Socialism, makin’ life great.

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

If there is one thing more likely to incite wide-spread social unrest in the Philippines than watching Manny Pacquiao lose to Floyd Mayweather tonight, it is Filipinos not being able to watch it all… and that is why, as The South China Morning Post reports, residents of the western Philippines are being asked to turn off their refrigerators so there will be enough electricity to watch tonight’s fight. However, Rante Ramos, secretary of the electrical cooperative on the island of Palawan, warned, even with help, there is likely to remain a power shortfall and “some circuits may inevitably be switched off.”   Continue reading “Filipinos Asked To Turn Off Fridges To Save Power For Pacquiao-Mayweather Fight”

chem 032115 1With an offshore system ready to make landfall Sunday this was really no surprise when I went out to walk one the dogs. Satellite pics show the CA Central Valley, the ‘bread basket’ of the West completely void of any aspects of the off shore system today, as usual.

Here are some pics taken a few hours apart Saturday 03/21/2015 from Carson City, Nevada:   Continue reading “Chemtrail photos early / late Saturday.”

trade post collapseSHTF School – by Selco

The items for trade during my SHTF very often changed value, and some of them became unavailable for some period of time, just to suddenly show up again much more expensive.

Yes, situation in the city dictated that, but also people, the black market lords made this happen. The whole situation was always changing where and if you can find what you were looking for.

Some of the items that were circulating in the city were completely new to everyone, one of the reasons was that all sorts of stuff from humanitarian aid was coming to the city through different channels and from all different parts of the world.   Continue reading “First Trades after Collapse”

LiveLeak – by Kitty Werthmann

What I am about to tell you is something you’ve probably never heard or will ever read in history books.

I believe that I am an eyewitness to history. I cannot tell you that Hitler took Austria by tanks and guns; it would distort history. We elected him by a landslide – 98% of the vote.. I’ve never read that in any American publications. Everyone thinks that Hitler just rolled in with his tanks and took Austria by force.    Continue reading “Austria native’s account: “After America, there is no place to go – 5 profound statements”

ImageMedhaj News – by Vanessa Beeley

According to revelations from a very credible Dutch Business magazine, Quote, on the 9th January, and confirmed by German Newspaper Neopresse on 19th January, Charlie Hebdo was sold to the Rothschild family in December 2014.

It appears that this acquisition was the subject of heated discussions among family members according to the Baron Philippe de Rothschild, who recently gave an interview to Quote magazine published in January.   Continue reading “Zionist hand revealed: Rothschild family had purchased Charlie Hebdo in December 2014”

Wondering what Putin has been doing & what he might do soon. He drops a few hints, as thinly veiled threats, which are presented in the following:

Noisy Room – by Terresa Monroe-Hamilton

The Demise of America

In the light of Obama’s disastrously weak and intentionally ineffective foreign policy hijinks, over 90 percent of our military do not support the President. Listen for yourself:   Continue reading “The Bear and the Dragon Encircle the Eagle”

Most people who have heard the term glasnost believe it to be something originating from Gorbachev. Leaders have followed the concept pre-dating modern history. The Term is an old Russian term meaning polishing ones image.

PJ Media – by Ion Mihai Pacepa

I have been absent from these pages for a while. My new book Disinformation, co-written with Professor Ronald Rychlak, and the documentary movie based on it have monopolized my time. But there is a nauseating glasnost-style operation now being conducted here in the United States that makes me feel as though I were watching a reenactment of the immense glasnost I used to manage during the years when I was an adviser to Romania’s communist president Nicolae Ceausescu.   Continue reading “Lenin, Stalin, Ceausescu, Obama: How Marxist Leaders Conceal Their Pasts”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

If you said shares of BABA, you’d be wrong. According to the Telegraph, the exodus out of paper wealth and into hard assets is reaching a fever pitch as the “super-rich are looking to protect their wealth through buying record numbers of “Italian job” style gold bars, according to bullion experts.”

The numbers cited by the paper are impressive: the number of 12.5kg gold bars being bought by wealthy customers has increased 243% so far this year, when compared to the same period last year, said Rob Halliday-Stein founder of BullionByPost. “These gold bars are usually stored in the vaults of central banks and are the same ones you see in the film ‘The Italian Job’,” added David Cousins, bullion executive from London based ATS Bullion.   Continue reading “Meanwhile, Here’s What The “Super-Rich” Are Rushing To Buy”’s Blog

Police Violence In Ferguson, Missouri:  The Big Picture

As you may have heard, police and Swat teams in Ferguson, Missouri have fired tear gas and rubber bullets at peaceful protesters, and outlawed peaceful assembly.

Police are also using stun grenades and ear-damaging military sound cannons against peaceful protesters.   Continue reading “U.S. and Israeli Military Tactics Used Against American Citizens … Gazans Tweet Tips to Help AMERICANS On How to Handle Tear Gas”

Amethyst and Phoenix with shipping MPOC booksAnother feel good story for the day; liberals helping further the Second Amendment.

Written by the publisher of the book.

Clash Daily – by Skip Coryell

I’ve been publishing conservative books for ten years now with White Feather Press, but I’ve never seen a feeding frenzy like this one. The politically incorrect children’s book “My Parents Open Carry” written by Brian Jeffs and Nathan Nephew is selling like crazy, and I owe it all to the likes of anti-gunners like Bill Maher, Stephen Colbert and the Huffington Post who have been openly trashing it with wanton abandon.   Continue reading “Bill Maher and Stephen Colbert – Helping to Sell Children’s Gun Books!”

Concentration CampThe Forbidden Knowledge

There over 600 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States.

The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a mass exodus of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.   Continue reading “U.S. Concentration Camps – Fema and the Rex 84 Program”

509 ussa flag joel skousen american communism takeoverGOP The Daily Dose – by Rick Wells

On Jan. 10, 1963, ten-term Democrat Congressman Albert S. Herlong Jr., who represented Florida’s 5th District, read a list of 45 Communist goals into the Congressional Record. The list was derived from researcher and former FBI agent Cleon Skousen’s book “The Naked Communist.”

Of course this isn’t new information, but it is even more critical today than it was then with the passage of time. It is now fifty-one years later and the hard work of the communists seems to be paying off – for them, and they aren’t through. Every American should be clamoring in the streets over what is taking place. The fact that we aren’t is frightening.  Continue reading “38 Points From 1963 – It Is Happening – The Communist Takeover of America”

Photo credit: Center for American Progress (Flickr)Western Journalism – by Floyd Brown

If you’re like me, you’ve often wondered: How do so many politicians strike it rich when they only make a salary?

Well, a seasoned politician in Montana has provided the answer.

Aspiring Democratic presidential candidate and former Governor Brian Schweitzer is showing us exactly how to get rich without breaking a sweat.   Continue reading “This Is How Politicians Get Rich”

IJReview – by Emily Hulsey

A mother in Arkansas has expressed concern over her daughter’s recent Common Core school assignment that asked her to remove and replace two of the first ten amendments of the Constitution. The team assignment stated that the Bill of Rights is “outdated and may not remain in its current form any longer.” Here is a copy of the assignment:   Continue reading “Unbelievable: Common Core Problem Asks Kids to Choose Two Amendments to Remove From Bill of Rights”