DSC00835Laura and I awoke Sunday morning and witnessed the coming of a beautiful day with the morning sky a brilliant blue, thus we decided to put the Sun Oven through its paces.  The sun was fully on our yard by ten o’clock and so we set up the oven and positioned it directly into the sun.

At this point we noticed the beginning of the chemtrails.    Continue reading “Chemtrails Shut Down Sun Oven”

Cash Hoard Grows by $206 Billion as Apple (AAPL) to IBM Avoid Tax Economy Watch

The largest U.S.-based companies are keeping nearly $1.95 trillion in profits in low-tax offshore accounts, according to the latest Bloomberg analysis, with tech companies such as Microsoft, Apple and IBM among the worst offenders.

Reviewing securities filings from 307 multinational corporationsBloomberg found that the companies had added $206 billion to their stockpiles of offshore profits last year, an 11.8 percent increase from 2012.   Continue reading “US Companies Stashing $1.95 Trillion In Profits Overseas”

Attention Trenchers.  Our own Bulldog (Steve) and Mrs. (Missy) Bulldog will be taking to the airwaves this Thursday, March 6th at 9:00 pm Eastern, 8:00 pm Central, 7:00 pm Mountain, 6:00 pm Pacific on Liberty Tree Radio, Indiana Freedom Talk Radio, and our own Patriot Broadcast From the Trenches webcast and 89.5 micro FM Chiloquin, the State of Jefferson.

The program is called Get Ready It’s Coming.  Steve and Missy will be covering current events that indicate the time is near for conflict within our borders.  Learn how to put together your bug out bag.  Be prepared.  Also learn how to prep and store food and which tools will be essential in both the long and short term.   Continue reading “Trenchers Alert”

The illuminati push for a one world government has become a desperate frenzy, as county after country is infiltrated by the US CIA and Israeli Mossad, for the purpose of deliberate destabilization to facilitate regime change.  The new world order plan is in its final stages and cannot be completed until every sovereign border around the world is erased and the planet is re-proportioned and put under the rule of regional governors who are to be puppet dictators for the grand politburo at the top, consisting of the United Nations, NATO, the IMF, the WTO, and the CFR, which are to be the sub-soviets ruling under a premier whose name will never be revealed.

These sadistic psychophants have been diligently chipping away at national sovereignty for the past hundred years, using multi-culturalism, forced diversity, and political correctness complete with penalties.  I do believe the United States is to be the capstone, as when this nation erupts literally every conflict  around the world will be put right here at our feet.   Continue reading “International Conflicts Within US Borders”

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul is being touted as a leading force for the reemergence of the false right paradigm as the leading contender for the new national socialist ruling party as a replacement for the old soviet socialist ruling party which was a replacement for the old national socialist ruling party which was a replacement for the old communist ruling party which was a ……. I think you see where I am headed with this.  The tactics being implemented by this charlatan are nothing new, but the diversity being attempted is a clear example of the reality of the awakening of the American people.    Continue reading “Rand the Rat Paul Speaks out of Both Sides of his Mouth Simultaneously”

Premier Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side of Chicago back alley two bit socialist pimp, posing as President of the United States, fell under pretend mainstream propaganda scrutiny last week after announcing that he would assume dictatorial powers and that he would write words on a paper and sign his name to it and we, the American nationals, who employ him as our servant, will obey.

These actions are absolutely, by definition of the English language, treason and sedition.  And everyone in this treasonous government knows this to be true, thus the media slant that seeks to turn blatant acts of sedition into misuse of power.  The fact is, in order to misuse power; the power has to be there to misuse.  This is not a good natured game of chess between opposing powers in what is supposed to be our government.  The prohibitions on any power of the United States government over the individual American national are chiseled in stone via the Bill of Rights.   Continue reading “A Government Of, For, and By the People?”

On December 14, 2013, communist Red China put a robotic lander on the moon in an outward display of that communist country’s capture and utilization of technologies developed via the brain trust of the United States.  Mark Koernke at that time pointed out that which should have been obvious to every thinking American.

Where once the United States was a great power, respected and admired by the peoples of the world for our advanced technologies developed via our systems of free thought and free enterprise, we have now morphed into a totalitarian military dictatorship, oppressed by an illegitimate government that uses every new technology to further the oppression and control to the point of removing any notion of privacy, even to the extent of our private thoughts.   Continue reading “New Reservation System for Federal and State Lands”

So what are Americans debating today?  Well if you find yourselves submerged in the false reality of the mainstream propaganda, there are a few.

First, who should retain the spy data being compiled through the total surveillance mechanism known as the NSA?  Last week, the infiltrator Barry Soetoro announced reforms to the NSA and this week we will all be debating the pros and cons, at least the communists will be debating among themselves.

The fact is the very existence of the NSA represents a running violation of the people’s Bill of Rights.  Our national security, in accordance with our founding documents, rests with we the people, as self governing individuals.  Nowhere in our original Constitution did we the people grant our servants the authority to legislate policies to govern our day to day activities, nor the authority to create government police agencies to enforce these unconstitutional dictates.   Continue reading “Is the Takeover of the United States Now Considered Permissible Because the Communists are Admitting to It?”

Once again, the socialist insurgency is showing its complete contempt for the intellect of we American nationals.  74,000 jobs created for the month of December with 350,000 needed just to keep pace with those coming fresh into the work force, not to mention the foreign nationals pouring over our borders, coming after not only our jobs, but everything else we have.  And lo and behold, the unemployment rate dropped again.  Like JD has so rightfully put it on occasion, simply declare that all but ten Americans have left the work force and with those ten working, you have full employment.

Will this latest unemployment extension become a reality?  Considering the ongoing international corporate mafia campaign to destroy our Republic, I believe that if the extension does get passed, it will be short term and it will be the last, ever.  Over 100 million American nationals are now unemployed and unrepresented as their voices are silenced through their being made civilly dead.   Continue reading “Long Term Unemployment Extension: Not if the International Elite have Anything to Say About It”

The Word From the Trenches will be incorporating The Pub into our broadcast, Monday through Friday, 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm Pacific time, per the request of one of our regulars, Deb.  To get into the conversation in The Pub, you will need Java which can be downloaded for free here:  http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp

I will have The Pub up on one of the broadcast computers and will be checking it during the breaks and music.  Laura will also be monitoring The Pub and will bring to me via Skype relevant questions and reports as they come up.    Continue reading “The Word From the Trenches Invites You to Join Us in The Pub”

I was part of that generation that as children participated in the nuclear attack drills, hiding under the desk, all through the cold war.  Our population was bombarded with information that articulated beyond a doubt that radiation presents a detrimental threat to the human life organism.

Once the $5.5 trillion had been milked from the American population to procure a nuclear arsenal capable of destroying the planet, the emphasis shifted as the interest of the international nuclear industry commanded they must.    Continue reading “Fukushima: Who Profits from a Cover-up?”

The movement for the people’s Bill of Rights in the United States is literally exploding in direct coalition with the communist insurgency’s attempt at asserting absolute power over our people and our property.  The potential has always been there but it has taken real pain to motivate our people into acting for their best interests.

With this explosion and the millions of new people prepping and forming into militias, we are witnessing understandable friction within the ranks of those who consider this blooming tragedy to be a personal possession, a resource that they have grasped onto, some for the procurement of material wealth and others to feed nothing more than their own vanity.   Continue reading “American Nationals – Our Enemies Have Many Faces”