There are parts of Detroit that are being put off limits to the general public because they have become occupied by the criminal element.

The streets of Chicago are not safe to walk.

In Harlem New York you cannot walk down the streets without being attacked by the police via one of their Stop and Frisk encounters.

A seven month pregnant Seattle woman is tasered and kicked in her stomach by police, causing such trauma that her unborn child defecated in her womb.
Continue reading “When Will the Final Collapse Occur?”

Five dollar a gallon gas may be coming to every state in the union.  And what is the excuse this time?  Well I’m afraid we are back to supply and demand again as another refinery has burned to the ground.  Tell me this.  If your average person owned three houses worth $100,000 a piece and two of them burned down and then it was revealed that there was a million dollars worth of insurance on each house, do you think someone might be looking into the possibility that those houses just might have been burned down for profit?

There has been a glut a crude oil on the market for the past year and in spite of this fact the oil companies have been trying to tell us that the reason our gas prices are through the roof is because we will not let them drill baby drill.  When we pointed out the glut of crude, the refineries started going up in flames.
Continue reading “Big Oil has our Best Interests at Heart”

I am seeing an interesting phenomenon that has been developing just over the last couple of days. The mainstream propaganda machine has come forth with a lie on the unemployment rate that they know is not believed by anyone.   The stock market has been going up; heading towards the point it was at when it crashed in 2008.  We know that this rise in the stock market consists of nothing more than a couple trillion dollars in funny money, ink and paper, and digits in computers.  It is not real and we are about to find out that in reality it is made up of more of the same toxic derivatives that were used to pump the stock market up in 2008.

Yesterday I saw a piece on Fox News that I found very alarming.  It attempted to convince we the igmo people to take money out of our bank accounts and pay off our credit cards.   This is highly unusual for this time of year as we are coming up on the harvest, which is the best the economy in the US gets all year long.  It is this time of year that the campaign to encourage us to charge more takes off.  You know, as in early Christmas shopping.
Continue reading “US Economy in Final Death Throes”

The mainstream propagandists are reporting that there is a new call for one party rule in Washington DC to help the economy.  This statement really took me aback as it is my understanding that there is already one party rule in Washington DC for the economy, and that party would be the Zionist party, who has turned our economy and the wealth of our country over to the Israelis.

I have always wondered just what statements the international insurgents would be making as they incrementally declared the final stages for their dictatorship.
Continue reading “A New Call for One Party Rule”

As predicted right here on From the Trenches World Report over a year ago, the mainstream propagandists and the Zionists they serve have lied the unemployment rate down to under 8% in time for the election.  Considering their new, and in reality their now third, mechanism for creating these false numbers, they may well lie the unemployment rate down under 7% next month, as originally predicted on this site two years ago.

Their newest method being implemented to perpetuate the lie of the unemployment rate is a survey.  They conducted a survey and said they determined that 850,000 of those people, previously categorized as not looking for work and out of the work force, have actually been working, evidently outside both the public and private sector.
Continue reading “The September Jobs Lie”

The mainstream propaganda is currently inundated with the phony presidential debate which amounted to nothing more than the socialist traitor Obama and socialist traitor Romney reiterating the slogans, sound bites, and catch phrases contained in their billion dollar commercial ad campaigns.  Of course both the false left and false right are reporting that Romney won this so called debate.

What a stinking crock of doo doo.  Romney looked like a fool in every debate in the GOP primaries and caucuses with Ron Paul, in fact all of the charlatans did.  It was not that Ron Paul is a master orator, but rather, as all the other candidates were reciting script and Dr. Paul was just speaking earnestly from the heart, the whole production was thrown out of kilter.
Continue reading “American Nationals Tolerance for the Socialist Insurgency Wearing Thin”

The Obama Administration is in the process of buying itself a prison and the propaganda coming out from both the false left and the false right leaves no doubt that something sinister is afoot.

The neo-con propagandists jumped out right away, saying that the Illinois Thomson Prison purchase is to open the door for transfer of prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba to the United States, hence an attempt by Obama to fulfill a long since forgotten campaign promise.

