Activist Post – by Daniel Jackson

Would Stephen Hawking be fined or jailed for boycotting Israel if he ran a business in the United States?

Over the years many prominent activists and organizations have called for and participated in a boycott on Israel.

This swelling boycott is primarily due to, among other reasons, the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the overall Israeli treatment of Palestinians throughout the region.   Continue reading “US Business Owners Can Be Fined and Imprisoned for Supporting Israeli Boycott”


The immigration reform measure the Senate began debating yesterday would create a national biometric database of virtually every adult in the U.S., in what privacy groups fear could be the first step to a ubiquitous national identification system.

Buried in the more than 800 pages of the bipartisan legislation (.pdf)  is language mandating the creation of the innocuously-named “photo tool,” a massive federal database administered by the Department of Homeland Security and containing names, ages, Social Security numbers and photographs of everyone in the country with a driver’s license or other state-issued photo ID.   Continue reading “Biometric Database of All Adult Americans Hidden in Immigration Reform”

JeffBliss.jpegDallas Observer by Eric Nicholson

We learned a little bit more yesterday about Jeff Bliss, the Duncanville High School student whose blistering classroom rant against uninspired teachers seems to have struck a nerve. He’s 18, but he’s only a high school sophomore, having dropped out of school for a year. He’s new to, and not yet very good at, Twitter. His mom is proud.

We also learned something about Duncanville ISD, which has dealt with the situation in a surprisingly measured way. They initially released a statement reading, “We want our students and teachers to be engaged, but the method by which the student expressed his concern could have been handled in a more appropriate way.”   Continue reading “Jeff Bliss, Duncanville Teen Whose Classroom Rant Went Viral, Escaped Punishment. His Teacher Has Not.”

china-map-with-flagLiberty Gold and Silver

As we reported a little over a week ago, deliverable gold has been literally pouring out of the vaults of the COMEX and major New York bullion banks. The biggest question in the industry has been where exactly is this gold going? One possible clue as to where a sizable portion of this gold may be heading is contained in just released reports by the Chinese government regarding their central bank’s recent gold accumulations.   Continue reading “China Loading Up On Gold”

John BrennanPortland, OR – John Brennan, the man who protested TSA at Portland International Airport in 2012 by removing his clothes, has a TSA hearing at 9AM on May 14, 2013, in Portland, Oregon. Mr. Brennan is appealing a fine from the Transportation Security Administration for “interfering with the screening process.” Under docket # 12-TSA-0092, Administrative Law Judge George J. Jordan will preside at U.S. Bankruptcy Court 1001 SW 5th Avenue, Suite 700 Portland, OR 97204 Room: 9th Floor, Courtroom #2.  Robert Callahan of the Northwest Law Center represents Mr. Brennan.   Continue reading “John Brennan’s TSA Hearing for Nude Protest on May 14, 2013”

article imageOpposing Views – by Michael Allen

Soul singer Lauryn Hill was recently jailed over her unpaid tax bill, which is currently $500,000.

According to the International Business Times, Hill was sentenced to three months in jail and ordered to undergo counseling because of her conspiracy theories, including the claim that musical artists are exploited by corporate America.   Continue reading “Judge Orders Lauryn Hill To Counseling Over Claims Of Music Industry Exploitation”

Examples of some of the aerial surveillance are displayed on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, at the State House in Augusta. A bill being debated in Legislature aims to ban such drones.Bangor Daily News – by Scott Thistle, Sun Journal

AUGUSTA, Maine — In a narrow decision, lawmakers accepted an amendment to a bill offered by Sen. John Patrick, D-Rumford, that could allow police to use a drone without a search warrant.

In a 7-6 vote on May 1, the Legislature’s Judiciary Committee sided with Maine Attorney General Janet Mills on the issue of how police can employ unmanned aerial vehicles in criminal investigations.   Continue reading “Bill to allow police to use drones without search warrant heads to Maine Senate”

Delaware Online – by Doug Denison

Most private gun transfers in Delaware will soon be subject to the same background check rules currently applied to sales by licensed dealers, according a measure signed into law today by Gov. Jack Markell.

The signing comes on a day when several other pieces of a Democrat-sponsored package of gun control bills are facing committee action in the General Assembly.   Continue reading “Delaware Governor Markell signs gun background check bill into law”

 Wellwishers come drop a token of respect at the of the sister of Amanda Berry, one of three women held captive for a decade, May 7, 2013 in Cleveland (AFP Photo / Emmanuel Dunand)RT News

Cleveland police reported Wednesday that the three women were bound by chains and rope, but questions remain about how the suspect avoided detection for a decade, despite a neighbor’s claims that they called the police over his suspicious behavior.

