault that resulted in the loss of gigabytes of customer data, according to two people familiar with the investigation.

At least one of the banks has linked the breach to Russian state-sponsored hackers, said one of the people. The FBI is investigating whether the attack could have been in retaliation for U.S.-imposed sanctions on Russia, said the second person, who also asked not to be identified, citing the continuing investigation.   Continue reading “Russian Hackers Said to Loot Gigabytes of Big Bank Data”

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Repeated security concerns at WIPP

The Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) is a deep geological disposal facility in New Mexico designed for the safe deposit of radioactive waste used with nuclear weapons. According to the US Department of Energy, it is the only plant of its kind in the United States. It is used for storing radioactive waste material from nuclear weapons safely away from the outside environment. The Department states that the waste “consists primarily of clothing, tools, rags debris, residues and other non-liquid disposable items contaminated with trace amounts of radioisotopes”.   Continue reading “Concerns rise over radioactive waste disposal after New Mexico leak”

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When the news media reports on radiation, it is usually prompted by a cataclysmic accident such as occurred at Chernobyl or Fukushima. The reality of the situation is however, we are exposed to low levels of radiation on a daily basis, which can have deleterious affects on population centers without residents being any the wiser. Known as stochastic health effects, the study measures the effects of low-level, chromic exposure to radiation.   Continue reading “When is Too Much Radiation too Much?”

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Common medical wisdom holds that an apple a day can keep the doctor away. A nod to the importance of eating a sensible and healthy diet in general, the term takes on new meaning and importance when you consider the role that pectin-based products have in helping cleanse the body of many of the toxins that are associated with living in a highly industrialized world. From the heavy metals that can seep into municipal drinking water to the cancer-causing particles emitted from high-intensity power lines, our bodies are subject to a myriad of invasive chemicals, particles, and pollutants. The most damaging, owing to the near impossibility of complete decontamination, radiation, can takes weeks, years, or even decades to break down in the environment.   Continue reading “An Apple a Day: More than an Old Wives Tale?”

The Hill – by Jesse Byrnes

President Obama is working to create a new international climate change accord that would get other nations to reduce their carbon emissions, but in a way that would not require the deal to be ratified by the Senate.

Obama’s climate team is putting together a “politically binding” deal to “name and shame” nations to cut their emissions, according to The New York Times.

The administration’s hope is to get the deal signed by a United Nations summit next year in Paris.   Continue reading “Obama looks to skip Senate on new UN climate change deal”

Breitbart – by Robert Wilde

Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto, speaking in Los Angeles, said that it is time to give justice to illegal immigrants in the USA.

Governor Jerry Brown and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti joined with Pena Nieto and addressed hundreds of fervent Mexican and Mexican-American leaders at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in Los Angeles to express solidarity for immigration reform. Advocating for comprehensive amnesty, Pena Nieto said, “This, at the end, is about — and only about — a matter of justice for those who contribute so much to the development of the American society.”   Continue reading “Mexico President Pena Nieto, Jerry Brown Demand ‘Justice’ For Illegal Immigrants”

Breitbart – by Tony Lee

On Monday evening, California Governor Jerry Brown said all Mexicans, including illegal immigrants, are welcome in California.

According to the Los Angeles Times, while introducing Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto, who said America is “the other Mexico,” Brown “spoke about the interwoven histories of Mexico and California.” He “nodded to the immigrants in the room, saying it didn’t matter if they had permission to be in the United States.”   Continue reading “Gov. Jerry Brown to Mexican Illegals: ‘You’re All Welcome In California’”

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Take Part – by Sarah McColl

Where do the worlds of online dating and small farms overlap? Not with Tinder dates at the farmers market—at least not in this instance. Tech veterans Duane Dahl and Cindy Henry first partnered to help daters find what they were looking for on Perfect Match. Now they want to connect farmers and consumers over, say, a ripe Brandywine tomato—equally swoon-worthy. Their website, Agrilicious, wants to connect users with their local ag economy, and they want to make it click-of-the-mouse easy.

The goal for a site devoted to all things local food, Dahl explained, is to make mainstream a widespread yet fragmented conversation happening at kitchen tables, in corner breakfast joints, and at white tablecloth paeans to fine dining: Where did our food come from?   Continue reading “It’s Like Tinder but for Local Food”

shopping miamiBusiness Insider – by Sam Ro

Consumer confidence surged in August.

According to the Conference Board’s new report, the consumer confidence index jumped to 92.4 in August, the highest level since October 2007.

This is up from 90.3 in July, and it was much stronger than the 89.0 forecasted by economists.    Continue reading “Consumer Confidence Unexpectedly Jumps to 7-Year High”

Breitbart – by Matthew Boyle

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote in a letter to President Barack Obama on Tuesday that he is “increasingly alarmed” at the president’s plans for an executive action that would grant amnesty to upwards of 5 to 6 million illegal aliens.

Rubio begins his letter to Obama by noting how he had, last year, joined the Senate’s “Gang of Eight” but has since learned that such a comprehensive pathway forward on immigration is not possible due to Americans’ deep distrust of the federal government when it comes to immigration and other matters.   Continue reading “Rubio To Obama: I’m ‘Increasingly Alarmed’ At Your Planned Executive Amnesty”

Nashville, TN – 2nd Vote, the conservative shopper app, is proud to introduce two new issues of particular importance to parents concerned abut the state of education in America: Common Core and School Choice.

Companies like General Electric, AT&T, IBM, and even Taco Bell have financed the push for Common Core implementation across the country. By supporting groups like the Center for American Progress and Achieve, Inc., these corporations are pushing a controversial system that represents a major expansion of the federal government’s control of education curriculum.   Continue reading “What Corporations are Funding Common Core? Know Before you Buy”

The wreckage of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in downtown Oklahoma City, early April 21, 1995. (Reuters)RT

The FBI has been ordered to investigate allegations that claim the agency intimidated a witness and compelled him not to testify at a recent trial over evidence related to the Oklahoma City bombing.

According to theSalt Lake Tribune, US District Judge Clark Waddoups scheduled a November 13th hearing on the matter, in which Utah attorney Jesse Trentadue accused the FBI of threatening to eliminate a former undercover agent’s health benefits if he took the stand. The former agent reportedly knew convicted bomber Timothy McVeigh.   Continue reading “Oklahoma City bombing: Claims of second accomplice and FBI intimidation”

Fox News

The U.S. reportedly has begun flying surveillance drones over Syria days after President Obama authorized their use.

The Associated Press reported that the flights had started Tuesday, a move that could pave the way for airstrikes against Islamic State militants based in northern Syria. On Monday, the Syrian regime demanded that the U.S. seek permission before launching any airstrikes on its territory against Islamic State targets.   Continue reading “US reportedly begins surveillance flights over Syria after Obama authorization”

USA Today – by Michael Winter

The National Security Agency built its own search engine and shares hundreds of billions of digital records with federal law enforcement and several other U.S. government agencies, The Intercept investigative site reported Monday.

Citing classified documents provided by former NSA insider Edward Snowden, The Intercept wrote that the revelation of the “Google-like” search engine is “the first definitive evidence that the NSA has for years made massive amounts of surveillance data directly accessible to domestic law enforcement agencies,” particularly the FBI and Drug Enforcement Administration.   Continue reading “NSA built ‘Google-like’ search engine to share data”