CNBC – by Stephanie Strom, New York Times

The United States Department of Agriculture is likely to approve a horse slaughtering plant in New Mexico in the next two months, which would allow equine meat suitable for human consumption to be produced in the United States for the first time since 2007.

The plant, in Roswell, N.M., is owned by Valley Meat Company, which sued the U.S.D.A. and its Food Safety and Inspection Service last fall over the lack of inspection services for horses going to slaughter. Horse meat cannot be processed for human consumption in the United States without inspection by the U.S.D.A., so horses destined for that purpose have been shipped to places like Mexico and Canada for slaughter. Continue reading “USDA May Approve Horse Slaughter Plant”

Africa 6The Big Bad Bank – by George Washington Hunt

Obama Budgets $307 Billion For the African Internet, etc.
The “Alliance For An Affordable Internet” is a public-private partnership which intends to build a huge, expensive African Internet. Its headquarters are in Nairobi, Kenya, now dubbed “Africa’s Silicon Valley”. Continue reading “Shock! $307 Billion paid to Africa while America goes over cliff”

Really think Barry Soetoro (Obama) and the gun grabbers will be so blatant to outright ban your guns and ammo? If you think that, then you are way more stupid than they are. Believe it or not, 99% of the supposed pro 2nd amendment crowd has played right into their hands after the latest mass killing in Newtown CT. So much that, I have to really wonder if that is a coincidence or by design.

Check out what most of the “conspiracy” and alternative media sites on the web say about this issue of mass killings and gun control – nearly all are blaming these horrible mass shootings on psychotropic drugs and not guns. It only dawned on me tonight where this is headed, and it’s entirely possible that they will start with the very exact argument the alleged pro 2nd amendment groups are using as a defense to start their gun grabbing. Continue reading “Gun Control Made Easy and Your Enemies Help”

Syracuse News – by Teri Weaver

Syracuse, N.Y. — The New York Pistol and Rifle Association, an arm of the National Rifle Association, is planning to file its lawsuit against the NY Safe Act within 10 days, the association’s president Tom King said today.

King said the group is also planning on asking the courts to stay the implementation of the law.

“We think we have a really good suit,” King said. Continue reading “NY gun proponents expect to file suit against state within 10 days”

*Februray 28, 2013 at Noon at the State Capitol*

Mid Hudson News

ALBANY – Thousands of gun owners and Second Amendment rights advocates are expected in Albany on Thursday for a rally sponsored by the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association. Continue reading “Thousands expected to rally in Albany in support of legal gun ownership”

gunowners of americaGun Owners of America

It’s Looney Toons on Capitol Hill.

Everyone’s heard about the “red herring” Feinstein Gun Ban, which “red state Democrats” will vote down in order to pretend they’re “pro-gun.”

But the bigger danger is that Obama will sign “non-controversial” gun control which is just as dangerous, but no one but us is talking about. Continue reading “Smoke a Joint, Get an ObamaPass – Sell a gun to someone who smokes a joint, get 20 years in jail”

Hillary Clinton, the most traveled Secretary of State in US history, began her term as Secretary appointed by a person she had opposed in the Democratic Presidential primary in 2008. She and that person had many differences. One difference came up when one of her supporters, Philip Berg, a prominent attorney, and a former Democrat Party chairman in Montgomery County, PA, insisted her opponent, Barack Obama, was born in Kenya and Berg tried to get the matter dealt with in a Federal Court. That did not work out and Hillary became Secretary of State.

She immediately got to work meeting with her counterparts all over the world. Everywhere she went, she and her friends would have a night out on the town. In 2012 camera crews caught some of the action in Columbia where she was attending a Summit of the Americas. There she was referred to as the ‘Secretary of Partying’. One of the crew noted her trip to Estonia, when she was a US Senator, where she participated in a vodka-drinking contest. One of the newspapers covering her misspelled her first name in a headline “SWILLERY” Continue reading “The Legacy of Hillary Clinton: The World’s on Fire – Party On”

Washington man arrested for suspected DUI due to greentint on tongueExaminer – by MIKAEL THALEN

Kent police have arrested a Puyallup man for supposedly driving under the influence of marijuana, based on the fact that the man’s tongue appeared to have a ‘green film.’

