The Great Recession Blog

According to Bank of America, there is no time to leap into the stock market like the moment before its cataclysmic fall. BofA’s Michael Hartnett has no doubt that the stock market stands on the edge of catastrophic collapse, but the euphoric rise before it takes the plunge could be the greatest financial rush you’ll ever know:   Continue reading “Base Jumping off the Stock Market’s Peak”

The Great Recession Blog

Many of the 2017 economic headwinds I’ve described will hit during the Ides of March, just as the Trump stock-market Rally shows signs of topping out. This might not be the Great Epocalypse — not all at once anyway — but a large and likely correction is looming. I think the bear is about to be let out of his cage.

Chaos emerged in emerging-market stocks last week, bond prices plummeted (yields rose to match their last 2016 high), stock-market volatility rose, and the Dow took its worst drop in 2017. Copper prices, a bellwether for recessionary conditions, saw their worst week since last September. It looked like the Trump rally in almost everything was rolling over last week, and that takes us into this week when several likely big bads are scheduled to hit on the same day.   Continue reading “Will Mid-March Madness Maul the Stock Market in 2017?”

The Great Recession Blog

Headwinds that are starting to assail deep structural flaws in the US and global economies form the basis for my 2017 economic forecast, which looks like an all-out economic crisis building throughout the world. Some of these headwinds are global; some more locally focused within the United States, but that which brings down the US economy wounds the world anyway. Ultimately, global concerns threaten the US, and US concerns threaten the globe. We’re all in this together, even as we seem to be flying apart in political whirlwinds everywhere and fracturing national alliances all over the world.   Continue reading “2017 Economic Forecast: Global Headwinds Look Like Mother of All Storms”

The Great Recession Blog

Trump is market magic. The Donald spoke, offering nothing he hasn’t said hundreds of times before in his campaign speeches, and the Dow parted its way through the 21,000 barrier without hesitation. The stock market’s rise from 20k to 21k also tied a record for the quickest 1,000-point gain. How long will this rampaging bull market last? Is 22,000 now an easy reach?

It apparently doesn’t matter that Trump offered no more specifics than he ever has about how he’s going to turn things around or that he has said it all innumerable times. The market heard the pep talk it wanted to hear and rose on the dreams of a rebuilt America.  Continue reading “Will Trump’s Talk Turn the Trump Rally into Lasting Gold or End in the Trump Dump?”

The Great Recession

As we enter 2017, housing bubbles are showing signs of bursting all over the world. I know I’ve been promising I would lay out the economic headwinds for 2017, but 2017’s headwinds are building so fast and furious that I’m having to break that promised article out into several articles, as I’m accumulating material faster than I have time to cover.  Continue reading “2017 Economic Headwinds: Housing Bubbles Popping up and Just Plain Popping Everywhere”

The Great Recession

The triumph of Donald Trump as the champion of a revolution against the status quo assures huge economic changes in the coming year, which I’ll list below. His victory struck a shocking upset to the globalists who have steered the last sixty or more years of world history, as I reported in an earlier story about George Soros mourning over the damage Trump will bring to global governance by unelected elitists.

For a short time, we should see some improvements. However, numerous structural flaws in the US economy ultimately assure economic collapse because those flaws have not been dealt with for decades, are not being dealt with in any of the Donald’s plans, and are most likely too far gone now to ever deal with. Trump’s plan will even make some of those structural flaws much worse in the long run.   Continue reading “The Trump Triumph Changes Economic Predictions for 2017”

The Great Recession

Arguing with a liberal about the economic impact of rampant immigration will twist your brain into a pretzel. It inevitably goes something like this:

“Illegal aliens and legal immigrants are taking millions of our jobs.”

