Zen Gardner – by Ethan Indigo Smith

Despite the constraints of our educational systems, there are some excellent teachers. And there are some not so excellent instructors. We learn a lot in school, but it is also important to learn outside of school as well. Some of the most valuable lessons are not found in the teacher’s answer book, and yet some teachers operate by the book, at right angles, making no adjustments for the humanity of their students.

Not surprising given that the school system itself is geared toward creating two things: employment and expectation.   Continue reading “A Tangible Math Lesson – Four Types of Institutional Lies”

Exactly what I was thinking today as I went about running my errands and hearing (panic) Ebola comments around me. Difficult to keep from getting into an argument with these people. No one is using critical thinking out there.

Jon Rappoport

Trumpeted headline news:

An unnamed Ebola patient is isolated at the Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas, after arriving from Liberia.   Continue reading “Is “1st US Ebola patient” a hoax?”

NBC Connecticut

Sandy Hook Elementary School in Monroe, Connecticut, was evacuated this morning because of a bomb threat.

A bomb threat was called into the school at 9:39 a.m., police said.

As a precaution, the school was evacuated and students were brought to a neighboring school.   Continue reading “Sandy Hook Elementary School Evacuated Over Bomb Threat”

GAO The Truth DeniedThe Truth Denied

If you think Geoengineering of Earth’s climate is a hoax, think again. The following excerpts  are  from official government documents The documents hail from the GAO, or the Government Accountability Office (GAO) which  is  an independent agency which provides to the United States Congress audit, evaluation, and investigative services. As such it is part of the legislative branch of the United States government.

Keep in mind that these are your tax dollars hard at work.   Continue reading “Engineering the Weather Government Documents 2014”

usaf_air-force-academy-chemtrails-manual-textChemtrails Planet

Download 28 MB “Chemtrails 131 Manual – HERE or  HERE

Large 28 MB File. Use right-click and “save-link” method

Contrary to rumors of “conspiracy theory”, the Department of Defense first published “Chemtrails” in 1990 as the title to a chemistry course for new pilots attending the esteemed US Air Force Academy. The term “Chemtrails”, and its implied meaning was eventually adopted by civilian observers to describe unusual jet contrail emissions.   Continue reading “Air Force Academy “Chemtrails” Manual Available For Download”

New World Order for DUMMIESWake Up World – by Sergey Baranov

Understanding Your *Future Under the Fascist Regime


“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

Many things have been written by researchers and authors on an oppressive global regime which is now unfolding in front of our eyes. As the result of their work, many more have awakened to the sinister agenda created and implemented by the powers that be. This agenda has many faces and many names, not all of which might be known to you.   Continue reading “The ‘New World Order’ for Dummies”

The Telegraph – by Raf Sanchez

A knife-wielding intruder allowed to run rampant through the first floor of the White House. Bullets that struck the window of Barack Obama’s private residence but went unnoticed for days. A presidential bodyguard so drunk he passed out in hallway of a hotel.

These are just some of the recent incidents that have shaken confidence in the Secret Service, the elite agency assigned to protect Mr Obama, his family and the White House.

Continue reading “Is Barack Obama’s life safe in the Secret Service’s hands?”

Dr. Stanley Monteith, Host of Radio Liberty, Passes AwayInfowars

Dr. Stanley Monteith, the nationally syndicated radio host and author who spent nearly 50 years exposing the globalist agenda, paving the way for many patriots to do the same, passed away this morning at the age of 85.

For many decades, Dr. Monteith blazed the trail for liberty radio and his tireless work revolutionized the liberty movement.   Continue reading “Dr. Stanley Monteith, Host of Radio Liberty, Passes Away”

Rense, February 18, 2014

Thanks to satellite weather photos, we’ve been able to observe a persistent, virtually permanent, huge, blocking High Pressure system off the West Coast for the last two months…most of November, December and into January.

We have watched the satellite photos reveal how storm after storm formed up, as usual, in the Kamchatka, Korea and Northern Japan (Fukushima) areas of the North West Pacific.

We’ve watched them move from West to East – like they have always done – to deliver their life-giving rain and snow to keep the US green and verdant.  These storm systems, wave after wave, fill our lakes and rivers with water, rain on our vast agricultural lands and cover the Sierras,  Cascades and Rockies with snow.   Continue reading “How The Pacific Storms Of 2013-2014 Were Trashed”

High-Fructose-Corn-SyrupWake Up World – by Dr. Edward F. Group

High-fructose corn syrup, or HFCS for short, is a man-made sweetener commonly used in processed foods. It’s included in many foods that one would least suspect, like bread, crackers, pasta sauces, and even pickles. Groups like the Corn Refiner’s Association and companies dependent on High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) continue to market it as a safe, almost “natural” product. The truth is becoming increasingly clear, however, with studies showing the immense health issues that arise from its long-term consumption. Considering that the the majority of people today consume a diet primarily based on processed foods, it’s somewhat challenging for most people to eat it in moderation.   Continue reading “High Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Kidney Stones: 5 Facts to Know”

A scene from the raid on Louisville's Cahoots bar. (Source: YouTube)We can’t go anywhere anymore to relax and socialize without the Gestapo on our backs!

Police State USA

LOUISVILLE, KY — Beverage control enforcers performed a surprise raid on a popular dive bar, detained dozens of people and forced them all to endure warrantless searches before being allowed to leave.

The incident occurred on September 10th, 2014. It was an otherwise uneventful Tuesday at Cahoots, a tavern located on Bardstown Road, when officers swarmed into the establishment around 2:00 a.m.   Continue reading “Police raid tavern, lock doors, forcibly search dozens of patrons”