As of the publishing of this article, Hurricane Sandy will be poised to make landfall.  It is interesting how a Category 1 hurricane could be of such a concern.  Category 1 hurricanes have hit the East Coast many times in our nation’s history.  I saw a mainstream propagandist talking about 80 mph gusts, like this is supposed to mean something.  Here on the West Coast we have huge storms come in off the Pacific that make Hurricane Sandy look small in comparison, with 110 mph wind gusts, torrential rain on our coast, and blizzards in the mountains.  We call it weather.

In the last twenty years we have seen the common natural occurrence of weather sensationalized for propaganda effect.  Now I understand about the nor’easter that will be meeting up with Sandy for the “Perfect Storm” but the fact is this has been happening for forever and will continue to happen forever.
Continue reading “Hurricane Sandy will Foster More Government Dependence and Power”

The propagandists are putting forth some of the most unbelievable assertions to date.  Our economy has stabilized.  2% growth in GDP.  7.8% unemployment rate.  Existing home sales up.  Millions of jobs created.  Some are saying these assertions are just election rhetoric designed to help President Soretoro be reelected.  I do not believe this to be the case.  If it were, you would see opposition to the assertions from those who would counter the push.  The truth is out there and is overwhelming to the lie.

The fact is the status quo is putting this information out as a part of a stalling tactic as this is the extent of what all opposition to the American nationals has come down to.  We are being inundated with the propaganda of hope, which is only serving to fuel our frustration and anger towards those pretending to advocate for us.
Continue reading “Alex Jones is a Big Fish”

Ten days until the election as Hurricane Sandy bears down on the United States on a collision course with a nor’easter  creating the proverbial Perfect Storm.  It is being reported that HAARP readings are off the map and that Washington DC could be severely affected by the storm.

We all remember the GOP Convention in Florida.  I for one was expecting a lot of people to be in the streets in defiance of the blatant fraud driven tyranny being perpetrated via the removal of the Ron Paul delegates by the GOP establishment elite.  And then here came the storm, the treachery went on as planned under the cover of chaos and the status quo was preserved.
Continue reading “Obama versus Romney – The Perfect Storm”

Considering the situation we are all in, many of you are asking why things seem to be so screwed up in the patriot movement.  Henry stepped up and said, “People, we are the American nationals of the American race.  This country belongs to us and there are more than enough of us to take it back from those who have orchestrated this insurgency.  We are not a bunch of whimpering cowards.  We have whipped the world and we can do it again.”

The people came forth and said, “Yeah!”  Then every day more and more remembered who we are and that we don’t allow people to push us around.  One day we even pushed back and BAM, Henry wasn’t on the radio anymore.
Continue reading “Why is Henry no Longer at Republic Broadcasting Network?”

As all have noticed, WE’RE BACK!  We fought the fight united and we won because we fought as individuals.  A leaderless resistance cannot be stopped as there are 40 million strategies being enacted at one time.  We can all be proud that we stood in defiance of tyranny and for the 1st Amendment rights for freedom of speech and freedom of the press.

If I am not on the radio tomorrow morning on RBN, it is because that is what this fight cost me, but it was absolutely worth it as the support we have received from other alternate media outlets has been overwhelming.
Continue reading “Score One for the 1st Amendment and We the People”

The stock market is falling.  The Broadway production of US Election 2012 is reaching a crescendo to the accompaniment of war drums being pounded from every quarter.  People, this thing is coming to a head as evidenced by the desperation of the Zionists who are trying to gain some kind of control over the alternate media.

In days of yore, the newspaper, the printed word, was the most common communication for actual news and events, political opinions, and the revealing of treachery.  The robber barons of the day would attack the small town newspaper by going after the advertisers who sponsored the publication.
Continue reading “Zionist Tricks of the Traitors”

Gas prices are falling and there is a plethora of reasons given for this phenomenon. The summer driving season is over.  We are going to a cheaper blend for winter.  I guess cars don’t pollute as much in the winter time.  And of course, the price of crude and gasoline on the world market is dropping.  In California, the experts are saying that the reason the gas prices spiked there was because a refinery burned down and energy costs were up.

I truly wish these pathetic pigs would quit treating us like morons.  There is only one thing that determines the price of gas and that is how much we are willing to pay.  Look at pharmaceuticals.  A bottle of pills that costs $700 here in the United States, costs $30 in Mexico.  Why?  Because the Mexicans don’t have $700 to pay for a bottle of pills and the same is true for alcohol and every other commodity.  You have to have consumers to consume or wealth cannot be accumulated and it is the middle man parasite that decides the markup in correlation to the economy and the value of the currency.
Continue reading “Gasoline Prices Falling – Why?”

