Dollar Vigilante

Would you dial up a known criminal, like a murderer or rapist, to come help you after you’ve been the victim of a crime? No? Then why in the world would you call the police after you’ve been assaulted, robbed or otherwise violated?

The police do not consider their job to protect you. They used to at least pay lip service to “keeping the peace”, but nowadays in the USSA it is clear their job is to enforce the law. In fasco-communist America, the law stopped being about your protection decades ago. The law is about the expansion of state power and control. That’s why there are so many of them, with more coming all the time.   Continue reading “Call the Cops at your Own Risk”

AFP PhotoRT News

An epidemic of cell phone swiping has prompted calls for a ‘kill switch’ that would render mobile devices inoperable if they end up in the wrong hands.

In San Francisco, California, half of the robberies reported in the last year involved the loss of a cell phone. George Gascon is the city’s district attorney and says things don’t have to stay that way.   Continue reading “Police want ‘kill switch’ for smartphones”


Israel deploys soldiers at its border with Syria as residents support recent air strikes, while members of a Syrian opposition coalition condemn the raids and call on all foreign fighters to leave Syria.

Two rockets fired from Syrian territory have exploded inside the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, authorities say.   Continue reading “Syrian rockets hit Israeli-occupied land”

U.S. F-22 / APFree Beacon – by Bill Gertz

Russian strategic bombers conducted flights within the U.S. defense zone close to northern Alaska and the Aleutian Islands last week in Moscow’s latest incident of nuclear saber rattling against the United States, according to defense and military officials.

Two Bear H nuclear-capable bombers were detected flying into the military’s Alaska Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) near the Aleutians, where a strategic missile defense radar is located, and Alaska’s North Slope region by the Arctic and Chukchi Seas on April 28 and 29, military officials told theWashington Free Beacon.   Continue reading “Bears Buzz Alaska Again”

Liberty Firewall

Consultants at Deloitte expected 9 percent of companies to drop coverage, while Mercer’s estimate was 21 percent. The Congressional Budget Office, which provided the official projection of the law’s cost, was much lower. If there’s an exodus from employer health plans and those workers end up in the Obamacare exchanges, the program’s cost will explode.   Continue reading “Obamacare Shock: 9-21% of Americans to LOSE coverage”

Erected in Elbert County, Georgia March 22, 1980, this enigmatic granite monument (sometimes referred to as the American Stonehenge) was instantly the centre of numerous conspiracy theories. Who built it? Why? And what do the guides on the stones actually mean? The Canadian Emmy-award winning series, Guidestones, explores the conspiracy surrounding the monument.

There are ten lofty guides or commandments inscribed on the stones in eight different languages. The first reads “Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature”. This is interpreted as evidence of an impending apocalypse orchestrated by such secret societies as the Freemasons, the Illuminati, the Bilderburg Group, the Rosicrucians, or some other elitist organization. As such the Georgia Guidestones are frequently considered to be a sinister warning and should be regarded with suspicion and fear.   Continue reading “Georgia Guidestones: The Conspiracy that Inspired the Emmy-Award Winning Series”

Fox News

The comprehensive immigration overhaul being taken up in the Senate this week could cost taxpayers $6.3 trillion if 11 million illegal immigrants are granted legal status, according to a long-awaited estimate by the conservative Heritage Foundation.

The cost would arise from illegal immigrants tapping into the government’s vast network of benefits and services, many of which are currently unavailable to them. This includes everything from standard benefits like Social Security and Medicare to dozens of welfare programs ranging from housing assistance to food stamps.    Continue reading “Study pegs cost of immigration bill’s mass legalization at $6.3 trillion”

Land Destroyer Report – by Tony Cartalucci

The reasoning behind recent US-Israeli attacks on Syria has been undermined further as the UN reveals Western-backed terrorists, not the Syrian government, deployed sarin gas during the 2 year conflict. Reuters reported in their article, “U.N. has testimony that Syrian rebels used sarin gas: investigator,” that:   Continue reading “In Wake of US-Israeli Attack on Syria, UN Reveals Terrorists Not Government Used Sarin Gas” – by Justin Raimondo