“As soon as the officer came to the vehicle, he asked me to stick out my tongue,” said Simmons to Q13 Fox.

31 year old Mike Simmons, who has no criminal record, said he was put in jail Tuesday for 13 hours and is now in debt $5,000 for fee’s including lawyers and towing due to the incident. He has also been told he can not drive while out on bail. Continue reading “Wash. state man arrested for having ‘green tongue’”


BOWLING GREEN – In a stunning move last week, four states, Indiana, Colorado, Montana and Arizona, successfully advanced anti-NDAA legislation. The goal for each bill is to protect the people of that state from indefinite detention under the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2012. Continue reading “Four States Advance Legislation to Block NDAA Indefinite Detention”

Norfolk FlattopsBusiness Insider – by Stephen Collinson, Agence France Presse

President Barack Obama will Tuesday paint a devastating picture of looming government budget cuts, at a fabled shipbuilding yard in Virginia that provides the US Navy’s nuclear powered aircraft carriers.

The trip will intensify the president’s effort to hike pressure on Republicans to agree on tax increases to avert $85 billion in automatic spending cuts this year, which experts warn could stagger the fragile economy. Continue reading “Obama Is Headed To Virginia, Ground Zero Of The Sequestration Cuts”

Be Your Own Leader – by Dana Gabriel

The U.S. and EU have agreed to launch negotiations on what would be the world’s largest free trade deal. Such an agreement would be the basis for the creation of an economic NATO and would include trade in goods, services and investment, as well as cover intellectual property rights. There are concerns that the U.S. could use these talks to push the EU to loosen its restrictions on genetically modified crops and foods. In addition, the deal might serve as a backdoor means to implement ACTA which was rejected by the European Parliament last year. A U.S.-EU Transatlantic trade agreement is seen as a way of countering China’s growing power and is the foundation for a new global economic order. Continue reading “U.S.-EU Trade Deal is the Foundation For a New Global Economic Order”

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to the National Governors Association in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington February 25, 2013. REUTERS/Kevin LamarqueReuters – by Jim Finkle

A senior adviser to President Barack Obama said the White House will soon renew efforts to push cybersecurity legislation through Congress, though he foresaw an uphill battle given the failure of the last attempt.

Daniel said the White House has begun drafting “key legislative principles” for a new bill that it believes can pass both the House and Senate this time. Continue reading “White House will soon revive cybersecurity legislation push”

SWAT officers can be seen at a standoff in Sylmar last year. The LAPD is looking into whether SWAT officers bought large numbers of handguns and resold them for substantial profits.LA Times

The Los Angeles Police Department is investigating whether members of its elite SWAT unit took advantage of their assignments to purchase large numbers of specially-made handguns and resell the weapons for steep profits, according to a report released Friday by the independent watchdog overseeing the department.

The allegations, if true, could be a violation of federal firearm laws and city ethics regulations. Continue reading “LAPD launches probe into alleged resale of weapons by SWAT officers”

Toy GunCBS St Louis KMOX

While St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson is raising funds for a gun buyback program, Pastor Rodney Francis of the Washington Tabernacle Baptist Church wants to catch kids before they even think about wielding a weapon.

His church is planning a toy gun buyback later this summer. Continue reading “Pastor Plans Toy Gun Buyback Program”

GrrrrOilPrice – by Daniel J. Graeber

The Israeli government awarded a local subsidiary of U.S.-based Genie Energy the rights to explore for oil and natural gas in about 150 square miles of the southern section of the Golan Heights. The United Nations last year extended the mandate for the region’s U.N. Disengagement Observer Force mission, one of the oldest peacekeeping missions, for another six months. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said keeping Blue Helmets stationed in the area was essential to peace given the potential for conflict spilling out of the Syrian civil war.

Genie Energy said there may be a significant amount of oil and natural gas in the license area. When Israel set its sights on offshore natural gas, Hezbollah warned that Israel shouldn’t encroach on Lebanese territory. If recent concerns about Hezbollah’s influence are any indication, the Shiite resistance movement may focus its guns onshore amid expanding Israeli energy interests. With former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney serving as an adviser to Genie, however, the implications may go beyond immediate worries over Hezbollah. Continue reading “Cheney-Linked Company to Drill in Occupied Golan Heights”