There are a couple of stories making the rounds asserting that there are railroad boxcars being constructed with shackles welded to their floors, which has caused quite the debate out here in cyberspace.  Is this just propaganda being put out by the insurgents in the government to scare the American people?

Well this argument would make about zero sense as Americans continue to buy guns by the millions per month and ammunition by the hundreds of millions of rounds per month and any such rumor as boxcars with shackles would only serve to convince the people of the need for more guns and ammunition.
Continue reading “So what is with the Boxcars with Shackles Welded to the Floors?”

Energy has entered the debate for the 2012 Election.  The push to tap our domestic oil fields is in high gear with the prospect of the resource rape advocate, Mitt Romney, becoming president, offering unbridled access to our national lands and domestic crude.  Many in our country really don’t understand what this all means.

Thank God for Fox News.  Saturday, in a “fair and balanced report” they brought one of we the people onto their program to explain our energy situation in simple terms that we can understand.  Say hello to the former president of Shell Oil and founder and CEO of Citizens for Affordable Energy, John Hofmeister.  Now, if we can’t trust this fellow, who can we trust?

Hofmeister began by saying he does not want to see another four years of make believe energy policy.  Hofmeister then began to blame our higher gas prices on our failure to allow the big oil companies access to our oil fields, of course ignoring the fact that oil is traded in the fiat dollar, which has been devalued in direct correlation to the rising gas prices.
Continue reading “John Hofmeister, Oil Thief, Speaks out on Fox News”

There are a lot of different opinions floating around out there as to what we in the patriot community, who have been denied Ron Paul, should do in reference to our vote.  Some are saying that we should write in Dr. Paul.  Others have suggested the Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson.  I think it is time we start facing reality.

Even if this were an honest election (which it is not) our vote would not decide who the next president will be as it is the Electoral College that in reality does the electing.  Now many would argue that those in the Electoral College are supposed to vote in accordance to the will of the majority, but this simply is not the case.
Continue reading “Refuse to Vote Do Not Affirm the Fraud”

Do you ever get that feeling of déjà vu again and again?  Obama is saying that he will veto the so called fiscal cliff deal if it does not contain tax hikes on the rich.  How many ways can you put out the same old propaganda and expect we the people not to see it for what it is?  What we are talking about here is the Bush era tax cuts that have been extended and the mandatory spending cuts that were a part of the deal to extend them.

Here where I live it is the law that every household must have a 12 gauge shotgun or better and every able bodied man must carry a sidearm.  Of course this is one of those unenforced laws, but it does serve a purpose.  When we asked our fathers why they put this law into place, they said, “It is easier to make a law than to change one.”
Continue reading “True Economic Equality in the United States”

Gas is back over $4 per gallon and it is not even making the news.  There will be millions more people going into this winter without resources to meet their basic needs as they have become unemployed and exhausted their unemployment benefits.  Despite the pre-election lies being fed to us, the condition of our country is rapidly deteriorating.  And looking at things realistically, the lie cannot be expected to hold any further credence past the November election.

Not if, but when the dollar crashes, tens of millions will become impoverished overnight, many of which have no notion as to how to survive without the infrastructure.   Just how bad is it going to have to get before the people of the United States come to the realization that the party is over?
Continue reading “US Economic Collapse – Who will be Left Holding the Bag with Chains around their Ankles?”

By the time this article comes out the Great Debate will be a part of the history of our once great nation.  Will Romney persevere?  Or will Obama turn the tables?  This debate could very well decide the 2012 Election.  For the five of you out there still stupid enough to buy into this shit in the smallest degree, I hope it is your children who are the first to die in World War III, which, for your information, is already under way, as the US’s proxy Turkey and the Russian proxy Syria are trading lead as you are reading this article.

Barry the Rat Obama has a strike team ready to start hammering Northern Africa in retaliation for the CIA Mossad hit on Ambassador Stevens in Benghazi.  US troops are stationed on the Jordanian/Syrian border.  A Russian commercial flight was forced to land in Turkey where Russian citizens were mistreated and denied access to representatives of their embassy.  Japan is thinking about invading some islands that belong to China.  The US dollar is destined to crash which should put the world in a depression by Christmas, which should lead to a world famine right in the middle of a world war.
Continue reading “Romney and Obama – The Great Debate”

Well it seems Barack Obama has thrown Hillary Clinton under the bus, who turned around and threw Susan Rice under the bus…poor bus, now it’s got ugly all underneath it.  We of course are referring to the killing of the American Ambassador in Benghazi, our latest Washington scandal.