It’s seems counterintuitive, to say the least. Indeed, it seems quite mad. And yet we now have all the evidence we need to point to a de facto Israeli alliance with Al Qaeda. The bombing of Damascus suburbs by Israeli jets – purportedly in order to prevent the Syrians from supplying Hezbollah with long range missiles – at precisely the moment when the Syrian “rebels” are demanding Western intervention on their behalf highlights one of the most bizarre alliances in history.   Continue reading “The Israeli-Jihadist Alliance”

Washington’s Blog

Preface: Fundamentalist Christians, Jews and Muslims all think they are in a “holy war” against the other guy. As shown below, fundamentalists are being manipulated by the powers-that-be – many of whom are actually atheists – as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy to disempower people.   Continue reading “Corrupt Government Officials – Many of Whom Are Atheists – Use the Most Extreme Forms of Religion to Divide and Conquer Us”

Tulsa World

OKLAHOMA CITY – Undercover FBI employees won and lost thousands of dollars in federal funds betting on University of Oklahoma football games and other sporting events, records show.

The FBI used undercover employees to identify suspected bookies in Oklahoma and to gather evidence about a gambling website during a lengthy investigation. The inquiry was known at one point as “Operation Bad Luck.”    Continue reading “Undercover FBI agents bet on Oklahoma football as part of operation”

The sky is lit up after an explosion at what Syrian state television reported was a military research centre in Damascus, in this still image taken from video obtained from a social media website by Reuters on May 5, 2013. REUTERS-Social Media-Handout via Reuters TVReuters – by Dominic Evans and Oliver Holmes

Israel carried out its second air strike in days on Syria early on Sunday, a Western intelligence source said, in an attack that shook Damascus with a series of powerful blasts and drove columns of fire into the night sky.

Israel declined comment but Syria accused the Jewish state of striking a military facility just north of the capital – one which its jets had first targeted three months ago. Iran, a key ally of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and an arch-enemy for Israel, urged states in the region to resist the Israeli attack.   Continue reading “Israel strikes Syria again, rocking Damascus”

Chron – by WILL WEISSERT, Associated Press

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — The Texas House approved a batch of bills Saturday to further soften gun laws that were already among the country’s most firearms-friendly, allowing college students to carry handguns in class, putting potentially armed marshals in public schools and exempting the state from any future federal bans on assault rifles, high-capacity magazines or universal background checks.   Continue reading “Texas House passes 12 firearms bills on ‘gun day’”

Malmstrom Staff Sgt. Isaiah Miller operates a lift in the missile tube of a static intercontinental ballistic missile used for maintenance training at Malmstrom Air Force Base in 2010.Great Falls Tribune – by Jenn Rowell

If a nuclear incident happened in Montana, key officials don’t want to be meeting each other for the first time.

Military personnel at Malmstrom Air Force Base have regular exercises to test their response procedures and make sure everyone knows what to do and when.

But starting Monday, their training will go to a higher level.   Continue reading “Nuclear incident drills to start Monday across Montana”

Obama MexicoTea Party News Network – by Greg Campbell

At a speech in Mexico City, Mexico, today, President Obama discussed the violence fostered by Mexican drug cartels and cited “gun smuggling” as a cause of the bloodshed while omitting the significant role his administration has played in fueling the carnage through Fast and Furious.

Further, speaking to our neighbors to the South, Obama pledged that he would do “everything in [his] power” to pass gun control legislation, possibly signaling an intent to rule via executive order on the matter.   Continue reading “Obama Hints at Possible Executive Order on Gun Control in his Speech in Mexico”

 If it was ‘stolen’ in April, why wait until now to ask for help?

KBZK Montana News 7

RED LODGE – About 559 pounds of explosives were stolen from a bunker near Red Lodge.

Now, the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and the Carbon County Sheriff’s Office (CCSO) are asking for the public’s help in the case.   Continue reading “Hundreds of pounds of explosives stolen from Montana bunker”

Help the Sheeple – by The Eye is Watching

According to an article on NPR, several anti gun politicians and groups want people whose names appear on the “no fly” list and terrorism watch list to be banned from purchasing guns.

This sounds good on the surface, right? Keep weapons out of the hands of terrorists?   Continue reading “Democrats Want People on “No Fly List” to Lose Gun Rights Without Due Process”