And of course the commie propagandists, in order to assure complete confusion, shot right back saying the facility is to ease overcrowding in the Illinois prison system where the facility is located, calling the purchase of the prison an “historic action that will lead to the creation of hundreds of construction jobs and over 1000 permanent jobs in manning the facility.”
Continue reading “Barry Is Getting His Very Own Gulag”

The mainstream propaganda is filled with alternating and contrary assertions as to the right and wrong in reference to Voter ID laws, and boy, if you buy into the false left-right paradigm, what a wonderful time you must be having.  I mean what a debate.

From the false left we have, “If Voter ID laws are passed and enforced, the poor and minorities will not be allowed to vote because they cannot afford to identify themselves.”  And then from the false right we have, “Without Voter ID laws dead people and foreigners will be voting in our election which could affect the outcome, and hey, let’s face it, you have to have an ID card to drive, get a job, get on a plane, buy a train ticket, and cash a check.”
Continue reading “So are Voter ID Laws a Good Idea?”

Yesterday, on Fox’s America Live with Megyn Kelly, the headline was “Americans losing faith in mainstream media?”  According to a new Gallup Poll, 60% of those asked had little or no trust in the mainstream media and 40% had a great deal to a fair amount of trust.  Only a sleazy propagandist could take the fact that they have been found out to be a sleazy propagandist, and twist it like Megyn Kelly and her guests did.

The poll consisted of 1017 adults.  What I would like to know is where they found 1017 people who still actually take the mainstream media seriously in any manner.  Why didn’t they just tell the truth and say they had polled their entire listening audience and that they all work for the networks?
Continue reading “Mainstream Media Admits Loss of Credibility”

There were 359,000 new claims for unemployment last week and the propagandists jumped on this number like flies on a rump roast.  We have seen a sneaky propaganda campaign being put together to support the fantastic assertion that somehow in the past few weeks our economy has begun to stabilize.  You see, as I have mentioned before, our enemies are attempting to lie the unemployment rate down under 8% before the election on November 6th and at this point in the ball game the lie needs to be intensified.

That being said, the propagandists must conjure up some supporting lies as a foundation for the main lie.  I mean how can the jobs number be getting better when every other facet of the economy is failing?
Continue reading “Economy Stabilizing, Unemployment Down, So Who is Stupid Enough to Believe it?”

According to the Census Bureau, by definition, the middle class consists of those earning between $25,000 to $75,000 per year with the median household income of $51,914.  This is an odd revelation as I have heard it said many a time that the middle class goes up to $250,000 per year.  Maybe this is just another propaganda precipitated shift in the perception of reality.   It is an absolute fact that since the beginning of the so called mortgage derivative crisis, net, we have lost millions of jobs and continue to lose more steadily.

Now, Mitt Romney would say that yes, his Bain Capital did shut down factories in the United States and moved them to other countries resulting in of course thousands and thousands of American jobs being lost. (Under NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT Bain Capital was given tax payer dollars to move the companies.)  However, says Romney, he and Bain Capital are also responsible for creating new businesses in the United States and providing thousands and thousands of jobs.
Continue reading “The Wanton Destruction of the Middle Class and Justice”

The two bit charlatan Mitt Romney has now stepped up front and center to declare his allegiance to the Zionist controlled military industrial complex.  Currently, the US spends over $700 billion per year on the military.  The next closest expenditure by a country is China spending $143 billion, followed by Russia with $80 billion, then the United Kingdom with $62 billion.

The fact is the United States spends more on so called defense than the rest of the world combined.  So does this mean that we are paying to defend ourselves from the entire rest of the world?  Well no, would say Mitt Romney, but we are providing defense for other countries around the world, like South Korea and Japan.
Continue reading “Cursed is Romney, the War Monger, who would Destroy the Earth”

Bad Benny Netanyahu, the Tel Aviv Kosher Mafia enforcer, spoke before the UN yesterday.  He began by informing the world of the greatness of the Israelis and describing all they have given to the world in the form of technological advances – in electronics, pharmaceutical, and medical.  As usual it would seem the Israelis have no problem in claiming what we Americans have created as their own.