The three women – Amanda Berry, Michelle Knight and Gina DeJesus – were held captive in a west side residential neighborhood for about a decade by the suspect, 52-year-old Ariel Castro, evidently with help from brothers Pedro Castro, 54, and Onil Castro, 50.  The three men are now in police custody.    Continue reading “String of missed opportunities by police in Ohio kidnapping”

Armed Females of America – by Nicki Fellenzer, 2003

It is with a heavy heart that I write my column this week. I write it as a columnist for Armed Females of America – a tireless proponent of the principle of “no compromise” when it comes to our freedoms.

I write it as a Featured Writer and Newslinks Director for – an organization dedicated to the principles of defending our Second Amendment rights fully, completely and without negotiation, concession or conciliation. And I write this column as a member of the National Rifle Association.   Continue reading “Betrayal of Trust – How the NRA Bargains Away Our Second Amendment”

President_George_W._Bush_address_to_the_nation_and_joint_session_of_Congress_Sept._20Anti-War – by Lucy Steigerwald

The September 18, 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF), ostensibly a vehicle for the U.S. to go after the perpetrators of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York and Washington, DC., turns out to have been a whole hell of a lot more than that nearly 12 years on. That simple joint resolution has been stretched very thin during the War on Terror. The original text gives the President permission to “use all necessary and appropriate force against those nations, organizations, or persons he determines planned, authorized, committed, or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001, or harbored such organizations or persons.” Fair enough (ish).   Continue reading “John McCain, Carl Levin, Lindsey Graham, Others, Mull Possible ‘Update’ to AUMF”

Reuters/Stephane MaheRT News

US honey bees have been dying by the tens of millions, with annual death rates of about 30 percent. With fewer bees to pollinate fruits and vegetables each year, ‘beemageddon’ may soon cause the collapse of the agriculture industry.

Honey bees pollinate more than 100 US crops, including apples, zucchinis, avocados and plums, that are worth more than $200 billion a year. Since 2006, about 10 million bee hives at an average value of $200 each have been lost in what scientists call the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), according to a new report by the US Department of Agriculture.   Continue reading “‘Beemageddon’ threatens US with food disaster”

CNN – by Catherine E. Shoichet and Hamdi Alkhshali

Internet connections across Syria went down Tuesday night, according to several global monitoring sites.

Google reported that its services became inaccessible in Syria around 9:45 p.m. (2:45 p.m. ET). The RenesysAkamai andBGPmon Internet tracking companies also reported the loss of Syrian Internet connectivity at that time.   Continue reading “Reports: Internet down in Syria”

history of gun controlStory Leak – by Anthony Gucciardi

You or someone you know may see guns as deadly killing machines that are simply to blame for a large volume of homicides across the nation, but a brief look at the history of gun control actually offers a new perspective into the application of guns on an entirely new level. While normalcy bias (a thinking pattern that causes an individual to underestimate the potential of any event or situation due to currently enjoying a normal and cushy lifestyle) can oftentimes lead individuals away from the reality of history, countless citizens around the world have been highlighting the repetitive history that follows gun control.   Continue reading “A Brief and Bloody History of Gun Control”

Let's follow this idiot over the bridge to D.C.!American Everyman – by Scott Creighton


May 7th – Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: Assets Cover for Assets

May 6th – Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: “shoot government agents” Kokesh now Tells his Followers to Submit Like Slaves

May 6th – Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: A Tale of Two Adams

May 6th – Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: Gun Laws in D.C.   Continue reading “Kokesh’s D.C. Psyop: Adam “AstroTurf” Kokesh to Lead Armed March on Washington on July 4th – Promises to Cower in Face of Tyranny”

Zero Hedge- by Tyler Durden

As previewed previously, one half of the hurdle to enforce a universal online US sales tax has now been crossed, with the Senate voting moments ago to pass a Wal-Mart backed bill 69-27 allowing states to collect taxes on out of state Internet and catalog sales. The bill would end the era of tax-free Internet shopping. During the debate, senators offered examples of consumers who examine products in stores and then shop online to avoid paying sales tax. The pretext? Why fairness of course.  “This bill is about fairness,” said Senator Mike Enzi, a Wyoming Republican and co-sponsor of the measure. “It’s about leveling the playing field between the brick-and-mortar and online companies.”   Continue reading “Senate Passes Online Sales Tax Bill”

FBI Raid Minnesota.JPEGABC News – by AMY FORLITI Associated Press

FBI officials said Monday that they foiled a terrorism attack that was being planned in a small western Minnesota town, but they offered no details about the exact targets of the attack — or the motive of the man accused of having a cache of explosives and weapons in a mobile home.

The FBI said “the lives of several local residents were potentially saved” with the arrest of Buford Rogers, 24, who made his first appearance Monday in U.S. District Court in St. Paul on one count of being a felon in possession of a firearm.   Continue reading “FBI: Minn. Raid Disrupts Planned Terror Attack”