“No, they’re not.”   Continue reading “Arguing Immigration with a Compassionate Liberal -or- How to Twist Your Head into a Pretzel”

The Great Recession

While I haven’t had the privilege of divine revelation, I do try to look at the forces that are in play that have the power to move nations economically. Two dominant countervailing forces right now are those who have George Soros nearly in tears — who make up the anti-global revolution — and then all the globalists like Soros who are panicking that their new world order is being shredded accompanied by all the raging anarchists that Soros can sponsor as his mercenaries.   Continue reading “The Inevitability of Economic Collapse”

The Great Recession Blog

Last week the mainstream media devoted huge resources of time and space to comparing photos of President Obama’s inauguration audience to photos of President Trump’s inauguration audience. Apparently audience size matters because major news media all over the US wouldn’t let go of the subject for an entire week. Their claims that Trump had a comparatively tiny audience became so important to the newly elected president that his press secretary, Sean Spicer, devoted his first press meeting to attacking the media he will have to work with for the next four years over what he claimed were false representations.  Continue reading “More Fake News: Media Contrived Photos to Diminish Trump’s Inauguration Crowd”

The Great Recession Blog

Cirrus clouds wavered overhead like a circus big top billowing in a summer breeze. Sunlight filtered through, making it a warm, hazy afternoon for the kaleidoscopic disarray of people jumbled on the fairgrounds. A large banner that read “The World’s Fair or Bust” rippled above the ground and flapped in the breeze. Small groups of different race and social pedigree gathered on a freshly harvested wheat field. Large piles of threshed grain were mounded nearby.   Continue reading “A Davos Parable”

The Great Recession Blog

When their Anointed One lost the election, big television news networks and primary newspapers coined the term “fake news” because they were angry at alternative media for eroding deep into their domain. It was time to expose these fakers because audiences were fleeing to alternatives to establishment media as certainly as they fled to alternatives to establishment politicians.   Continue reading “Fake News: The Fake-Stream Media Devours Itself”

The Great Recession Blog

Late in 2016, I predicted the week after the election would be hell week as people revolted against the election results, and it was so. First, the mainstream media stared into living rooms in shock and awe as they reported with tear-brimmed eyes that the nation had not voted for the media’s Anointed One. Then city blocks closed down to allow for proper rioting. By morning, the nation awoke to find that rioters had smashed windows and were lighting fires.  Continue reading ““Hell Week II: The Revenge” Threatens Unrestrained Election Rejection”

The Great Recession Blog

I have struggled to understand George Soros because he is a character riddled with contradiction. His push to break down borders by increasing immigration all over the world is undermining his desire to establish a unified Europe and a unified world. By pushing too hard, too fast, he’s creating obvious pushback. So, I decided to work on an article that would help me get a little better sense of what drives him.   Continue reading “George Soros: The Man Behind the Mayhem”

The Great Recession Blog

So, 2016 wasn’t the predicted Epocalypse, but it sure was weird! Globally, it was a year of continued economic malaise and increasing financial risks. Most notably, though, it was a year of political upheaval that pitted voters in the UK, Italy and the US in civil wars at the ballot box. Here are a few of the otherworldly highlights that typified the troubles of 2016:  Continue reading “If 2016 Wasn’t the Epocalypse, What the Heck Was it?”

The Great Recession Blog

I begin my 2017 stock market predictions with a recap of last year’s predictions. In an article back in 2015 titled “The Epocalypse: What Will D-Day Look Like?” I predicted the Fed would raise rates on December 16th, 2015, and the US stock market would crash immediately. Counterintuitively, I said it would crash by shooting upward for a few days; then it would round off, and then, in a short time, it would plunge off a cliff. (In all not a pattern you’d likely find anyone else predicting.)   Continue reading “2017 Stock Market Predictions: Trump Slump in January for Stocks”

The Great Recession Blog

Europeans must have been delighted to discover that one thing is working as well as it has since the start of the Great Recession. Behemoth banks that are failing are still able to pay their Christmas bonuses to their top executives and give nice dividends to their shareholders thanks to Super Mario Draghi.

Keeping up the tradition of central bankers looking out for other bankers, Mario Draghi, chief of the European Central Bank “agreed to lower the minimum capital requirements for Deutsche Bank on Tuesday, ‘giving the lender more leeway to structure bonus payments and dividends.’” (Zero Hedge).   Continue reading “Euronomics Decomposing, Raise a Glass of Cheer!”