Apparently there were requests coming out of Tripoli for additional security as those Al Qaeda we had supported over there had taken a notion that they didn’t like us anymore.  Again, apparently these cries for help from the wilderness were ignored by Susan Rice, Hillary the Hut, and Barry the Rat.
Continue reading “Benghazi Debacle: Obama, Clinton, Rice, Let’s have a Sitdown”

The level to which world events are being staged and conducted has reached an apex.  Have you noticed in the past week how the mainstream propaganda seems to have stalled?  When a new production is run, we see it unfold, day by day, as the choreographers have intended.  But right now we are seeing a handful of issues being reported, re-reported, and re-re-reported.  So, did the world stop turning or have we been put in a holding pattern?  Have the elitist in power gone as far as they dare to until after the election?

Any time I see the propaganda machine appearing to be stuck in a rut I begin to wonder what exactly is going on within the think tanks and at the highest echelons for the false reality production.  If you think about it, right now, or at least within a day, we could be looking at a worldwide financial collapse, World War III, a false flag within the United States bigger than 9/11, perhaps all of the above or any combination thereof.
Continue reading “The News Today is the Same as it was Yesterday, Only it Happened Today”

The mainstream propaganda machine is now moving into its next production which will intensify through the fraudulent election cycle right up until the final crash of our economy.  Behold the new slogans, “Clock ticking towards fiscal cliff; still no fix from DC”, “Report: Fiscal cliff could cause stock market correction”, “Battle over government spending intensifying as election nears”, and “Taxpayers on edge as fiscal cliff nears”.

Well I guess we should be on edge as this is the end of the world as we know it.  If things go ahead as planned, every member of the 99% will have $3600 less to spend in the coming year.  And this is not counting the $2600 penalty for those making too much to get free health care but too little to purchase it privately, thanks to Obamacare.
Continue reading “The Fiscal Cliff – This is the End My Friend”

Well Iran is coming after we the people of the United States again.  This time they are attacking our computer systems, which I find interesting in that as far as technology we are supposed to believe that Iran, that has only reached the stage in technological nuclear development that we were at in the 1940s, has advanced in reference to computers to the point that they represent a threat to our own systems here in the United States.

If the Iranians have made these giant leaps forward, shouldn’t we be extending the hand of friendship in order that they might teach us?  This is a load of malarkey.  The only ones hacking into our computers are the Israelis, which isn’t really that great of feat considering we have turned over our cyber security to them.
Continue reading “Can Israel Save the US from Iran?”

The treasonous little neo-con pimp, Rand Paul, stepped up front and center yesterday to declare himself a lucrative part of the international socialist insurgency.  Yeah, Rand was just one of the boys giving his expert opinion on how his insurgent brother, Paul Ryan, should handle himself at the debate.  Rand is actually unique in the world of traitors, as, considering that his father is Ron Paul, he knows exactly what he is doing when he steps up to commit treason.

The theory is that during this phony debate, which will have already happened by the time this article comes out, the sleazy old commie degenerate Joe Biden will attack his opponent with the fact that Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney want to go after Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps, to save us from economic disaster, of course.  And this is where the sleazy little Rand Paul comes in.
Continue reading “Rand Paul Speaks out for Zion”

The mainstream propaganda production 2012 continues to dominate our televisions sets.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch, or more precisely in the Trenches, more and more evidence is being brought to light showing that this treasonous government not only is illegitimate today, but has been since its inception.  It was a very complex plan put together by a large group of individuals and as it is multi-faceted, it has taken a large group of individuals to take it apart for examination.

What is being found is one fraud, layered upon another, literally since the first colonial government was formed.  This really should come as no surprise as each step back in history reveals another group of individuals set on the conquest of our country and our enslavement.  Maybe this is what Jefferson meant when he said that a revolution every twenty years would be healthy for our Republic.  That is if the Republic has ever actually existed as anything more than an idea.
Continue reading “Where will the Road to Freedom Lead….Treaties?”

President Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side Chicago back ally socialist insurgent pimp, just signed another Executive Order.  You know, President Obama, who isn’t a Zionist puppet, who will not follow orders from Tel Aviv, who doesn’t really like those Jews all that much anyways.

Say hello to the Executive Order from the President regarding Authorizing the Implementation of Certain Sanctions Set Forth in the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 and Additional Sanctions with respect to Iran Continue reading “Say Hello to World War III, Obama Just Signed another Executive Order”