Purposed geo-engineering is the cause of climate change. Aluminum in the atmosphere due to constant spraying in the PNW to control the jet stream, cause historical drought and block Pacific storms from making landfall is now acting as a fire accelerant in pristine wilderness areas. There was no NEPA done or an attempt made to inform the public that they will become victims of drought, planned water shortages and constantly dirty air leading to unprecedented respiratory disease.    Continue reading “Response to Oregon Senator Jeff Merkley’s plea for money to stop ‘climate change’”

The small metal particles raining down from aerosoling will accelerate wild land fires. In truth, our firefighters will no longer be able to control them. We are looking at losing the great forests of the Pacific Northwest and elsewhere to fire holocausts. The blame must be placed squarely on geo-engineering and those who push this program.

Extreme weather is NOT an act of god, and we must remember that every thunderstorm they dry up, that every snow pack they minimize, that every regional spring or fall rain that never comes is contributing to the impending fire storm.   Continue reading “Wildfire”

naturalNatural News – by Mike Adams

In the latest episode of Awakenings, now available at this link on Natural News, I reveal for the first time the divine influence behind the mission of Natural News.

The mission, of course, is to protect life: its sustainability, diversity and continuity. How we accomplish that is a combination of grassroots education, online activism, revenue fundraising and sheer authenticity through and through.   Continue reading “Health Ranger reveals spiritual path, divine influence behind Natural News”

I live on the east side of the Cascade Mountain Range in Oregon, and I am so tired of being chemically sprayed by high altitude jet aircraft. We have been hit every day for at least 90% of the days of past 6 weeks. The spray lines are either being placed right over Chiloquin like today, or they come in as an afternoon drift from the heavy morning spraying over the Pacific. If you remember your physics, fallout is always heavier at the higher elevations (4100 – 4200 feet in Chiloquin) as opposed to the west side of the Cascades (1382 feet in elevation in Medford, Oregon)

This means that the chemical fallout over the east side of the Cascades is much heavier in spray particulates which I think is making me sick. I have a headache which does not go away and a metal taste in my mouth. If you are skeptical about this, my east side brothers and sisters; go out right now and taste our snow. For a fleeting moment, you will find the cold snow taste delightful. The aftertaste however is a different story. It is incredibly metallic. It is actually frightening how bad the snow tastes. My dogs won’t eat it. I swear to Buddha, it is like licking a cookie sheet.   Continue reading “The Earth is a living place of sacred teachings. It is not an equation, not a static thing but an ever-flowing holy communication of meaning.”