Bennie would have us believe that the Israelis, upon arriving on the shores of Palestine, started smelting raw metals out of the sand and, through their genius over the next 64 years, created all the wonders we see in the 21st century.  Bennie went on to expound on the peaceful caring nature of the Israelis and how it was truly their mission to selflessly help all the peoples of the world.
Continue reading “Benny Netanyahu’s Magic Marker and the Red Line”

For the past 64 years, the Zionists in America, via the assertion of the holocaust, have enjoyed a status wherein nothing they did or said could be questioned without the person doing the questioning being labeled anti-Semitic.

This is an interesting phenomenon, as we Americans, not only could not be held in any way responsible for the holohoax, but if anything it would have to be said that it was our military might that ended it.  Believe it or not, prior to World War II, American Christians and Jewish Zionists were blood enemies as Zion denied that Jesus was the Messiah, hence categorical denial of Christianity in its very essence?
Continue reading “US Zionists Scrambling like Rats on a Sinking Ship”

CNN ran a piece yesterday called, “Hopeful signs for a US Economy”, wherein the assertion was put forth that home prices in July rose 1.6% and that consumer confidence rose by 9 points.

They cannot really expect anyone to believe this, except maybe the five brain dead moronic mental midgets that still get their news from CNN.  I can see them sitting around the tube, protruding foreheads, eyes glassed over, and drool running down their cheeks, as Ali Velshi spilled this crap out, like a used car salesman running a business on the sleazy side of town, where they pull the cars every evening and wash the lot and the bottoms of the cars every morning before they bring them out to try to cover up the leaking oil.
Continue reading “It’s a Miracle! The Economy has Completely Turned Around Overnight…..Again”

So has the plan been all along for a production designed to give Obama another four years?  We are seeing propaganda being put forth showing Obama as snubbing Israeli and in particular Netanyahu.  On Neil Cavuto yesterday, he had Democratic Leader New York State Assemblyman, Dov Hikind, parroting the lie that Iran has said they are going to wipe Israel off the map.  What Mahmoud Ahmadinejad actually said was that we will see Zionism disappear into the pages of history.

Neil Cavuto knows this fact, yet being the factual reporter he is, he gave his assent to this lie through his silence.  The Israeli-American dual citizen, Dov Hikind, clad in his yarmulke, went on to throw a little tizzy fit over Obama’s perceived snub to all the Israeli people, bringing up the 67 year old assertion of a holocaust in the process.
Continue reading “Obama Won’t Bow to Israel? Yeah, Right.”

The neo-cons continue to push to take the food from the poor to replace the monies destined to be cut from the defense budget.  Their ongoing mantra is 46% of we the people pay no taxes while 47% receive some subsidy from the government.

Let’s just look at that.  The majority of the 46% not paying taxes are those who have retired and are living on Social Security and Medicare.  These people paid taxes over a lifetime.  And the majority will not get back even a percentage of what they paid in just to Social Security.

The rest of that 46% consist of the working poor and disabled who make so little that not even the Zionists in the past have suggested that they pay federal taxes, as it would be literally taking the food out of their children’s mouths, not to mention that they still must pay withholdings, hence Social Security and Medicare.
Continue reading “Modern Slavery in the United States”

Starting tomorrow, The Word From the Trenches on Republic Broadcasting Network is moving to Studio A where we will now have three hours for our broadcast, 5:00 am to 8:00 am Pacific time, 8:00 am to 11:00 am Eastern.  This is a great opportunity to spread our message of freedom and liberty to a much vaster audience.

It is my hope that our people on this site will step up to make the broadcast a success.  If we can accomplish there the same thing we have on our comments section, our success is assured, as From the Trenches World Report has the best comment section on the net.

I have said it many times, From the Trenches belongs to all of us and the readers, commenters, and contributors make the site what it is and I am proud to be a participant.
Continue reading “The Word From the Trenches on RBN “Making History””

There is a lot of speculation as to the meaning behind the perceived disagreement between China and Japan over the Senkaku Islands.  Maybe we are not looking at the situation quite right.

It was recently reported that China is working on a deal wherein they will be purchasing crude oil from Mexico and will not be using the fiat US dollar in the exchange.

Is not the fact that Iran refuses to accept the central bank and the US dollar the reason the Zionists are chomping at the bit to invade them?  Was this not why we bombed Libya back into the third world?
Continue reading “What is the Chinese Strategy for World Domination?”